Tuesday 23 March 2010


Good morning everyone

Well, my lovely long weekend of activity is over and I am home alone for an hour or so.

The Indian meal on Saturday was lush .. .. and my Sis and her chappie came along too. Great night.

Sunday we went to watch Alice in Wonderland in 3D - I enjoy the film but didn't find the 3D as magical as when I went to watch Avatar.

Yesterday was Jethro Tull in concert. A wonderful night .. .. but it made me feel a bit old. We have followed Jethro Tull.. .. .. bought everything they have produced and seen them more times than I can remember.. .. .. .. .. but the fact that I was watching them for the first time alongside my two "very grown up" sons made me realise how time has passed. Hubby and I were watching them in concert before the lads were born !!!!

In between all of the above there has been a bit of craft activity. My lovely DIL has well and truly mastered the art of the paper roses and has gone home armed will millions of paper flowers which she has sat and punched out of my scrap paper drawers at every opportunity. I feel there are going to be roses on everything she makes for the next 5 years or so!!!

So here is one of my craft makes

This used a stamp set that has been waiting to be inked up for a few weeks - and one I just knew I was going to love using. I can see this set becoming one of my over-used favourites. Lots of stamps in the set and not one that I don't like!! How unusual is that ?!?!?!?!?!? Normally in a set there are a few "strange" ones - but not in this set.

This used:

Images and Sentiment: Hero Arts CL338 "Be Yourself"
Backing Paper: My Minds Eye

So how little can you need for a creation. It is all just stamping and paper piecing - no major techniques.

To move on from the simple - here as promised is the lovely card that my blog buddy Jacee made for me. Jacee won my secret blog anniversary prize (which was the thank you stamp that is on the front of this wonderful creation).

This is the complete opposite to my card. Jacee must have spend hours making this gorgeous creation. So many lovely details. Originally I was going to show Jacee's card on its own but then thought people might think I am clever enough to have done this myself .. .. and I didn't want to confuse folks any more than I normally do.

Isn't it just wonderful. Such beautiful colours and words. Thank you so very much Jacee - I love it and will keep it always!!!

So the kids have headed back to London armed with as many things as I could palm off on them and I am home alone for a hour or so before heading off to work. I should really be clearing up all the little bits of paper that seem to have appeared all over the carpet in the living room/dining room .. .. .. but a blog catch up seemed much more important.

As a follow on to my last post .. .. .. you were right Scalder .. .. .. a "kip" is a "nap".

OK - just time to grab a bit of breakfast and then off to work for me.

Catch you all again soon.
Thanks for calling by .. ..

Love Jules xx


  1. BEAUTIFUL Card Jacee!

    and yours rocks too Jules. sounds like you've had a brilliant couple of days. ENJOY!
    Have FUn & Take Care

  2. Hi Jules, what a stunning card your friend sent you. Huge compliments to her on the stunning colour and layout. Wow!

  3. You're right Jules the card from Jaycee is beautiful and such pretty colours. Your own card is not to be sniffed at either. Perfection in simplicity! I think I need those stamps 'cos I love that birdie.

    I'm glad you had such a lovely weekend, now enjoy the peace.

    Lesley Xx

  4. Your card is just gorgeous!!! I love this set...i keep waiting for it to fall into my basket!! Love the soft colours, that funky bird always makes me smile, and the flowers coming up the side is a perfect finishing touch!!

    Wow your thank you card is amazing...must have been a real thrill getting that through the post!

    Hugs Juls

  5. HI Jules, thank you so much for showing my card, I'm thrilled that you were pleased with it, I thought the gift of the stamp was so kind, that I really wanted to make you a card using it, I have to say, you have done a grand job photographing it, and of course the words were sincere.
    Now on to your card.....love it, what a super birdie, really like the backing paper, and guess what, I spotted the little heart straight away! LOL
    Pleased you had a good weekend, sounds like you really enjoyed yourselves. Hugs, Jacee

  6. So glad you had a fab time. Old? at a Tull concert? Just look at the stage!!! Great card too-That bird is lovely!

  7. Hi there Jules
    fab card its one of my favs too,and yes what a card without too much messing around, its brill.
    pleased you had a good time at your concert and with the family.
    back soon lots of hugs chris xx

  8. Two great cards - yours and Jaycee's! Warmest wishes, Lesley

  9. Hiya Jules
    I love your card - you are always so precise and professional with your designs and layouts - they are gorgeous.
    Thanks for your kind words on my GDT spot at PTW.
    Have a wonderful day.
    Take care
    Debs xx

  10. I can't imagine where all those little bits of paper came from... :)It took us a mammoth 5 hours to get home, all that crafty time gone, but never mind there is Sunday to look forward to :)

  11. I like both cards. Jules yours would be one that I would do and Jacee's would be one my sister would do. Have a great day!


  12. I like them both. Jules yours would be one that I would make and Jacee's would be one that my sister would make. Have a great day!


  13. Hi Jules, what a gorgeous card, love the simplicity of it.
    Yes I can relate to your feeling over watching you idols in person, I once saw Glen Campbell, and was really upset he looked very different to what I had expected. This air lifting on photos has alot to answer for that one.
    I did smile at you passing all your bits and pieces of to your family thats the sort of thing I do.
    With love and hugs Shirleyxxxxx
    Love that thankyou card its gorgeous.

  14. To Jules
    That was nice at what a lovely cards it is too

    From Helen


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So with that bit over and done with .. .. thank you for calling by my little part of blogland. I hope that you enjoyed your visit, and if I made you smile at any point then I am well pleased.

Love Jules xx