Monday 13 July 2009


Hi Everyone

Exciting news from me today!!! Check out the new "blinkie" at the top of my blog!!!!

As you know I have been doing "holiday cover" with the Allsorts Challenge blog for the last couple of weeks as a Guest member on the DT.. .. .. .. well yesterday I was asked if I would like to join them as a permanent DT member.

Woo hoo!!!!!

I said "yes". LOL!!

I was asked whilst I was halfway through posting my Penny Black Challenge card yesterday and was so tempted to add my exciting news to my post .. .. .. .. but instead I held myself back until everything was set up and finalised.

Oh .. .. I am so excited.

The only "down side" is that I will no longer be able to win any of the fantastic prizes that Allsorts always have on offer.

Thank you to my "team mates" over at Allsorts for giving me a vote of confidence and inviting me to join them. It will be great to be working with you all.

Catch everyone again later with a creation.

Love and excitement
Jules xx


  1. awesome news hon and so well deserved too , congratulations jules
    helen x

  2. congrats! You deserve it your cards are fab!

  3. Well done Jules, you deserve it because your creations are always lovely.

    Lesley Xx

  4. we are delighted you have accepted Jules!!!


    Amanda xx

  5. Huge congrats thats brilliant news xxx
    your cards are fabulous
    hugs Dawnxxx

  6. Congratulations Jules. You definitely deserve this DT spot - your cards are fab.
    Hugs, Clare x
    ps hope your week continues to be a great one.

  7. Well done Jules, aren't they lucky to have you, your cards are always excellent.

  8. Yah, congrats to you!!! Hugs, Dena

  9. Congratulations Jules
    Wendy x

  10. Oh woweeeee Jules congratulations and so well deserved you make some stunning cards ooooo I am so happy for you.

    Lorraine x

  11. Congratulations Jules, great news. x

  12. Fantastic news well deserved too , congratulations jules xx jo xx

  13. Congratulations Jules its fantastic news and well deserved.
    Big Hugs Linda

  14. Morning Jules, well I have got here eventually to formally congratulate you, but we did talk yesterday and that was fab - I know I can talk for England, just like crafting.

    Anyhow, I am so thrilled you have agreed to join us at Allsorts on a FT basis and it's going to be great working with you. You'r onw talented lady and I love your work, even if I do have to enlarge your picture sometimes to find the heart.

    B x

  15. Congratulations Jules, well done with love and hugs Shirleyxxxx

  16. Congratulations Jules, you will be a great asset to the team :) Donna x


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So with that bit over and done with .. .. thank you for calling by my little part of blogland. I hope that you enjoyed your visit, and if I made you smile at any point then I am well pleased.

Love Jules xx