Friday 27 November 2009


Hi Everyone

Well where has the week gone?!?!? Is everyone else's time flying by or is it just me?

My week has been spent trying to get on top of my cardmaking orders and special makes. It is a bit like the olden days. Craft goodies all over the dining room table (and floor).

I am needing to craft early morning, all evening and weekends at the moment (good job I love it so much) but in order to spend time with my lovely hubby too then some of my goodies have needed to come downstairs. Of course everything I need is always upstairs so I am running up and down the stairs like a woman demented!! Who would have thought cardmaking could be a keep-fit workout too?

I am well into Christmas card mode at the moment but even though I am making lots of them they are not mine. Just don't know where I am going to find time to make my own (if I do at all?).

Just thought I would share a quick creation with you this afternoon because I have had the rare treat of some sunshine and thought "quick .. .. .. take a photograph of something whilst the light is good".

Here is my creation:

This used:

Image: Penny Black Slapstick "Here comes Christmas"
Sentiment: Elzybells
Backing Paper (Blue): Funky Hand Download "Blue Christmas"
Backing Paper (Brown): Funky Hand Download "Funky Little Christmas"
Promarkers and Watercolour Crayons
Small snowflake punch (Panic!!! Don't know who made it!!).
Diamond Stickles
Ribbons and gems from the stash box

So off to make something else now and hopefully get it photographed whilst there is still some nice light.

Have a great rest of Friday and a wonderful weekend everyone.

I had a little panic at work yesterday when I suddenly realised that in a month's time it would be Boxing Day!! Of course I needed to share this information with my work colleagues and was told "oh - stop it!!" LOL. Sounds like I am not the only one who is nowhere near ready yet.

I'll catch you all again tomorrow with my Allsorts DT creation.

Thanks for calling by.

Love Jules xx


  1. Jules this is gorgeous, love that beautiful ribbon. Know what you mean about keeping up with orders, you really need to enjoy it lol.

  2. Hahaha!! Keep-fit! Great idea, Jules! :o)

    Loving this card. It's beautiful. I keep going back to it to take a closer look at the details!! ;o)

    Chris xx

  3. Thanks for the reminder Jules, all I have so far is two Christmas puddings!!


  4. Abolutely gorgeous Jules! That stamp is adorable! Love the ribbn and great job on the heart it took me a while to spot it lol!

  5. awww, I love the Hedgies, too cute!

  6. Glad the sun came out so you could share this card with us. It's gorgeous.
    Beryl xx

  7. I love those Hedgies too! And I'm saying "Stop it" too Jules, Lol! I've made the wonderful total of 4 Christmas cards so far (not counting orders)and I'm fast slipping into panic mode.

    Lesley Xx

  8. I know what you mean about the light. We have been having one day good two days bad. North of Aberdeen you have to be a bit nippy to get a photo taken in good light. Love this card. Just realised I bought this stamp last week when we went to visit our daughter and her family. Not been inked yet. I have so many PB stamps that I love!

    Kat x

  9. Hi jules

    Oh I love this card hun that image is so sweet and the coordination is fab....

    hope you are looking forward to a great weekend

    Emma xxx

  10. Aah! very cute and so sweet! I'm not managing to make as many Christmas cards as I'd like. Work is definitely getting in the way! We have school panto most days next week too, including two evening performances. Falling asleep face down in my dinner on Friday is a dead cert!

  11. Gorgeous card, really sweet image. Sounds like you have been really busy! I have too, its been chaotic but I've finally finished now and am taking a break for a few days at least!

  12. ohh Jules I did chuckle reading your post, I too have been making xmas cards orders but none for me yet lol. Love your beautiful card so cute hugS Jill xx


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So with that bit over and done with .. .. thank you for calling by my little part of blogland. I hope that you enjoyed your visit, and if I made you smile at any point then I am well pleased.

Love Jules xx