Monday 7 December 2009


Good morning everyone


Funky Hand has been working on a freshen up of their website and today it is launched with its "new look". It is just gorgeous!!

The website has a completely new look which also gives a hint as to how the new CD is going to look when it is released in January.

As a bit of a celebration on finishing all the redesign work and the imminent delivery of the new CD into the warehouse, Anice is having an end of year craft CD sale. So, over on the new look website you will find all the currently available Funky Hand CD collections reduced by 33% which takes them all down to just over £10 each or even less! Grab them while you can, they are going to be on sale from today until Sunday 13th December.

Postage and packing is always FREE to anywhere in the world when you buy the CDs - so pop over and have a look at the new design on the website and why not treat yourself to an early craft Christmas present. (You could wrap it up and put it under the tree until later - but you will find this very difficult to do LOL!!!).

Before I joined the Funky Hand DT I collected all of Anice's CDs and downloads - so you can believe me when I say you will love them!

I won one of the CDs in a blog candy give away from Enfys and I completed my collection when I won the £20 voucher from the "Get Funky Challenge Blog" prior to joining the DT. This meant I had the full set! Lucky me!! (This challenge is always great fun - so if you can't stretch to buying anything at the moment why not have a go at winning the £20 voucher this month then you can redeem this against one of Anice's goodies instead).

I'm hoping to be back later with a creation but in the meantime have a great day!

Love Jules xx

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So with that bit over and done with .. .. thank you for calling by my little part of blogland. I hope that you enjoyed your visit, and if I made you smile at any point then I am well pleased.

Love Jules xx