Monday 1 February 2010


Hi everyone

I am going to have a busy blog over the next few days what with the Stampalot Challenge and blog hop, the By the Cute and Girly Challenge and the Funky Hand "Get Funky!" Challenge.

Because so much is happening I have agreed with Anice that I will post my Funky Hand work tomorrow as I don't want it to get lost amongst everything else.

So today, I am showing some of the work I have done for By the Cute and Girly this month. It was my turn to set the theme and I chose .. .. .. .. .. "LOVE"

Please pop over and see what all my lovely teamies have produced - they have all worked really hard to put some inspiration together for you. This is my last month working with By the Cute and Girly .. .. .. pressure of work in my little self employed venture has meant I need to put my sensible head on and step down. These things are always hard to do but there is only so much you can pull in - but at least it will mean that for future weeks I get a chance to join in and try winning some of the beautiful stash they always offer as prizes.

Here is one of my creations for this month:

This used:

Backing paper: K&Co (this is just gorgeous and the photograph does not do it justice)
Sentiment: Magnolia
Beads, buttons, wire and cotton lace from the stash box.

To make and mount the beaded heart onto my card I simply threaded my beads on to wire and shaped the wire into a heart. . . . . twisting the ends together.

I added a bit of double sided tape to the flat beads to hold the heart in place whilst I stitched it onto the card in about four places to hold it secure.

I love the finished look and got the inspiration for this from a Josy Rose advertising campaign in a magazine.

You have a whole month to join in the fun with "By the Cute and Girly" and if you played along last month then don't forget to check if you were one of the winners.

So.. .. .. I bet you are all wondering how my night at the cinema went?!?!?!? Well it was fantastic as was my Indian meal afterwards.

It was the first time I had been to the cinema in years and years and it was magical. The film we saw was Avatar (I won't forget the name now I have seen it LOL!!!) it was in 3D and was amazing. I think I probably enjoyed it more than my hubby in the end!!! If anyone gets the chance to go and see it then you really must .. .. .. at some points it was like you were sitting amongst gentle snow flurries and at other points as though fire embers were falling around you. All very clever .. .. .. though of course a fortune of money will have been spent on making it! I can understand why people want to watch it more than once .. .. .. I could go again today!!

They also showed a trailer for a new 3D Alice in Wonderland Film featuring Johnny Depp .. .. .. .. that was amazing too so I think I am going to have to go and watch that as well when it is released in March.

I hope everyone had a good weekend and I will catch you again soon.

Love Jules xx


  1. I love this card has such a gorgeous vintage feel to it! I especially love the lace!! gorgeous creation...and thanks for setting such a fab challenge!! Hugs Juls

  2. I adore the beading and lace, so original... I felt like saying whered the heart? you've hidden it well this time! :-P

  3. Hiya Jules just foud this on my dashboard what a great idea I love it.
    loads of love chrisxx

  4. Beautiful card Jules, I adore the heart you have made.
    Clare x

  5. fabulous card jules so stylish. glad you enjoyed your film , i love the cinema. janex

  6. Hi Jules. I've just been having a catch up at what you've been up to over the last few days and phew you have been busy.
    How's your Sister doing after her op, what a wait she had, you are good waiting with her.
    Your word book is absolutely gorgeous, the colours are so pretty and I adore those pink roses. What a lovely present, your friend must have ben thrilled.
    And the Cinema, wow, you make my life seem very quiet. I want to go and see this film too and after hearing about sitting in snow flurries I definitely want to go, I'm so glad you had a good time.
    Your heart card is beautiful, I love all the beading.
    I shall be checking out Brenda's blog hop later so will be by again then.
    Happy Crafting


  7. I hope we can find a cinema around here that can show 3D. Unlikely though. I don't think it will be the same if I wait till it's on the TV.
    Your heart on this card is fabulous. eI really beautiful card.
    Beryl xx

  8. Gorgeous! What a lovely combination of buttons and beads. Very vintage and elegant!

  9. This is beautiful Jules, so delicate and what a fabulous gift to be able give someone besides the card, which in itself if adorable.
    Glad you had fun on your evening out (will have to go and watch it).
    Max x

  10. Lovely card, Jules! Can never resist beady things!

    Glad you enjoyed the movie. I have yet to see it, but would like to. Too much else going on at the mo. Maybe when things settle down a bit.

    Good luck with the self-employed thing, whatever that is.. Sounds intriguing!! :o)

    Chris xx


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So with that bit over and done with .. .. thank you for calling by my little part of blogland. I hope that you enjoyed your visit, and if I made you smile at any point then I am well pleased.

Love Jules xx