Tuesday 11 August 2009


Hi Everyone

A very quick card to share with you today and some awards I received over the weekend/yesterday.

Firstly my card

Isn't this just a super cute image. I love it.

This used:

Image: Mo's Digital Pencil
Backing paper: The English paper Company
Martha Stewart Punch - Valentine Hearts
Tiny button and thread from my stash box

Now for my awards. Thank you everyone who has thought of me and sent these little beauties my way.

So .. .. in no particular order:

This award came from Mel of Apple Cake Art - thank you Mel. Mel has make this my third time of receiving this award.

I must admit this is one pretty award - I would love a swirly stamp that looks like this too use on my creations LOL!!

This award came from Angela at Sparkly Cards - thank you Angela

This next award has come to me from two bloggy friends over the weekend. Emma from Metalicbutterfly and Keryn from Poppy Dog. Thank you ladies. I feel honoured to be part of your "circle of friends".

Keryn of Poppy Dog is so generous that she actually bestowed two awards on me. This is the second award. Thank you Keryn. I hope you have now caught your breath after your wedding stationery marathon and that your thank you flowers still look beautiful.

Phew!! So that is all the copying, listing and linking done. Please go and visit these gorgeous ladies blogs. There are so many fantastic creations to be seen on all of them.

Thank you very much ladies - I know I am supposed to pass these awards on to lots and lots of people. I always duck out at this stage as I feel everyone who visits my blog is in my "circle of friends" and you are all "beautiful and creative bloggers" - so if you visit and would like any or all of the above awards then feel free to take them with my thanks for being such great blog mates.

Have a great Tuesday everyone.

Love Jules xx


  1. Hi Jules,
    Congratulations on your wonderful awards.
    Your card is gorgeous, this image is so cute - it really has made me giggle which is a good way to start the day.
    Have a great day.
    Clare x

  2. Ah, what a lovely image. I know this is a boy but it just reminds me of my granddaughter Alexa. She delights in trying to fit items of clothing where they're not supposed to go, like socks on her hands and pants on her head.

    Well done on your awards Jules. They're very well deserved.

    Lesley Xx

  3. congrats on your award!!

    Yes he is just too cute!! and I love how you have incorperated the heart!!

  4. Hi Sweetheart, and congratulations on all those fantastic awards, you certainly deserve them. Your card is gorgeous, I love this little chap with his clothes on upside down, typical children when they start to dress themselves.
    Also thank you for the lovely comments yesterday, I do feel a bit guilty not posting a card everyday, but as you say there is a life to lead as well as blogging.
    No my hubby still didnt find his lead, I think he left it on a job somewhere, now hes retiring at the end of the month its not so important, but still frustrating for him. I have now managed to get my craft room back together, though I do seem to have got less room than I had before, maybe its because Ive been buying more boxes to keep it in. With love and huge hugs Shirleyxxxxxxxxxxxx

  5. Gorgeous card lovin the image and colour combo.Congrats on your awards you deserve them! xx jo xx

  6. Such a cute image for the card!

  7. Congrats on your awards hun...

    love the image he is a super cutie...my youngest KT has just said he looks sooooooooo cute and can we have one..lol...

    hugs shell xx

  8. gorgeous card Jules I love the image and congrats on all your awards, I've been looking at all your cards and they are stunning, I will be back soon hugs Jill xx

  9. Oh, this little chap is adorable! Love your colouring, and the way you made the little heart tab is very creative. Congrats on your award too hun, all very well deserved. Hugs, Nicki

  10. Jules, this really is such a beautiful image! I love those drawings. Great idea using just one of the hearts from the MS punch. Super cute idea! Hugs, Dena

  11. Beautiful card Jules the image is so cute and i love the layout.Congrats on your awards. luv gina xx


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So with that bit over and done with .. .. thank you for calling by my little part of blogland. I hope that you enjoyed your visit, and if I made you smile at any point then I am well pleased.

Love Jules xx