Friday 23 July 2010


Hi Everyone

Well I am back home again after a lovely few days away.

Firstly thank you to Mr Blogger for being so efficient in posting my scheduled offerings whilst I was away enjoying myself.

The weather was very kind to us and the romantic hotel was wonderful. I could have stayed there for ever!!! It was so lovely and can you believe that my silver toast rack this morning was heart shaped!!! LOL!!!

The football was OK .. .. we left the ground just before the end of the match (I don't like walking down lots of steps as part of a pushing crowd who are all in a rush to get out) and at this point Derby were winning 3 - 2. However, by the time we switched the TV on in our room for the news and weather outlook we found out that they actually drew 3 - 3 .. .. .. Bournemouth must have scored in the last couple of minutes.

Seperate to this we did a bit of crafty shopping in a couple of places and managed a few crafty bargains in the sales. I spent ages stroking my paper purchases and looking at them both in the car and in our various bedrooms. Can't wait to play with them.

Today we have travelled home and survived the journey .. .. .. but how I have no idea!! It was just so scarey on the motorway. We experienced three vehicles that just couldn't keep in their own lane:

Number 1 vehicle .. .. a woman who was hogging the outside lane and when she eventually pulled across was chatting away on her mobile phone -- driving with one hand!!!

Number 2 vehicle .. .. a male driver in a van who needed his two hands to eat his "Crunch Corner" .. .. no spare hands for putting on the wheel at all because he needed to hold his snack pot in one hand and a spoon in the other!!!!

Number 3 vehicle .. .. a male driver who was too busy reading his map to watch the road ahead and at one stage we thought he was going to go straight off the hard shoulder let alone his lane!!

What a worry. No wonder there are so many accidents.

Anyway, on a better note .. .. we have had a great time and now I can have a great catch up with all my lovely blog mates and see what you have all been up to whilst I have been away.

I did manage a bit of colouring whilst away - mostly LOTV images and one which was free on the front of a magazine (no hearts to view yet though !! LOL!!).

I will catch you all again properly soon but in the meantime I am off for a good old hop about!!

Missed you all.

Love Jules xx


  1. Hello Jules,
    I'm glad you both had a lovely break on the sunny south coast!

    Oh do tell, what craft shops did you find?

    I dont know if you missed BB but wednesday nights was the most tense!!

    Keryn x

  2. Glad you're back safe and sound and after a lovely break by the sounds of it. Look forward to seeing a few of your makes with these lovely images.

    Lesley Xx

  3. Hello Jules, sounds like you had a fab time, I do hope that toast rack stayed on the table! it would have been nice with a few cards in it, theres an idea.

    your colouring looks fab, you have a few there to keep you going.
    have a great weekend love chris xx

  4. Nice to have you back Jules,so glad you had a good time apart from the dredful

  5. Oh dear, my nephews in Derby will be very gloomy over that football result!

    The images are gorgeous (I love LotV so much!). I'm glad you made it home in one piece: when my hubby is driving us on the M1 I usually have my eyes shut, the other drivers are so stupid!

    luv, Mags x

  6. Sounds like you had a lovely time. Thanks for your lovely comment about my canvas. I have moved classroom and school has finished, but I still have about five boxes of things that I haven't unpacked yet, so I'll be in school for a few days here and there doing more sorting and organising without children. When we go away I'm taking the folder of images you stamped for me and my promarkers x

  7. So glad you had a good time Jules, your images look lovely, can't wait to see what you turn them into, gorgeous creations no doubt.
    Happy crafting
    Tracy x

  8. hiya jules, great to see you back.glad you had a nice break and got some crafty goodies too.counting down to my hols now.

    xx coops xx


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So with that bit over and done with .. .. thank you for calling by my little part of blogland. I hope that you enjoyed your visit, and if I made you smile at any point then I am well pleased.

Love Jules xx