Friday 11 December 2009


Good Evening everyone

I hope you are well. I will apologise now as this post is going to be a long one!!!!!! LOL!!!

I have a quick share and then I have an award to accept that involves answering a massive 35 questions (thank you Shirley and Sally for making me rack my brains!!).

First my little creation though:

This used:

Image: Digistamp Boutique "Evie & Toadstool"
Backing Paper: Funky Fairys "Loving it Simple Freebie" Download (very old)
Sentiment: Pink Petticoat "Girly Curly Sentiments"
Glamour Dust
Diamond Stickles
Gems and ribbon from my stash box

Next I am around to my award.

I need to answer the following 35 questions in order to accept this award - I think they are supposed to be one word answers really - but I just know before I start I won't be able to do this. Neither will I be able to pass the award on to others - but I would love it if anyone decided to take it to their blog and have a go at answering. Please let me know if you do so that I can read your answers.

1. Where is your cell phone? Buried under a pile of craft stash on the dining room table

2. Your hair: Being cut on Sunday!! Yay!!

3. Your mother: Is starting to look old :-(

4. Your father: My hero - but now only lives in my heart and my dreams

5. Your favorite food? Potatoes

6. Your dream last night? Can't remember - which is annoying me because I always dream and usually remember them

7. Your favourite drink? G & T

8. Your dream/goal? To grow old with my hubby still by my side

9. What room are you in? Living room

10. Your hobby? Anything crafty

11. Your fear? Blindness

12. Where do you want to be in 6 years? Here will be fine!

13. Where were you last night? Wrapping Christmas presents for my Mum (at 79 she can't be bothered)

14. Something you aren't? A reader

15. Muffins? Not really

16. Wish list item? To die with my hubby so neither of us has to live without each other

17. Where did you grow up? I don't think I have yet

18. Last thing you did? Tried to take a decent picture of a card

19. What are you wearing? My slobby, comfortable, crafty clothes - I love them!!

20. Your TV? Has too many remote controls associated with it (which means I leave it alone)

21. Your pets? No pets

22. Friends? Lots of really good friends - I am very lucky

23. Your life? Hectic but exciting

24. Your mood? I am always excited and happy (so I can be quite annoying really)

25. Missing someone? Always (my Dad)

26. Vehicle? Focus

27. Something you're not wearing? Anything on my feet

28. Your favorite store? Anywhere that has craft items

29. Your favourite colour? Purple

30. When was the last time you laughed? Today

31. When was the last time you cried? Remembrance Day

32. Your best friend? My hubby

33. One place that I go over and over? Memory Lane

34. Facebook? No

35. Favorite place to eat? Anywhere there is a candle on the table

again Sally and Shirley. As you can see I am quite a soppy person really.

So that is me for today. Do you all realise that this time in two weeks it will be Christmas Day!!!!! (and I still haven't made my special Christmas cards yet!!).

You really wanted me to remind you about that didn't you!!!

See you again tomorrow with the next challenge over at Allsorts!

Love Jules xx


  1. Long Questionaire, but very insightful!

    LOVE the shroom faeiry!

  2. Ahhh.. I love your sweet card, and how nice to hear more about you, and that you and your hubs are so in love. :o)

    Chris xx

  3. That's it! I'm in mega panic mode now! Super card. I have 4 birthday cards to make before I do my special Christmas cards. AAAAHHHH!!!!!!

  4. You definitely are an old romantic Jules, loved reading your answers oh and your card is lovely too lol.

  5. Sorry about that Jules no I missed this posting, wow youve certainly been busy answering all those questions. Well done with love and hugs Shirleyxxxxx


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So with that bit over and done with .. .. thank you for calling by my little part of blogland. I hope that you enjoyed your visit, and if I made you smile at any point then I am well pleased.

Love Jules xx