Sunday 8 March 2009

MY FIRST BLOG POST EVER! (I will never, ever be able to say that again)


New blog on the block!

A very important date in my life - Sunday, 8th March 2009. The day I make my first post on the blog I have been threatening to set up for months and months.

I have finally took the plunge and with the help of my hubby and "techi" son here it is. (Thanks chaps - you came to my rescue once again!).

I hope I have done everything correctly and this posting appears on screen as it was intended. Still lots I want to do to my blog but I can tell it is going to be a slow learning curve. But never mind .. .. I have made the first huge step and that means I can take part in some of those lovely craft challenges. Panic - something else I am going to have to learn - posting a link!!!.

Well it is no good doing a first blog posting without showing off a creation.

This card is for everyone who may happen to stumble upon my blog today!

So what did I use to create my first showing:

  • Backing papers are a download from Pink Petticoat
    Swiss Dots Cuttlebug embossing folder
    Fiskars Threading Water punch
    Anita's flower image stamp embossed onto mulberry paper
    Sentiment from Elzybells Art Stamps
    Hobby Craft Ribbon
    Brads and beads from my stash

Well there it is - my first blog entry - I hope it was worth waiting for. Have a good day everyone. I'm off now to create a card for entering into my first craft challenge .. .. I can see housework is going to be even more of an inconvenience now!!!

Thanks for looking -Love Jules xx


  1. Hi honey and welcome to the wonderful world of blogging, you will get lots of inspiration as there are lots of talented people out there...

    Your card is really pretty and done in such lovely colours, i have started following you as i would love to see what you come up with, i will also add you to my blog roll...

    Have a great sunday and big hugs from Pops x x x

  2. Hi Jules, thanks for the comment on my blog love your card and the blogs looking great too, there'll be no stopping you now.
    Wendy x

  3. Welcome to the world of blogging's looking good and I love your card.

  4. Hello Jules and welcome to the blogging world. I love your first post and card which is in my favourite colour theme.

    I'm going to start following you too and will add you to my blog roll.

    Lesley Xx

  5. Hello Jules, welcome to the blogging world.
    I know we are in for a treat as this is your first post and beautiful card, lovely colour scheme.
    I have started to follow you and will add you to my blog roll shortly.
    Christine xx

  6. well done Jules on being the new kid on the block and what a fabulous card to kick off with....can't wait to see your PB Challenge card....will be back to pay you a visit.
    Hugs Kath xxxxxxx

  7. Hi there, welcome to blogging land, it should come with a health warning believe me it's addictive. I can see from your first card on here that you are going to be a fantastic source of inspiration.


  8. Lovely card Jules, if this is a sign of things to come we're in for a treat with your new blog. Enjoy it, it's addictive!

  9. Hi Jules

    I am a newbie too lol

    Not as good at card making as you (your card is lovely!) But I try lol

    It is very addictive. So happy blogging!

    Manda x

  10. Welcome to blog land, it is a highly addictive place to be! I LOVE your card it is baeutiful, I can't wait to see more.

    Mrs Wonka x

  11. Hi Jules
    Welcome to 'Blogland'! ^.^
    Your card is gorgeous...can't wait to see some more!! ♥

  12. Welcome to the world of blogging, your life will never be the same again no time for anything else lol. Stunning card loving the colours and that flower is scrummy. look forward to seeing more of your fab creations.

  13. Welcome to blogland and if your first cards is anything to go by, your blog is going to be gorgeous. Found the heart too.

  14. Hi Jules, welcome to blogland - it's true it is addictive (and I don't have a blog...yet)
    Your card is gorgeous and I found the heart - (neat)!! Look forward to the next ones.

  15. Beautiful card!! Wish I had half the talent many of you ladies had!! Welcome to the blog world 80)

  16. loving your blog jules well done, i have a very distant memory of something called housework tho i may be mistaken and think it might actually be a swear word in blogland lol
    keep up the good work
    hugs helen x

  17. Hello and welcome to blog land. Love the card pretty colour choice. It is so nice to have comments, I try to get round to saying something nice on the challenge entries I visit but the 9 to 5 job gets in the way, then I go home and crafting gets in the way!! :)))

  18. A Big Welcome to Blog Land!

    You do realise it's addictive lol!

    Beautiful Card, the Blue, Brown & Gold look lovely together!

    Suze x


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If you have chosen to follow my blog by email, or send me a message via email, then please know that I will never share your address with any third parties.

So with that bit over and done with .. .. thank you for calling by my little part of blogland. I hope that you enjoyed your visit, and if I made you smile at any point then I am well pleased.

Love Jules xx