Sunday 13 June 2010


Hi Everyone

Here is a mega quick share today.

Simple and clean .. .. .. my favourite kind of card .. .. .. and perfect if you are in a hurry!!

This one used:

Image: Pink Petticoat download
Backing Paper: Pink Petticoat
Sentiment: Pink Petticoat
Nestabilities: Classic Scalloped Circle Large
Nestabilities: Standard Circles Large
Diamond Stickles
Cord from the stash box

Hopefully you won't have any problems finding the heart LOL!!!

So what news do I have today:

1. My car passed it's MOT yesterday without needing further funds spending on it Yay!!!

2. My hubby is managing to paint the fences today Yay!!!

3. The soon to be released new Funky Hand CD arrived on my doorstep yesterday Yay!!!

4. There is a brand new Penny Black challenge for me to take part in. Yay!!!

My great blog buddy Brenda has some mega news. I am so excited and pleased for her. She has been asked to set up a brand new challenge by Penny Black called "Penny Black at Allsorts".

Please make sure you pop over and read what it is all about .. .. after all we can never have too many opportunities to get our Penny Black stamps out can we? and judging by the number of followers the new challenge has already gained I am not the only excited one!!

Well I think that is enough fun and news for one day don't you?

Have a lovely Sunday everyone and I will catch you all again tomorrow.

Love Jules xx


  1. This is a lovely card Jules. Whenever I try to do simple and clean it just looks bare and messy! The image is fab. I'm glad the car passed it's MOT with no extra charges. We seem to be throwing money at ours at the moment, there's always something needing to be replaced.
    Have a lovely Sunday,
    Nikki x

  2. Sounds like life is good Jules! Love your pretty card too. That's the perfect image for you isn't it, Lol!

    Have a good Sunday.

    Lesley Xx

  3. Hi Jules

    Somehow I knew you would be pleased at the opportunity to get those PB's out yet again.

    Thanks for the plug, peeps certianly seem to be excited about the prospect.

    Oh, very pretty card BTW, you can't go wrong with pink.

    B x

  4. Great card Jules. It's good to make quick and easy cards sometimes. Very effective. Love Kerry xx

  5. Hi Jules, all great news then.......woooooooo and the card is great as well. Annette x

  6. A beautiful card Jules, just love the simplicity thereof and plenty hearts I see ;) So pleased all is well your end. hugs Sharon

  7. Glad your car isn't poorly hun, brill news that hubby got fences done.
    As for you card gorgeous clean & simple the best kind

    hugs shell xx

  8. Great card, Jules! Love that image and the soft pastels. Thanks for your kind comments xxx

  9. totally pretty card, love it

    can't wait for the cahllenge blog!

  10. Lovely fresh card Jules, simple yet very pretty.

    Pleased that your car passed.

  11. Hi Jules
    Lovely card, fab stripey paper, love the simple layout too. Ooh will have to check out the new PB challenge! Yippee! Love me PB's :)

  12. a little tree of hearts! How romantic!!! gorgeous sweet card, I love it!! Hugs Juls

  13. Yep - it's perfect. Both beautiful and elegant.
    Beryl xx

  14. Simple, clean, fresh and very pretty. Certainly doesn't need anything else, it's lovely. Glad your car is ok! x

  15. Hi Jules, what a lovely stamp, that image is so simple but extremely pretty. Fabulous card, with love and hugs Shirleyxxxx


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So with that bit over and done with .. .. thank you for calling by my little part of blogland. I hope that you enjoyed your visit, and if I made you smile at any point then I am well pleased.

Love Jules xx