Monday 17 August 2009


Hi Everyone

Well my lovely visitors left this morning :-(

It was so nice to catch up with them. We talked solid all weekend and still had things we hadn't talked about. LOL!!!

I didn't make any cards whilst my visitors were around but did sit at the dining room table and put all the inserts into all the cards I had stock piled ready for a sale I have coming up in September. Still need to make lots more cards but at least this meant that I have a good supply completely ready. This is my least favourite part of card making - putting the inserts in and packaging them up. (But it was something I could do whilst we were "putting the world to rights").

Today I have had a clear up of my craft space .. .. .. as I promised myself last night. I had had a bit of a disaster with some embossing powder and it seems to have blown everywhere!!!

It was nice to read that lots of you fellow bloggers work in a messy craftroom too .. .. .. .. and Sarita - I wasn't directing my comments at you - though I find it hard to believe you could possibly mess that beautiful room up!!.

Anyway, enough waffle and on with the job in hand .. .. .. my Penny Black Challenge card which is a bit late this week.

It was a colour challenge this week and your creation has to include the colours, Blue, Tan and Cream.

Yesterday I shared a quick card that included an image I bought off Jill's blog - well tonight's card features the other stamp I bought.

I love Penny Black stamps so much and as soon as I get a new image I cannot wait to use it. I love this little chappie. (I am becoming aware that I say this an awful lot!!!).

So, here is my creation:

This used:

Image: Penny Black 2365F "Field of Dreams"
Backing paper and sentiment cut from Dovecraft "Masculine" papers.
Nestabilities: Standard Circles Large and Classic Scalloped Circles Large

I also need to share a couple of awards - not that I deserve them because I don't pass them on!! Bad girl!!! I just cannot choose who to give them too. I want everyone to have them. Please someone take one or all that are anywhere on my blog.

My first award is from Lorraine at Coldwaters2 You get the treat of some beautiful cards and lovely music when you visit Lorraine!

My next award is from Shirley at Nannieflash Shirley also has a lovely blog that is well worth a visit and Shirley leaves the most lovely and encouraging comments.

I am so lucky to have met so many lovely blog pals.

Thank you for taking the time to call by.

Love Jules xx


  1. Evening Jules

    Been buying more PB stamps, bad girl, bit can fully undersatnd the need as you have to find a way to use those grey promarkers don't you.

    Anyway, as you say enough waffle and on to your card which is lovely. The DP goes so well with the image and especially if you take into account the name of it.

    B x

  2. this card is just too cute for words! love it!

  3. WOW, what a wonderful Card.

    Thanks for joining in the PBSC.


  4. gorgeous card Juls, love your colouring all the shading detail it's fab, hugs Jill xx

  5. Great card and I too just love this image! So cute!

  6. Such a beautiful card Jules, and in such fab colours!
    love the gorgeous design and detail!
    Hugs Linda

  7. Great card jules - fab image and love the sentiment. Thanks for joining in the PBSC this week
    Pauline x

  8. Love this card, he is so cute the little hedgie and the papers and all goes so well together! Hugs Nilla

  9. beautiful card jules and hey don't feel guilty about loving PB's....this little fella is so darned cute you just had to get him...great take on the colour challenge and thanks for joining in the fun this week at PBSC...hugs kath xxxxxx

  10. Adorable card Jules, great colouring on your image, he is such a cutie! Nicki, xx

  11. Gorgeous card Jules, the stamp is adorable.

    Liza x

  12. Brilliant image! I have the PB Baseball Kitty, but this is very cool, too, and as a big baseball fan myself, I heartily approve!! ;o)

    Hugs, lovely girl..
    Chris xx

  13. Jules this is just so cute, what a gorgeous image! You have just coloured it to perfection. I am slowly collecting more of these babies myself, might have to get a real job soon lol. Congrats on all the awards, well deserved.

  14. Hi Jules, wow love your hedgie, they are so cute, and youve beautifully coloured him and the details are gorgeous. Congratulations on both your awards you so deserve them. With love and hugs Shirleyxxxxxx

  15. Hey Jules, this is an awesome card! I think PB has some of the sweetest images! I really like how you used those colors together, it looks fantastic! Hugs, Dena

  16. congrats on the awards xx

    That stamps is so lovely you have coloured him in wonderfully, thank you for stoppin by my blog it's always nice to see new people

    Love Dawn xx

  17. A beautiful card Jules and such a sweet hedgie. Love your design and papers too. Chris x

  18. Hello Jules,
    Firstly I think your card is gorg,I two love Penny Black images..
    Also I want to thank you for your very kind comment on my blog I was so tired and feeling sorry for myself I feel much better today
    Thank you

  19. Fab card i love the image and lovely papers. luv gina xx

    Congrats on your awards. xx

  20. I like that you used the DP for the sentiment...the image is so cute, love this!

  21. Gorgeous card Jules, I love the lil hedgie image he is soooo cute :) Donna x


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So with that bit over and done with .. .. thank you for calling by my little part of blogland. I hope that you enjoyed your visit, and if I made you smile at any point then I am well pleased.

Love Jules xx