Tuesday 18 May 2010


Hi Everyone

What a glorious day ... ... ... could this be the start of summer? Oh I hope so!!!

Just a quick share with you tonight as I need to go and "do a bit" in the garden (and it will be "a bit" as time is running away with me again)!!. I need to prepare the ground for some vegetables I am going to attempt to grow and also organise my greenhouse for my little tomato plant family.

We won't bother with "before" and "after" photographs as you will all feel too sorry for me LOL!!!

Anyway, here is the quick share .. .. nothing earth shattering .. .. but a card I just know my Sis is going to love as she is really into handbags and makes them to sell.

This used:

Image: Stampendous! "N190" Posh Purses
Background Papers: Pink Petticoat
Sentiment: Computer generated
Woodware Flower Punches
Diamond Stickles

We all managed to pass inspection at the dentist yesterday .. .. our next appointment is November!!! Eeekkk we will be back to Winter by then and in a panic about Christmas cards!!

On that cheery note I will bid you all a good evening LOL!!!

Catch you again tomorrow if my lappy lets me. It isn't very happy at the moment and may need to go and be "inspected" at the computer hospital if hubby can't pull any miracles out of the bag. How will I cope?

Love Jules xx


  1. Gorgoeus hun, just love those bags. We were gonna try andgrow some toms but with moving house soon we decided to leave it till next year

    hugs shell xx

  2. If you're anything like me (and I know you are, lol) you'll not cope at all Jules! I've been totally lost just knowing it's not here when mine's had to go for 'treatment'.

    Love the card by the way, and can imagine your sister will. It reminds me of one a friend bought me once (not handmade though) which referred to the fact that I had a bit of an Imelda Marcos shoe thing going on to the point that I bought two pairs exactly the same because I had forgotten I already had them in my wardrobe, Doh!

    Oh yes, after seeing your entry for the Sir Stampalot Challenge I decided it was time I had a go as the project I was making fitted the bill so today I've posted my very first challenge entry ever!

    Lesley Xx

  3. Hi Jules
    Lovely card, fab handbags and love the simple design of the card.
    Hope your laptop's better soon!

  4. Great card Jules. I love the handbags stamp and the sentiment is great. Love Kerry xx

  5. Fabulous card, Jules! Good luck with the gardening. Ours is now all dug over and we are waiting for the runner beans and marrows to come through in pots on the window ledge!

  6. It's sooo satisfying to make a card that fits the person it's going to so well! I'm sure your Sis will love it!

  7. Hi Jules
    fab card love the bags and great text.
    Christine x

  8. i love this card - it's great and any handbag lover would love it i'm sure x

  9. I love this card Jules... just what any girl loves to do huh! Super for a woman of any age! That's me! lol hugs Sharon x

  10. Hi Jules,
    Managing to do some catching up at last. I've spent what seems like weeks getting the garden straight and there's still loads to do. Must get it looking it's best for any potential viewers. Hope your new working life is agreeing with you. Your sister will love this card. It's gorgeous.
    Beryl xx

  11. Love this card and a girl can never have enough handbags. The sentiment is lovely too. Simply but very effective design. Yipee for the sunshine hope it is here to stay. Nicky

  12. Lovely card - great stamp with handbags! Very elegant card!

  13. oooh I LOVES this, perfect girly card!

  14. Hi Jules
    this is a gorgeous card love the soft colours. THANKYOU so very much for that link, I have just spent up massively eeeeeeek lol, I knew exactly who you meant he is who I get my stamps from at ally, yippee! thanks hun I didnt realise they were online.


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So with that bit over and done with .. .. thank you for calling by my little part of blogland. I hope that you enjoyed your visit, and if I made you smile at any point then I am well pleased.

Love Jules xx