Monday 15 February 2010


Hi Folks

Well the excitement of my long crafting Valentine weekend is nearly over :-(

Back to work tomorrow.

But hey .. .. .. I need to get my craft stash pennies from somewhere.

I also need to collect some money for the Valentine cards I made for some of the chaps at work .. .. .. .. it was a real eye opener seeing things from a man's point of view.

To me a Valentine card is a bit soppy and lovely dovey and is meant to tell your special someone how you feel.

Well yes, this is what some of the men wanted .. .. .. but not all!

Some wanted Valentine cards that didn't mention the word "love"!!!

Some wanted "funny ones" .. .. .. and I was asked "did I have one with a dog on the front?". I daren't ask why and just said "no, sorry".

I then said "I do have a stamp of a pig holding a heart and perhaps I should have done some that said "I might be a pig .. .. but I'm yours".

I thought they would be insulted by this but no .. .. .. .. .. that would have been perfect and why hadn't I done one like that!!!

It was such a laugh. But I had the last one. The chaps were saying how nice my cards were and how they couldn't believe I had made them .. .. .. .. I politely said "thank you" and finished off by saying "I do wedding stationery too if any of you are thinking of proposing for Valentines".

Deathly silence fell across the room. LOL!!!!

So, just in case you are interested .. .. .. in my little survey of men and Valentine cards I have decided that the quiet ones are the romantic ones!!!

I can't wait to hear what the ladies thought of their cards. Yesterday, I was imagining them opening their cards and was hoping they were pleased.

I know .. .. .. .. I am soppy in the extreme!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

In the meantime here is a quick share of a birthday card I made for my son to give to the female drummer in one of his bands. I made this a little while ago now but it is fine for me to share it as the birthday is "long gone".

This used:

Images are all : Inkadinkado 98693 "Rock Star"
Backing Papers: DCWV Rockstar Mat Stack
Sentiment and Alphabet for name: Pink Petticoat
Brads, flowers and ribbon from the Stash box

I hope you have all had a good Monday - thanks for calling by.

Love Jules xx


  1. Hiya Jules
    This is fab! Love the colour combo.
    Sounds like you have been busy.
    Have a great week.
    Take care
    Debs xx

  2. Fantastic card! I loved reading about the valentines too! It is half term and I am having a little bit of a craft fest in between trying to tidy up a bit and shopping for wedding outfits!

  3. Absolutely stunning! Wow!

    I like the I'm a pig idea =) it made me laugh

  4. I am laughing while reading this Jules, I can just picture the shock on their faces when you mentioned wedding.

    I love this card and really think it is great for those music lovers. Must check out Inkadinkado for that great drum kit image as my little brother is a drum teacher and I am always trying to find this type of image.

    Max x

  5. Fabulous card. Love the colours, image and design.
    Your valentine survey made me giggle too.
    Beryl xx

  6. hi there jules
    this is very very fabulous.
    loved you write up about the valentines cards very interesting.
    hope you are ok love chris xx

  7. Well, you've definitely got the men sussed out - I can just picture the 'wedding' moment - lol! Love your card - I bought this set of stamps for the great guitar image and I hadn't even noticed the drum kit, I'm such a dozy mare sometimes!

    Nicki, :0)

  8. This is so fun, I just Love it!!!

  9. Hi Jules, you did give me a giggle, he he, now know how to silence a room full of men, mention the work wedding, very witty lol! Love your card, fantastic card for a teenager, gorgeous flower and brads, take careX:)

  10. Hi Jules,
    How lovely for you to have helped spread a bit of love with your gorgeous cards this weekend.

    This card is fab, very fitting for the recipient.
    Have a great day.
    Clare x

  11. Hi Jules, I think we are all a bit soppy, I always like a card for the words as well as the front cover. Your card for your sons friend is ideal and its stunning. With love and hugs Shirleyxxxxxx

  12. Love this drumming card Jules, perfect for her and nice colour combo. Men and their valentines, we want thme to be romantic but it just doesn't happy. They definitely scare away from commitment, would love to have seen their faces when you mentioned wedding stationery lol.

  13. That was some interesting insight, Jules.. You have inspired me to do some research among the men in my office, too.

    Great card for Tash, as well!

    Chris xx

  14. Sounds like you had a real laugh, Jules. Bet you know more about these men then their other halfs now!!
    Love the drumming card.


  15. Fab card for a female drummer Jules. That Inkadinkado set looks so useful. Love the Valentine's story, Lol!

    Lesley Xx

  16. Hi Jules

    Aren't men funny when it comes to valentines day lol the hubby left mine in the car unwritten so i ended up working on sunday so when i came home it was ready for me to open at last LOL

    Great card too i love rock themed cards im sure she loved it!

    Take care

    Sal xx

  17. Jules, oh this is such a fun card!!! Neat images and I really like those colors you used! Great work my friend!
    Hugs, Dena

  18. fab card, I love those stamps

  19. This is amazing!! Love the combo of all those fab images!! Hugs Juls


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So with that bit over and done with .. .. thank you for calling by my little part of blogland. I hope that you enjoyed your visit, and if I made you smile at any point then I am well pleased.

Love Jules xx