Sunday 7 March 2010


Hi Everyone

Well the lovely craft session I have had this weekend with Helen is nearly over :-( and Helen will have to return home to Mum, Dad and Neil.

We have had lots of fun and just won't believe how many gorgeous creations Helen has made.

At the moment Helen doesn't have a blog of her own so I said that I would post them for everyone to see on her behalf. But I think she would made a very inspirational blog owner .. .. she is only 13 and has created the following cards all on her own.

Here are all her works of art (the first is a special one that is going to be hidden for Helen's Mum until next Sunday - Mothering Sunday). We are also going to enter this into the Get Funky! Challenge for March where the theme is "Girls, Girls, Girls".

So here we go .. .. .. prepare to be amazed by Helen's masterpieces:

This one is a special one .. .. .. because it was made especially for my lovely hubby and I to say "thank you" for a lovely time. (I think I enjoyed it just as much).

Helen has also managed to hide a heart on everyone too!! (Plus she wore socks with hearts on yesterday and PJ's with hearts on today LOL!!).

I cannot show my creations as I have been doing some DT work for Anice's next Funky Hand download (though a left-over piece of paper from the new download has made its way onto one of Helen's cards).

Not only did we spend lots of time being creative we also sorted out my ribbon draw!!! Every piece of ribbon has been neatly tied up with bag ties and I can now open and close the draw so much more easily.

What a super tidy crafter Helen is!!!

Thank you for a lovely weekend Helen .. .. .. I hope we can get rid of Mum and Dad and do it again sometime.

So everyone, which was your favourite of Helen's creations. She would love to know.

Love Helen & Jules xx


  1. Super cards Jules, do tell Helen that she has done a super job with them all, but then she has a good teacher in you, so pleased that you have both enjoyed your crafty weekend.

  2. I think they are all great, but especially like the cute ducky, happy Easter. She did a wonderful job!

  3. Sounds like you had a wonderful time! Helen is a very talented young lady! I love the mice with the flower pots - sooooo cute!

  4. Hi Jules (and Helen)

    Wow you girls were so busy looks like we have both had great crafty weekends with little people lol!
    I love the card Helen made for her mum but my crafty fave is the Hello Kitty card the one with the apature its so lovely I definitely think that if Helen had a blog it would be fantastic

    Thanks for sharing Helens work hun

    Emma xxx

  5. Oh I love the card Helen made for her mum, but they are all fab. She would have a blog with many visitors :)
    It´s fun to craft with young ones, they do give us great ideas!


  6. Wow, you and Helen have been busy! Tell Helen all her cards are beautiful and her Mum is going to love hers I just know.

    Of the other cards picking a favourite was very difficult but I like the decoupaged hedgie in the flower pot best with the little duck and funky flower coming a very close second.

    Lesley Xx

  7. Helen: What a wonderful mix of cards!! I really cannot choose between the "square" flowers and the mouse "sailing" in the newspaper. Well done:)

  8. Wow!!! sounds as though you had a fab weekend..I love crafting with my girlies and some of the things they make astonish me...
    HELEN I must just say hun, all your cards are beautiful and you really have put them together so fav has to be the first one, the one for your mom... our youngest KT has done a wordbook for me for mothers day with the help of her dad lol....

    Keep on with the crafting hun, your a natural

    hugs shell xx

  9. Mmmmm which is my favourite, I think the PB mouse in the paper hat card was gorgeous, what a crafty young thing you are Helen. You both must have had lots of fun.
    Happy crafting
    Tracy x

  10. Well I think that Helen should know ALL of these cards are so lovely that it is impossible to choose a favourite. Her card for Mum is a masterpiece though but the colouring on all of the other cards is excellent and I do love that paper pieced flower too! Warmest wishes, Lesley

  11. It looks like you had a fab weekend. Helen, I love your cards and my fave is the mouse in the newspaper.

    Nikki x

  12. Good morning jules
    wow you have both been busy, these are heavenly,I love every single one,but especially the hello kitty one.
    thanks for sharing them with us.
    xx chris

  13. Hi Jules,

    It looks as though we are all going to need to watch our with Helen about, she's one awesome crafter judging by these makes.

    And a tidy one as well eh, she can come and work in my craft room any day.

    So please you both had fun. And I bet hubbys a happy camper 2-0 against Watford.

    B x

  14. Hi Jules it sounds as though you and Helen had a grand old time together, and shes created some stunning cards, her mum is going to be so thrilled with hers. With love and hugs Shirleyx

  15. Sounds like you two had loads of crafting fun this weekend.
    Some really special cards Helen, difficult to choose a favourite but I do especially like the 'Mum' wordbook. :)xx

  16. Helen has been busy- they are all fab
    Thanks for playing along at Get Funky Helen

  17. Hi Helen, you were super busy over the weekend, and I love all your cards. My favourite on is the one with the check paper and little chick. Super job, well done,
    Enfys xx


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Love Jules xx