Friday 18 September 2009


Hi all

A share tonight featuring a card I have made for a good Scottish friend of ours.

I am sure he will love it - just hoping that we have translated our good wishes into Scottish correctly (if not please shout up!!!). We will be delivering his "haggis" and "red wine" later tomorrow - so plenty of time to change it if needs be!!!!

The sentiment reads: "Mony Canty Returns An' Hae A Stoat Birthday" (just in case my piccy isn't up to you reading it properly).

This creation used:

Image: The Greeting Farm "Ian Laddie"
Backing Papers: Papercraftworld "Crafting Classics 1 ~ Earth patterns"
Sentiment: Computer generated
Inkssentials "Glossy Accents"
Crystal Stickles
Brads and thread from the stash box

I wanted to put tartan paper and tartan ribbon to this card - but forgot to pick them up on my travels. Doh!!!

So I trawled through my backing paper Cd's and downloads and came up with this paper from one of my Papercraft World Cd's. So pleased I did because it reminded of all the other fantastic papers that are on the Cd's I have. (I feel a printing session coming on).

We did look to see if our "birthday friend" has his own tartan - but unfortunately not.

So that is me for today.

Yes, I did have another bath!!

Yes, I will be back tomorrow with my Allsorts Challenge creation. This challenge is getting lots of entries now - if you haven't played along yet then make sure you visit tomorrow and consider joining in.

Yes, hubby is making me fish, chips, potato fritters and mushy peas .. .. .. LOL!!! I am just so spoilt!! (but at least I know it).

Yes, I will see you tomorrow and yes, I am counting down to my holiday. Two weeks today and I will be somewhere else!!

Happy weekend.

Love Jules xx


  1. Oh, what a great image. I'm sure your Scottish friend is going to love this. How could anyone not!

    Lesley Xx

  2. Fab card and a fab image
    Wendy x

  3. fab card hunni, your greeting should be "stoatin" I think. "Stoatin" means great, mind you I am speaking from my area, maybe where he is from it will mean something else lol We scots are good at that :o)


    Amanda xxx

  4. What a great card Jules, you've completely lost me with the senitment though! I am sure it will be extremely well received.
    Have a great weekend (with many more baths!).
    Clare xx


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So with that bit over and done with .. .. thank you for calling by my little part of blogland. I hope that you enjoyed your visit, and if I made you smile at any point then I am well pleased.

Love Jules xx