Friday 22 May 2009

Trying something new

Hi Everyone

Woo hoo!!! The Bank Holiday weekend is here!!! So I am even more excited than I normally am on a Friday night!!! (I know - you didn't think that was possible did you?!?!?!?).

To celebrate I decided it was time I tried to do something new .. .. .. so here is what I created.

To make this card I used:

Backing Paper printed from - Funk Hand "Funky Seasons" CD
Papermania "Exquisite Vellum Collection"
Image - Magenta "Deco Vase"
Fiskars "Threading Water" punch
Brads, eyelets and thread from the stash box
Tesco Thick Bleach "from the bathroom"

Yes you read my ingredients correctly. I decided to have a go at "bleaching" my card as I had never tried this before.

Firstly I stamped the image and embossed it with clear embossing powder then I painted neat bleach onto the areas I wanted to lighten.

It seemed quite strange really as the bleach has not changed the card's colour evenly. I am assuming that this is because of the fibres in the card - but I think it has made for a more interesting finished effect.

Well I don't know about you folks but I have lots happening this weekend, but hopefully I am going to find time for some crafting too (I usually do even if it means getting up at "daft o'clock").

There is so much I want and need to do that I could do with a few days that are "just mine" - you know what I mean .. .. .. the rest of the world stays asleep and when it wakes up .. .. .. perhaps a week later .. .. .. it is none the wiser that I got an extra week out of life in which to do all the things that I wanted to do .. .. without anyone or anything else suffering in the process. (Hey - wouldn't that be nice!! Could Santa arrange that do you think if I asked him nicely in 6 months time).

I hope that everyone has a really good Bank Holiday Weekend. Have fun!

Love Jules xx


  1. Fab card Jules, and I agree, the bleaching looks great with that uneven look, if you hadn't mentioned it i would have thought that was your aim.
    En x

  2. Hi Jules
    Another great card - love the image on this one. Might have to have a go at this technique - thanks for the inspiration.
    Enjoy your weekend.
    Debs xx

  3. Hi Jules, what a brilliant creation. I love what you have done with the eyelets and scallops down the side. I've tried the bleaching thing but never been impressed with the results but yours has worked fine.

    Lovely, lovely card.

    Have a great weekend my ol buddy.


  4. This is fab Jules
    Wendy x

  5. Great card Jules, what an interesting technique. Know what you mean about extra time, I was up at stupid o'clock this morning to fit in some quality crafting time before my hubby got up! Hugs, Nicki

  6. Gorgeous card, I have never heard of this technique before. x

  7. Mornign Jules - again,

    Lovely card, very ingenious how you've used the punch down the side, might need to pinch that idea - if I can rememebr come tomorrow.

    B x

  8. So many gorgeous gorgeous creation Jules since my last visit. Thank you for your lovely comments on my blog recently.
    I absolutely love your latest's really great to see a different technique being used...I love bleaching..haven't done it for a have used it to such good effect and I agree the uneveness of the colour adds to the effect. ooh I'm itching to have go now!
    Thank you for your wonderful inspiration!
    Love Sarita xx

  9. Beautiful card jules and congrats on your allsorts win, those stamps are lovely I'm sure you'll make some fab cards with them. janex

  10. Hi,
    never tried this before but great effects - huge congrats on winning over at Allsorts!!

  11. Hey Jules, great card! It's fun to step out and try something new huh? I love the bleach look it is awesome. You did a fantastic job!

  12. Jules this is gorgeous, love the bleach effect, makes for a soft & delicate look...and neat how you did the small bit of scalloped border, I might have to try that! Have a great weekend! ~Hugs

  13. Oh hun, your card is stunning, love love the image and the colours!
    Hugs Tab xxx

  14. This came out great Jules I like yours a lot better, will certainly continue to try it out!


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So with that bit over and done with .. .. thank you for calling by my little part of blogland. I hope that you enjoyed your visit, and if I made you smile at any point then I am well pleased.

Love Jules xx