Sunday 9 May 2010


Hi Everyone

I hope that you have all had a good weekend.

Some of mine has been spent (with the help of my lovely hubby) in trying to organise my little craft space to make it more "user friendly". After all if I am now going to be spending all this extra time in there it needs to be practical. We didn't do too badly but the room is so small that to have both of us in there along with all the tackle we needed called for synchronised movements - it was a bit like a game of chess .. .. .. one of us needed to move one way before the other could move and so on.

So once we gave up on the miracles that could be performed in my little room today (LOL!!) I decided to have a quick play and this was the result.

This used:

Image: Penny Black "2361K" Ecarte, Splits, Pirouette
Sentiment: Funstamps "FG12" Happy Birthday (Dots)
Backing Papers: Funky Hand CD "Dreams Come True"
Martha Stewart Punches: Traditional Scallop and Frond
Handmade roses
Diamond Stickles
Ribbon, pearls and stamens from the stash box

Time now to start my kitchen duties .. .. .. after all .. .. .. all play and no work makes for a messy house!!! LOL!!!

I am then hoping for a good old blog hop this evening.

Take care everyone and I'll catch you again soon.

Love Jules xx


  1. Lol, glad you had fun sorting you crafty space

    Your card I love the colours you have used, its really sweet
    Hugs shell xx

  2. Hi Jules, love the relative simplicity of this card and the colour combo.

    Hugs, Pauline x

  3. Great card, Jules. I love the dancing hedgehogs, and the fresh colours. Good luck with sorting out your craft space. I've been trying to do the same for weeks! It must be a great feeling knowing that your journey to work in future will be no further than into your own little room, and you can craft away all day. I'm more than a little envious, & I really hope it all goes well for you. x

  4. Hiya Jules
    Another simply elegant card - love it!
    Glad to hear the crafty space is organised - when can you come and do mine lol!!!!
    Thanks for popping over to my blog and the lovely comments.
    Take care
    Speak soon
    Debs xx

  5. Great card, the colour combo works well and the image is so sweet.


  6. What a gorgeous card! I love the colours and what a cute stamp. My boat scene arrived yesterday, so you might see a few cards with it soon! I am really looking forward to 5th July - does carrot cake sound good to you?

  7. What a beautiful card. Just love those hedgehogs and the colours fit the design well. I need to tidy my desk as share a small room with my husband. Nicky xx

  8. OH I absolutely adore that stamped image, what a riot!!!

    Gorgeous creation!, I always love seeing your cards!

  9. Fabulous card - I love the spray of flowers!! Good luck with your new life - so brave of you to take the plunge but how wonderful too! Wishing you every success! JUliex

  10. Beautiful card Jules, adore the image and just love the soft candy colours. Lovely simple layout too.
    Take care.

  11. Hi Jules I do love this image and you have done a great job with the colouring I adore the papers and flowers this is such a pretty card.
    Lorraine x

  12. Firstly thankyou for your kind comments on my blog and secondly wow love your card, I have not got many penny black stamps but this is so cute and I love the colours you have used and the little heart detail is so cute.
    louise xx

  13. Cute card Jules. I love the Penny Black image, it's really fun! The colouring is beautiful. Thanks for the lovely comments you have left on my blog. Love Kerry xx

  14. Hi Jules, well I suppose the only thing you can do about your room is watch you dont put on to much weight if its that small.
    Love your card and dont those cats look precious. Love the colouring and the card design is fabulous. With love and hugs Shirleyx

  15. Hi Jules. Your craft room reorganisation sounds great fun, if you're anything like me you have this vision of a much larger room until you actual get into it and realise it's so tiny!!!!
    I loved your Dollshouse trip down memory lane. We had a Christmas tree too but I think my sister must have it, I shall have to go and reclaim it!!!! Love your address too.
    Have a good crafty week.


  16. What a super card Jules, love the image, how cute are they!


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So with that bit over and done with .. .. thank you for calling by my little part of blogland. I hope that you enjoyed your visit, and if I made you smile at any point then I am well pleased.

Love Jules xx