Sunday 6 September 2009


Evening Everyone

Here I am with my Penny Black Challenge card for this week.

The theme is "Hearts Desire". Lots of options as to what you can do with this. But I have chosen to make a Christmas card with a lovely sentiment. I love Christmas very, very much (and all that it entails) and as a family we look forward to it all year because it is a time when we know we will all be together - so this would be my "hearts desire" - for everyone to have a wonderful Christmas.

Here is my creation:

This used:

Image: Penny Black 1873H "Xmouse Ornament!
Sentiment: Penny Black 3502F "A wish"
Background paper: Pink Petticoat "Tis The Season"
Quickutz "Swirl Swirled Heart Die"
Brads, ribbon and Glamour Dust from the stash box

I bought this little chappie last year and didn't get chance to use him - but I know he is going to be a very busy little mouse this year!!

I hope you all had a great Sunday. Mine has been spent visiting my Mum as it is her birthday today and helping to clean the house my son moved out of .. .. .. they have to hand their keys over tomorrow and hopefully in return will receive no deduction from their deposit.

I arrived not knowing which of the two women I was from the TV programme "How Clean is Your House". But they were happy for me to be either or even both!!. Thankfully nothing was bad enough for me to have to send a swab to the laboratory LOL!!!

It was quite sad to leave at the end - the parting of three good mates who have now "moved on" in their own directions but they will stay good friends .. .. I just know.

Catch you all again soon and thank you all for calling by.

Love Jules xx


  1. Hi Jules,

    What a fab card love the colours and the mouse is sooo cute.

    Mandy xx

  2. What a gorgeous card! I love that stamp and the sentiment goes beautifully. Sounds like you have had a very busy day x

  3. Beautiful card Jules and adore the image and sentiment, just fab.
    Hugs Linda

  4. A truly stunning card, lovely colours and beautifully made
    Hugs Susie xx

  5. This is beautiful. I think these are my favourite christmas colours to use on a card.

    Glad you got all the cleaning done!!


  6. Morning Jules

    Lovely soft colours, I think blue makes such a nice change for christmas cards.

    And I figure you didn't struggle with the whole heart thing as I did, even your sentiment fits the theme brilliantly.

    Have a creative day.

    B x

  7. Fabulous card as always Jules. Love the little mouse and the the sentiment especially.

    Lesley Xx

  8. stunning card that ickle mouse and beautiful sentiment..yes that's what christmas is all about......thanks for joining in the fun this week at PBSC...hugs kath xxxxxxx

  9. Hi Jules, Gorgeous card! The little mouse is so sweet and I love the colours. Just noticed I won your 'pancake' candy. My address is in the sidebar of the Allsorts DT blog.

    Lisa x

  10. Lovely card. I love this stamp, mine is well used and loved! She xx

  11. Sweet card I love this cute little stamp
    Wendy x

  12. This is so gorgeous! Penny Black and Pink Peticoat - a perfect combination! Great sentiment to go with the challenge too! Thanks for joining in with the PB challenge!

    Beth xx

  13. Lovely card Jules, great interpretation of the theme and I love the bit of sparkle. Nicki, xx

  14. Aww love this the little mouse is so sweet and the colour is great, i love christmas too Jules, hope your mum enjoyed her birthday and i hope the cleaning wasn't to bad lol. luv gina xx

  15. beautiful Jules - I love both this PB image and sentiment and find they work really hard for me too lol! They go so well together and lvoe your colorus and details - fab! Thanks for joining in the PBSC this week
    Pauline x

  16. Fab card! That is such a cute image... and a very sweet sentiment!

    Chris xx

  17. Beautiful card, love the colours, love the thought behind having a heart on every card, love your other cards too, take careX:)

  18. Such a gorgeous Xmas card Jules, that mouse is so cute, and it's agreat LO, love it all!

  19. Oh he is adorable and what a wonderful card you've made with him.

  20. Hi Jules

    this is a gorgeous card hun just adore that image

    Emma xxx

  21. Oh I love Christmas too!! And I gasped when I saw your beautiful card, wow! A sweet image, and lovin' all the silver! Awesome heart! ~Hugs

  22. So very very adorable -- may this little mousie make many of your good friends delighted with this beautiful card.


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So with that bit over and done with .. .. thank you for calling by my little part of blogland. I hope that you enjoyed your visit, and if I made you smile at any point then I am well pleased.

Love Jules xx