Monday 15 March 2010


Good morning everyone

I hope that you all had a great weekend and that if you are a Mummy you got a bit of extra special love from your "little ones" yesterday!!

On Saturday I let you know about a couple of new blogs that have hit blogland.

Thank you to everyone who popped over to welcome them both. I know they appreciated it very much.

Unfortunately though Helen is having problems and cyberspace has swallowed up her first blog - so she had had to start again. (Well done Helen for not giving up and starting again).

Mmmmmmmm............ this second blog is looking very smart already. She has obviously had a bit more time to play with this one over the weekend - and already it is starting to put mine to shame.

So all of you kind people who popped and chose to follow and comment on Helen's first blog .... I am so sorry they are all lost .. .. but if you liked what you saw then she has another one here. There will be no further action on the first one (because we don't know where it is LOL!!!).

So a quick share from me whilst I am here.

Can you believe that some very organised people have asked me to start making "Father's Day" cards. Must have been Mother's Day that set them off!!

So here is a quick Father's Day make.. .. ..

This used:

Image: Penny Black 2895H "Teed Up"
Background Papers and Sentiment: Pink Petticoat
Martha Stewart Punch: Embossed Zig Zag
Nail Heads: Josy Rose
Diamond Stickles
Cord from the stash box

So there we go - the first Father's Day card from me of 2010.

Have a great day everyone and thanks for visiting.

Take care.

Love Jules xx


  1. A real cutie Jules. Well done.

  2. I love that little porcupine, cute card!

  3. Hi Jules, you are well prepared for fathers day for sure, and that image is gorgeous. With love and hugs Shirleyxxxx

  4. Blimey, you are too organised Jules!!!!! But what a great card. I have lots of Birthdays to think of before Father's Day so will have to get on with those.


  5. Great card and that image is one that I haven't seen before. I have 'Missed You!' which shows Hedgie swinging his golf club but 'Teed Up' looks so cute. Lovely colour combination too.

    Lynn x

  6. Crikey Jules, you are organised, love the card, the colours are just the ticket for a bloke, I'm blowed if I can see the heart though, mind you, I am due for new glasses!

  7. OH I love that card, gorgeous!

  8. Wonderful card, Jules! I'm afraid March is one of those months where everyone seems to have a birthday, so eight finished, two to go before I start April's birthdays! Can't even think about June yet!!!

  9. Go on Jules give me a clue I can't see the heart. Great Father's day card and fab male image.
    Happy crafting
    Tracy x

  10. Fathers Day already it that little hedgy is gorgeous

    hugs shell xx

  11. Hi there Jules
    hope you are well
    your hedgehoog card is adorable,love it.
    hugs chris xx


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So with that bit over and done with .. .. thank you for calling by my little part of blogland. I hope that you enjoyed your visit, and if I made you smile at any point then I am well pleased.

Love Jules xx