Sunday 15 November 2009


Good morning everyone

I hope your weekend is going nicely.

Today is starting off fairly bright here where I am - let's hope it stays like this as I would like to take some photographs that look half decent.

I had no choice yesterday though.

In order to share my creation I needed to take a picture before we left home as we were going to a little house-warming party.

A new photo taking position was found (necessity being the mother of invention) and with the help of one of my many "furry friends" I managed to get this little shot.

Still not brilliant I know but it is better than nothing I suppose!!

This used:

Backing papers: DCWV "The Green Stack"
Image and Sentiment: Woodware FRCL059 "On the Move"
Nestabilities: Classic Scallop Rectangles Small & Classic Rectangles Small
Ribbon (flowers already attached): A present from my blog buddy Brenda (Thanks B xx)
Rafia, charm, cocktail stick and brads from the stash box

I paper-pieced the image using up some of the many thousands of small bits of paper I just can't throw away!! LOL!!!

Have a good Sunday everyone.

Love Jules xx


  1. What a fab card, Jules. Love the little sign and the key on ribbon- sweet touches x

  2. Beautiful card - love the heart idea!! Thanks for finding your way to my blog and leaving comments! I will certainly be popping back here!! Juliexx

  3. Hi Jules love the card fab image and detail.

    Its lovely and sunny here this morning too, i hope you enjoy your day. luv gina xx

  4. Its lovely Jules, great little stamp. Loving your little furry friend behind there too.

  5. Lovely card, Jules! You have just reminded me I need to make one of those too! We are having a lovely sunny but blustery day. Enjoy the rest of your weekend! x

  6. gorgeous!! Love the fab colours, and the little signpost you have created!! and the little key charm is adorable!! what a fab make!!

  7. Thats lovely! I too adore that signpost and key, =D

  8. Gorgeous card and such a lovely way to show it off.

    Nikki x

  9. Fab card Jules, love the image and the key charm, and glad to see your furry friend being helpful! Nicki, xx

  10. The card is lovely and aynone moving to a new home would be thrilled. I do like your new photo taking spot. Is the teddy peeping over the top going to be a regular treat?
    Beryl xx

  11. Hi Jules, thank you so much for your kind words hunny, they really mean alot to me you are a sweetheart.
    Your card is gorgeous, such a fab image and the colours are gorgeous. Great place to take a piccy on teddy's lap I think it looks lovely, definately unique
    hugs Mandy xx

  12. Beautiful card, love the house, cute sign and gorgeous charms, sure to be cherished by the new owner, love the new photo spot, take careX:)

  13. This is lovely Jules, any one who's just moved house would be thrilled to receive it.

  14. Fab card, again, Jules. I know what you mean about the frustration of finding a good light to photograph in at this time of year.

    I find Photoshop Elements very useful for brightening and sharpening images, and helping to adjust the colours if the photo looks 'off', colour-wise. Makes them look much better. I got my software free with my camera. You may be able to find a free copy somewhere.. Maybe on CDs on the front of computer mags? (Can't say I've looked at computer mags in a while.. do they still do that?)

    Anyway.. hope you find your photographic 'sweet spot'! ;o)

    Chris xx


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So with that bit over and done with .. .. thank you for calling by my little part of blogland. I hope that you enjoyed your visit, and if I made you smile at any point then I am well pleased.

Love Jules xx