Saturday 6 February 2010


Hi everyone

Saturday morning is here .. .. .. and time for another Allsorts Challenge.

Last week we had a DT call over at Allsorts so we have all been very busy looking at all the many, many applications. Thank you very much to everyone who applied.

Today though launches another "normal challenge" with a gorgeous prize. Make sure you pop over and check out the prize and the inspiration provided by all the DT.

The challenge has been set by my lovely teamie Brenda .. .. and she wanted us to get distressed with button(s) and a bow.

This took quite a few of us out of our comfort zone but I must admit I quite enjoyed doing something which is "a little different for me".

Here is what I created (it might be my hubby's valentine card) :

and this creation used lots of things I have never used before!!!

Backing paper: Memory Store
Stamped script image: "32531" Elusive - Script Background (I have been wanting this stamp for ages now and finally invested!!).
Cuttlebug embossed heart set
Copper Foil
Tim Holtz Adirondack Alcohol Inks (Currant, Denim and Cranberry)
Tim Holtz Distress Ink: Spiced Marmalade
Sentiment: Computer generated
Flowers, button, brads, ribbon and flowers from the stash box

I was really happy playing with so many "different things".

The copper foil was put through my cuttlebug using the embossed hearts set and I then painted them with the Alcohol Inks. I was just so pleased with the finished result. The inspiration came from a craft magazine but unfortunately I couldn't get the supplies they recommended so had to "adapt" LOL!!

I also used the inks on the button. It was a metal button with a shank and I threaded the flower stems through the shank.

I am hoping you likey likey as much as I do!! Not quite my normal "clean look" .. .. .. but it is nice to be a bit "messy" sometimes.

Have a brilliant weekend everyone.

Love Jules xx


  1. Hi Jules,
    I love your card - it is so artistic and very, very beautiful.
    Clare x

  2. Morning Jules

    What a great card, love your distressing and that heart is fabulous, bet you were pleased with the result, the colour and effect is wonderful.

    B x

  3. Jules this is really beautiful and amazing, I love everything you've done on it. I love the script background, where did you get it from?
    Happy crafting
    Tracy x

  4. Oh Jules this is stunning! I love the copper hearts and how you've coloured them with alcohol inks and the button too. Perfect Valentine for your hubby he will be so impressed with this fabulous work of art!

  5. Oh Jules
    I really "likey likey" this one - it's absolutely stunning. Thanks for sharing the details how you made it - I really just might have to have a go at making one myself - hope you won't mind!!
    Have a great day.
    Debs xx

  6. hi Jules

    This is absoloutely stunning hun!
    I love the combination of materials and the tearing around the edge looks like it was bought that way so perfect

    have a lovely weekend

    Emma xxx

  7. Ohh my giddy aunt, Jules.. that's GORGEous!!! LOVE the whole thing! I have never tried alcohol inks (been a bit 'afraid' of them, I guess), but have seen a couple of lovely creations on blogs recently using them on metal embellishments with Cuttlebugged embossing, and it's soooo effective! Stunning!

    Chris xx

  8. I have just come from allsorts to comment on your card it's wonderful I love it.

    Love Dawn xxx

  9. Oh wow! I love it! I might just do something along these lines for my nephews wedding x

  10. Hi Jules
    This is just a beautiful creation love all the different techniques the hearts really stand out. Chris x

  11. Simply I love those hearts...the colours are perfect...
    Cheers Brenda

  12. I definitely likey likey Jules! It's right up my street. Alcohol inks and metal is a marriage made in heaven in my eyes. Absolutely gorgeous.

    Lesley Xx

  13. Wow Jules, it looks as though you had some fun creating those hearts, they are gorgeous and the card is fantastic. With love and hugs Shirleyxxxx

  14. How can you say you're out of your comfort zone. This is fabulous. I wish I could be that uncomfortable.
    Beryl xx

  15. Hi Jules, this is quite spectacular, love the embossing on the foil (where did you manage to get the foil? I have been looking for some, we must read the same magazines :)
    big hugs
    En xx

  16. Something different Jules, it's great! nice colours and those, fabulous, the sentiment is lovely too, bet you'll be in hubby's good books when he see's this!

  17. Hi Jules you've made this look so fantastic and i love the hearts i wouldn't where to begin with foil LOL Gorgeous card by the way and im sure the hubby will love it too!

    Take care

    Sal xx

  18. I absolutly LOVE this card Jules. The hearts are so pretty and I edmire your tecniqe!!
    Hugs and thank you so much for the sweet comment you sent me reguarding my Grandma!

  19. This card is fab! I am loving your metalic hearts! Beautiful! Warmest wishes, Lesley

  20. Thank you for the lovely comment on my blog have inspired me with your heart you made a little while ago also with i "took"your idea and changed it a bit if you dont mind...but there are blog for to get inspired arent they...and you make some stunning cards..this last card you made is so the colors...and the hearts are awesome...also the idea with the button and the flowers you put in there...great idea too..
    your husband will be very looks a bit like old red gold...well done!!
    greetings ♥ Francien.

  21. OH WOWSERS how gorgeous does that look!!!

  22. Cor!! this is absolutely STUNNING.
    The hearts are fab :-) and I love the colours


  23. how stunning!! just love those metal hearts! Hugs Juls


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So with that bit over and done with .. .. thank you for calling by my little part of blogland. I hope that you enjoyed your visit, and if I made you smile at any point then I am well pleased.

Love Jules xx