Monday 11 May 2009

Bring on the "Male Cards"

Hi Everyone

I hope you all had a great weekend - all done and dusted far too quickly for my liking!!!

I have been asked for some male cards. You know the ones we seem to struggle with (or is it just me???!!!!). So you may find a little run of male cards appearing here. Some need to be for Father's Day, some for birthdays and some just general male.

Here is the first of what I hope will be many over the next week or two.. ..

This card was created using:

Image - Woodware FRCL004 "His Birthday"
Sentiment - Woodware FRCL079 "Male Relative"
Backing paper - Funky Hand "V. Funky" CD
Buttons, peel offs, cotton from my stash box

Once again I enjoyed the paper piecing on this card. Can you believe I cut out 6 ties before I could decide which ones I wanted to use!!!

The ties have all been cut from scraps of paper (you know the stupid little pieces that we can't possibly throw away) and I think by coincidence these were all Funky Hand papers too.

So, I need to get my head into "male mode" and this was a nice gentle start.

Happy Monday everyone.

Thanks for calling by and see you again soon.

Love Jules xx


  1. great mans card hun....the colours are perfect xx

  2. I love it Jules, nice soft colours yet very manly.

  3. Hi Julie,

    I know this isn't the right place for this but I'm not sure how this all works and I know you will get this if I leave this here. Thank you for baby George's card and also my Birthday card. Emma has plans to frame your card for the nursery and everyone comments on the card when they visit. Thanks again, I'll send you a picture as soon as I figure how to do it. Love Ian, Emma and little George xxx

  4. Fab man's card Jules. Can't wait to see some more.

    Lesley Xx

  5. Great mens card I really don't enough of them
    Wendy x

  6. jules this is perfect hon loving those ties ...and you only cut 6 ties i would have done loads more i such a faffer!!!lol
    helen x

  7. This is great Jules, and no, it's not just you, I think we all have a phobia about men's cards, especially those who don't drink or like sport!!
    En x

  8. Jules, This is a fantastic Guy card..I have such a hard time making Them for men...Love the tie's Great job..
    Hugs, Linda

  9. Fab card hun! Love the images, just fab!
    Hugs Tab xxx


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So with that bit over and done with .. .. thank you for calling by my little part of blogland. I hope that you enjoyed your visit, and if I made you smile at any point then I am well pleased.

Love Jules xx