Monday 18 January 2010


Hi Everyone

Here I am at last catching up after what was a wonderful weekend.

For those who missed Friday's post - I spent the weekend in Peterborough with my blog mate Brenda.

My hubby and Brenda's hubby were going to the football (Peterborough v. Derby) and Brenda was going to show me her favourite craft haunt - Sir Stampalot!!

We travelled on Friday afternoon and returned home Sunday.

What a brilliant time we had. It went far too quickly - as special times always do. We ended up with bedrooms next to each other at the hotel which was handy for swapping craft magazines etc! LOL!!

The chaps went to football and surprise of surprises Derby won 3-0. We decided Brenda's hubby must have been a lucky mascot as Derby don't normally win!!! (We might need to borrow him for the rest of the season Brenda if that is ok?).

So much fun to be had a Sir Stampalot. I have never ever been to a craft store like it!! It was heaven. Thank goodness I do not live close-by otherwise I would live there and never have any money!! So many rubber stamps in one place .. .. .. and they weren't even all on display as Stampalot were in the middle of moving premises and only had part of their stock out!

I met so many lovely people. The funniest part being that everyone was introduced by their blog name as well as their own name. Lots of crafty talk and falling in love with the craft goodies. Such a wonderful, friendly place.

Here is a little something I made today using a couple of my new acquisitions. It is probably the quickest card I have ever made .. .. but I love it LOL!!!

This used:

Papers: Pink Petticoat
Sizzix Dies: 655903 "Bird, Baby" and 565075 "Branch w/Leaves
Sentiment: Computer Generated

So there we go. Back to normal today.

No full English breakfast, no Italian meal and no Chinese meal for me today .. .. .. just porridge for breakfast, an egg cob at lunch and chicken salad tonight!!!

Oh well, all good things have to come to an end (the same as all the bad ones).

Take care everyone and thank you for calling by.

Love Jules xx


  1. Hi Jules your card is very lovely I love the simplicity of it Oh and I love that die cut bird Just perfect.
    lots of love chris xx

  2. Sounds like you had such a fantastic time Jules. Nothing like crafting buddies getting together is there. I can just imagine the Sir Stampalot store is brilliant as I always love their stands at the different shows I've seen them at.

    Lesley Xx

  3. PS. I forgot to say how cute the card is. That little birdie is great.

    Lesley Xx

  4. Jules, oh these little birdies are just adorable!!! Love the pretty, clean look of your card and perfect sentiment.
    BTW, what exactly is porridge? Is that like oatmeal? Just curious!
    Hugs to you sweetie!

  5. Love that birdy Jules. Sounds like you had a great time away! Have Fun & Take Care (smuggles you in a Kit-Kat)

  6. Gorgeous card Jules I have that little birdie die I must use it! And complete with a heart wing too! Just love this ard!

  7. Well Jules...your little bird was was my birthday the 18th..and it was a happy monday...could have bin happier when i was "aloud" to eat the cake too..but i stayed strong..just looked at it and drooled by the sight of your card is so those whimsical themes...well done!!
    greetings Francien.

  8. Hi Jules, Gorgeous card! Simple but design but very effective and the little bird is so sweet.

    Glad you had an enjoyable weekend with Brenda. I have never been to Sir Stampalot but next time we are visiting Chris' cousin who lives in Peterborough I am definitely going.

    Lisa x

  9. Look look, I have made it on! I managed to spend some pennies on sir stampalot too but now can crack on with some crafty goodies with my new toys :)
    See you soon

  10. So pleased you had a great time, knew you would, I'm still dead jealous!!! LOL Fabulous card too, love the birdie.

  11. Aww, sweet birdie!! :o) Glad to hear you had such a fab time, and that you left Sir Stampalot with some stamps left for me to buy on payday! ;o)

    Chris xx

  12. Im so happy for you and Brenda that you had such a fabulous weekend, you both deserve it as you are both talented ladies. Mind you I envy your trip to Sir Stampalot, you lucky bu..ers. With love and hugs Shirleyxx

  13. What? no beans? didn't you spend enough!!! Sounds like you had a wonderful time. Love the card too x

  14. cGlad you enjoyed your weekend with Brenda and that you didn't come home empty handed (fat chance of that I suppose). Super card with your new goodies and the soft colours are great.
    Beryl xx

  15. Hi Jules what a cute and totally gorgeous card, no wonder you love it it's fab hugs Jill xx

  16. Hi! Jules,love your card very much(that birdie looks so sweet) and how great it was to meet you at Sirstamp.Wow! yes what a fab shop, may see you there again and thanks for your lovely comments.Take care,Lou.xx


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So with that bit over and done with .. .. thank you for calling by my little part of blogland. I hope that you enjoyed your visit, and if I made you smile at any point then I am well pleased.

Love Jules xx