Friday 4 June 2010


Hi Everyone

Well my creation of the day is a bit different to my normal creations !!

As explained yesterday I am off to a workshop at Sir Stampalot in Peterborough and participants have volunteered to take something for us to nibble on during the course of the day. (Personally I have a feeling we will all be far too engrossed in our crafting to remember to eat LOL!!!).

So here are my contributions towards the day.

Firstly, cheese and mustard scones (heart shaped of course)


Vanilla heart biscuits dipped in chocolate (only two squares popped in my mouth before the melting process started).

I probably ought to explain those bobbly bits. I bought a bar of white crunch chocolate and added a couple of milk chocolate squares and melted it all together - the bobbly bits are the crunchy bits (not badly melted chocolate LOL!!!).

I have made more than five biscuits .. .. they are all sat around the kitchen in little batches.

My kitchen smells lovely and I am just hoping that the chocolate on the biscuits sets before I have to pack them away .. .. .. .. .. and that it doesn't melt again whilst on the way to Peterborough .. .. .. eeekkkk!!!!

I hope my playmates will like what I have made. The scones will probably need a bit of butter - hopefully someone else will be taking some of that as I don't think it will survive being out of the fridge for some 20 hours if I take some.

So no posts from me now until Sunday, when hopefully I will have a few pictures of my special weekend - and no doubt very dirty ink stained hands.

Have a good weekend everyone.

Love Jules xx


  1. They look divine, hope they make it to Peterborough. Look far too edible not to pop into the Enjoy your weekend. Am looking forward to your posts with all the news!

  2. OH YUMMERS, *sneaks through screen and grabs one* teehee!

  3. Hi Jules,
    I really wanted to go tomorrow, but it's my sister's birthday and as she is moving to France (permanently!) in a couple of weeks she is having a bit of a party that I don't want to miss.
    I would have loved to try out your heart shaped scones!
    Have a great day.
    Clare x

  4. Hi Jules
    playmate here, They look scrummylicious.The scones look nice for breakfast about 10.30ish then the biscuits for elevensies then I have done a tuna plait for lunch about 12 , and so on and so on!!!

  5. Oh my Jules, playmates will definately like - can teacher have some too please ?

    The one we really need to watch out for is Sir Stamp himself, he has a habit of lurking round corners where there is food about.

    See you tomorrow.

    B x

  6. Hi! Jules, wow what a yummy time you will have.
    All those treats and a few crafty ones too :o)
    Hope you have a truly lovely day and i look forward to show and tell.take care,hugs Lou.xx

  7. Oh you lucky girl, and I am sure the nibbles will all be gone in no time. Have fun.

  8. Oh how could us these gorgeous looking bakes and not share with us lol...oh my I just wish I was coming with you it would be worth travelling miles for one of those delicious bites.
    Lorraine x

  9. Hi Jules,
    Your food looks scrumptious and I'm sure everyone will love them. Make sure you get yourself, Brenda and Chris on those photo's LOL!
    Hope you have a wonderful time, get dirty and enjoy!
    Happy crafting
    Tracy x

  10. Look lovely. Hope you have a good day


  11. Hi Jules, These look delicious! I am sure they will be enjoyed. Hope you have a great weekend.

    Lisa x

  12. Looks yummy. Another reason to wish I were joining you. Have a great time.

    Beryl xx

  13. Terrific biscuits, yummy. Have a smashing day tomorrow. Annette x

  14. My so you resorted to biscuits, I do so hope you have great fun at Sir Stampalot. With love and hugs Shirleyxx

  15. Mmmm yum, they all look scrummy, wish I was coming, I could have been the official taster, I'm quite an expert with biscwits!! LOL
    Enjoy the day Jules.

  16. oooh they were so yummy :) was nice to meet you today x

  17. ooohhh yummmmmmmmmmmm!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Hav a fab time at sir stampalot!! I am very envious! your baking looks just yumm! hugs Juls

  18. Oooooh Jules, I bet you aren't bringing any back for me!!!!

    I bet they were all gone in no time and I also bet you had a fab inky time. Wish I could have been there.

    Lesley Xx

  19. I can vouch for the fact that Jules's goodies were absolutely delicious, and the cheese scones especially were to die for! It was lovely to meet you, Jules, hope you enjoyed the day as much as I did. Here's to the next time!


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So with that bit over and done with .. .. thank you for calling by my little part of blogland. I hope that you enjoyed your visit, and if I made you smile at any point then I am well pleased.

Love Jules xx