Wednesday 29 April 2009

All stitched up

Hi Everyone

Well here I am with my creation as promised.

This card is for "someone special" - you would never have guessed would you!

To make this card I began by stitching a wide piece of ribbon onto some white card. It is really pretty ribbon that has gold speckles already embossed on it.

I then stitched the white card to green card and stitched around the outside of the green card prior to sticking it to my card blank. Phew .. .. .. that was a bit of a ramble!!

For the card I used:

Backing papers - the green background card is from a huge scrapbooking pack I got from Costco over a year ago. It is going to last me a lifetime.
Sentiment - Inkadinkado 97600
Flowers - Cuttlebug die
Ribbons and nailheads from my stash box

I have had to be a bit more crafty with the heart tonight as I will be giving this card away tomorrow and it cannot be too obvious or some of the fun will be gone. (Tee hee).

Thanks for calling by.

Love Jules xx


  1. jules this is fabulous the recipient is going to love this hon
    helen x

  2. Great card Jules and I'm intrigued cos I can't find the heart, will have to wait till tommorrow
    Wendy x

  3. Well... you did a good job with the hand or machine??..its lovely...beautyful card!!...and is your "heart" in the bow?!...who ever it gets will be very pleased!
    greetings Francien.

  4. and yes the card is special, whoever receives it will love it

  5. and yes the card is special, whoever receives it will love it

  6. This is stunning, I found the heart but won't say where so I don't ruin your fun. What a lot of work you have put into it, WOW, Hazelxo

  7. OMG this is awesome what fabulous work has gone into this beautiful card such stunning colours just adore it all
    Hugs Jacqui x

  8. Very pretty card! Love the colors and the pearls in the flower centers. Great job on the stitching too!

  9. Lovely card Jules, how clever are you with that stitching. By the time I've got the machine out I've lost the umph to do anthing with it, but it would never turn out straight and untangled like yours.

  10. Oh this is so beautiful I love everything about it! I have those papers from Costco I agree they will last a lietime and some!!


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So with that bit over and done with .. .. thank you for calling by my little part of blogland. I hope that you enjoyed your visit, and if I made you smile at any point then I am well pleased.

Love Jules xx