Thursday 6 May 2010


Good morning Everyone

Well the day has finally come.. .. .. today I finish the job I have been doing for nearly three years .. .. .. and tomorrow I start my own adventure.

Today is going to be tough. I am useless at "goodbyes" so always opt for "I see you when I do" so that I don't get that big lump in my throat and that tell-tale "filling up of the eyes"!!!

But it will be "I'll see you again" because the people I have been working for and with have become very good friends outside of work - which is great - and after work tonight we are having a little celebration to mark the end of one era and the beginning of another.

Oh I do feel funny!! My tum is turning somersaults at the thought and I am slightly in panic mode .. .. but I am sure all will turn out fine once I get up and running properly.

Anyway none of my dream can possibly come true without the backing and blessing of my fantastic hubby - so to say thank you I wanted to make him a special card. The problem is it isn't quite special enough yet... .. ... so you can just have a little look at the current state of play!!

I am using some really special papers that I got free with a magazine years ago but haven't been able to use because I love them too much.. .. .. but it feels just right to use them now.

I want my hubby to know how much I appreciate everything and hopefully my creation will show that. Depending on what time I get home tonight I may finish it then - or alternatively I will start my new life tomorrow morning by finishing it then.

How appropriate it would be to start doing what you want to do most in life by saying "thank you" to the person who has made it all possible. Oh I am a soppy old thing!!!

Anyways, here is the "work in progress"

You will see the rest tomorrow .. .. when I am finally happy with the end result.

I will give you an up-date tomorrow on how today went. I know it is going to involve me raiding the shop for cream cakes at some part in the proceedings - and having a little drink after work.

Take care everyone and don't forget to go and vote .. .. .. if you haven't already done a postal one that is!!!!!

Love Jules xx


  1. it's so exciting =). Good luck sweetie!

  2. Hi Jules,
    What a big day for you today. It will be both happy and sad.
    Best wishes for your new venture - how exciting!
    Clare x

  3. Oh Jules, I'll be thinking of you on this day. Sad on the one hand, but so exciting on the other. How wonderful that you have hubby's support as to start this new venture. Good luck. We'll be watching you... hugs galore, Sharon x

  4. Ah Jules, such an exciting and emotional day you have coming but you won't regret it, especially with the support of your lovely husband. Enjoy the day and don't get too soppy.

  5. OH wow...the day is finally here hun, you just enjoy it let it all happen around you.
    Tomorrow will come soon enough, and that will be great to hun...huge hugs and loadsa good luck
    hugs shell xx

  6. Hi Jules, I hope it goes well for you, but think of the freedom of clock watching, and the enjoyment of creating and taking part in your new adventure. With love and hugs Shirleyxxx

  7. I don't know what you are venturing in but I wish you good luck and all the best!

  8. I do hope today goes well for you and not too many tears. I'm liking the look of that card, hope to see it in it's full glory tomorrow.
    Happy crafting
    Tracy x

  9. I'm sure your last day in this job is going to be a lovely one and how nice that your are now friends so will still keep in touch. My friend and ex boss (I retired exactly a year ago) popped round to see me last night and it's so lovely to play catch-up for an hour or two.

    I'm positive with your skill and talent your adventure is going to be a very successful one. Enjoy it all my friend!

    Lesley Xx

  10. Good luck and I hope everything works out for you. Thanks for the reminder about voting ... haven't been yet ... to be honest I'm not really into politics but I've been lecturing my son 'lucky to live in a democracy - don't waste your vote' so I suppose I'd better get down there and make my mark.

    Lynn x

  11. what a fab gesture, I am sure your haubby will love it!!! and I am sure your new business is going to be a fabulous success!! Hugs Juls

  12. I remember tat paper and still have the tiniest scrap to remind to keep looking for it. I do hope today went well for you and I look forward to hearing how it's all going on a regular basis.
    Beryl xx

  13. Good luck hun! By this point in the evening I hope you have had those few drinks and are feeling very mellow. Good for you x

  14. Hi Jules
    Hope you're OK! Thinking of you.

  15. Can't wait to see your project tomorrow. I hope you have a great last day at work. Love Kerry xx

  16. Can't wait to see your project tomorrow. I hope you have a great last day at work. Love Kerry xx

  17. How exciting - a last day to be then setting up in what you want to do! Dead Jealous! Let me know when your empire is ready for some little helpers - at this rate I will still be in the pub and more than happy to come up :) maybe that house next door will still be available... LOL!
    Have a great day, see you soon


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So with that bit over and done with .. .. thank you for calling by my little part of blogland. I hope that you enjoyed your visit, and if I made you smile at any point then I am well pleased.

Love Jules xx