Sunday 30 August 2009


Hi Everyone

I hope you are all enjoying your Bank Holiday. The weather hasn't been too brilliant today where I am.

I decided after yesterday's embarrassment of posting a card containing "no heart" that I was going to replace the offending photograph. I can't possibly have a card without a heart on my blog!!! My hubby said I would have to change the name of my blog to "Always with a Heart - except for once" - but I didn't like the sound of that and instead I decided to just change the photograph LOL!! This isn't the original heart I used - but at least it has one!

It was just a joke to close my blog after the mis-hap of yesterday. I would miss it far to much to stop!!

Today we went on a little shopping expedition for some new shoes for hubby - and lucky for me there was a Paper Mill Store in the same place so I could go and look in there whilst he tried on pair after pair after pair of shoes. He might be lovely but he is a real test of patience when buying shoes!!!!

So today I bought a stamp which I have used for the Penny Black Challenge this week. The theme being "Christmas".

Here is my creation:

This used:

Image: Penny Black 3737J "Star Dance"
Backing Paper and Sentiment: Pink Petticoat
Ultra-fine red glitter from Lakeland
Diamond Stickles
Brads and Ribbon from my stash box

It is a lovely stamp to use - and one which I am sure is going to get a lot of use over the coming months.

Have a good bank holiday Monday everyone.

Thanks for calling by. I am now off to have a much needed blog hop - I have been getting withdrawal symptoms!!!

Love Jules xx


  1. A lovely card, Jules. So glad you aren't calling it a day after all... your hubby's coments remind me of when we thought about renaming our house 'No Trees at all!'-long story! I like the subtlety of Christmas on this card, cos I'm not ready for 'in-your-face' type christmas cards yet!

  2. Great that stamp.... I used it alot for last years Christmas cards.... Then again any of PB stamps are fabulous.

  3. Oh I love that all of your cards have a heart on them - I've never noticed before, what a cool idea! Anyway - this card is stunning! I love this image and the gorgeous Pink Petticoat additions! Thanks for joining in with the PB challenge this week!

    Beth xx

  4. This is lovely. What a great stamp and I love the red, black and white. Such a clean crisp look.

    Lesley Xx

  5. Oh Jules stunning card! The stamp is soo beautiful!
    I'm so glad you didn't close your blog lol! I loved your card with or without the heart!
    So kind of you to offer to send me the paper but I think you ought to keep it as it would make a beautiful card with this stamp also don't you think?

  6. This is a fab stamp. You card is brilliant.
    Clare x

  7. Morning Jules

    And a very nice stamp it is too, one I have had for a year or two and which always comes out time and again as it has so may possibilities.

    Have to say I have never done it in back and red, but you have shown how great it looks in this colourway and like the hint of glitter round your sentiment.

    Hope the weather is a bit brighter your way than here - it's a typical bank holiday day !

    B x

  8. Oh Jules that card is stunning, its not to fussy and its absolutely beautiful I love the stamp its a real winner in my eyes. With love and hugs Shirleyxxxxxxxxxx

  9. Oh wow Jules this is gorgeous, love the simplicity of your card and this image is stunning...Thanks for joining in the fun this week at PBSC
    Enjoy the rest of your weekend
    Tracie :)x

  10. So pleased you're still here Jules. Love this card and the stamp is gorgeous.tfs

  11. this is a stunner the simplicity but beautifull elegant and I must have missed this disastrous news about you closing your blog....shock horror...thank goodness you changed your mind....and don't mention MEN and SHOES in the same sentence.......thanks for joining in the christmas fun this week at PBSC...hugs kath xxxxxx

  12. Very stylish Christmas card Jules - I hadn't realised about the heart thing until i read your post just now (doh!) so then i had great fun looking for the little heart :-) Fab stamp, layout and coloru scheme on this. Thanks for joining in the PBSC this week
    Pauline x

  13. like your clean simple and noble card!
    Hugs, Alex


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So with that bit over and done with .. .. thank you for calling by my little part of blogland. I hope that you enjoyed your visit, and if I made you smile at any point then I am well pleased.

Love Jules xx