Friday 4 September 2009


Hi Everyone

I have been a bit of a busy butcher this week and not had chance to post any creations for a couple of days .. .. sorry!

Work has been very busy, we are still gutting the bathroom ready for work commencing on Monday and I am trying to get ready for the festival next weekend where I am hoping to sell some of my cards.

Separate to this there is a mad "family occasion" happening tomorrow. Will share this later .. .. it will give you a glimpse of the strange (but very close and happy) family I am a part of!!

First though my creation

This used

Image: Stampendous! V080 "Dove Charm"
Sentiment: Woodware FRCL107 "Wedding Anniversaries"
Backing Paper: Papermania "PMA 308 "Love"
Nestablities: "Classic Scalloped Circles Large and Standard Circles Large"
DecoArt - Glamour Dust
Crystal Stickles
Sticky gems and ribbon from my stash box

So what is my family occasion that is taking place tomorrow?

Well every year we have a pancake race. Normally this happens on or as close to Shrove Tuesday as we can manage but this year it has been harder to arrange as some of the participants live far away and others have been at university etc.

So tomorrow is our "Pancake Day".

No big deal you might think .. .. but our pancake races are different.

We don't run with the pancakes (that would be far too energetic) .. .. no the race is to see who can eat the most pancakes. It is a well serious event and there is a trophy involved which the winner gets to keep for a whole year! Although this year the winner won't be keeping it for that long.

We make and consume a vulgar amount of pancakes. We eat nothing beforehand - it is pancakes all the way.

This year - provided everyone turns up - we will be making pancakes for 11. We (my Sis and I) make loads of the little beauties and all are snapped up as soon as they come out of the pan. No chance for them to stack up or go cold!!

I know we are mad but we have charts that go back years saying who took part, how many they ate, how many we made in total and who ate the most. Last year my eldest son turned all the charts into a computer file so that he can show graphs of all the statistics year by year!!!

I will let you know tomorrow how many pancakes we make and how many the winner ate. But in the meantime if you want to have a guess as to how many pancakes you think we will make in total I will send a little treat to the person who is the nearest. (Don't worry it won't be a cold pancake).

It is always a real fun time with so many laughs. I have never won .. .. .. I think that cooking the little blighters means you don't fancy quite so many.

So now you know what a mad family I am part of .. .. can you believe so many people are excited at the thought of taking part? (My son and his wife are travelling from London especially and I think that they are secretly hoping to take the trophy home with them).

So come on .. have a guess. How many will we make in total?

I'll see you in the morning with my Allsorts Challenge DT card - which this week "does" have a heart on. I checked - lots of times LOL!!!

Happy Friday night everyone and I hope you get chance to do a bit of crafting over the weekend.

Love Jules xx


  1. A lovely, gorgeous card Jules!! And no way would I win your contest either, one little pancake fills me up, lol! No clue on how many you make! Sounds like a ton of fun!!

  2. Oh Jules, can you hear the chuckles here ?

    And is's not just because you think you have a mad family, I now realise that my lot aren't so mad after all, but that's another story.

    So pancakes, I'll go for 91.

    B x

  3. Before I forget the card is great Jules. That's a lovely image and obviously perfect for the occasion.

    Sounds like you're in for a brilliant time tomorrow with your nearest and dearest. Hope no-one overdoes it. I love pancakes and have to be careful I'm not too greedy or I feel sick!

    I'll take a guess at 80!

    Lesley Xx

  4. Hi Jules, Gorgeous card! Hope you have a great pancake day tomorrow. I will guess at 135 pancakes.

    Lisa x

  5. First off I love your card, have one of those to make tonight so thanks for the inspiration. Pancake race, sounds a bit crazy but probably not too crazy over here as we take our pancake Tuesday very seriously. I reckon you might be cooking about 300 in total! Sounds like lots of fun! good luck.

  6. Fab card, I have this stamp......never used it and was going to get rid until I saw this - thanks for the inspiration.

    128 pancakes is my guess..........yum yum i love em!!!



  7. Gorgeous card, and eat an extra pancake for me!!!

  8. Lovely card Jules. Very effective and the colours are just perfect for a Ruby Anniversary.
    I think you might cook 120 pancakes. I might be at cross purposes about what you mean by a pancake. I think what we (in Scotland) call a pancake you call a drop scone. Is that right? Are your pancakes big and thin? Ours are fat!!
    Have a lovely day.

    Kat x

  9. What an adorable card! Love it! Hugs Nilla

  10. Happy Pancake Day! Hope you get your share! (LOVE pancakes!)

    Chris xx

    P.S. That card is exquisite! I find ruby wedding cards really hard for some reason. Clearly, you don't have that problem! lol ;o)

  11. OMG - Yu will have to show us some piccies LOL! Er....222 pancakes? Too much for 11?

    Wonderful card, so pretty. Kim

  12. What a wonderful card! Your family sounds like a ton-o-fun! I think it's hilarious that your son has downloaded the info onto a spreadsheet.! This is some serious pancake eating! I'm going to guess with 11 people,........mmmmm 168. Ugh! I'm getting a stomach ache just thinking about it! Have fun, ;o)Tracy

  13. have fun with your pancakes!! sure you will have lots of fun!!

    your card is stunning!! I Love the red! fab for such a special occasion!


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So with that bit over and done with .. .. thank you for calling by my little part of blogland. I hope that you enjoyed your visit, and if I made you smile at any point then I am well pleased.

Love Jules xx