Monday 16 August 2010


Hi Everyone

A busy time here in the House of Hearts .. .. .. and the day has just whizzed by.

Quite a few makes under my belt today and this is the one I have chosen to share

along with a close up view of the image

This used

Image: Stampabilities "HMPR1003" Close Knit Family
Backing Papers: Pink Petticoat
Diamond Stickles
Wool, button and brad from the stash box

I got this image a few weeks ago from our local craft shop in a sale. There is however a bit of a strange part on the stamp and I think I need to get my scalpel out to it. Around the tail of the mouse on the extreme right is a little bit of extra rubber which looks like it should be there when you look at the stamp .. .. but now printed looks very strange!!! Will have to do something about that!! I didn't notice until I was three quarters of the way through the colouring.

Just a quick post today because I have had a telephone conversation from a customer who has been looking through my blog to try and find an image/card they would like me to use on a special card they have ordered.

It was suggested by the customer that I "forget the cards" and instead go in the direction of "professional speech writing" !!! Apparently I "don't half ramble on"!!! And of course the customer is always right.

Think I might stick to the cards though !!

Have a good evening.

Love Jules xx

P.S. My Tattered Florals Die hasn't arrived yet :-( .. .. .. perhaps the postlady will be my best friend tomorrow!!! :-)


  1. Love the image its really sweet...

    The papers are gorgeous though and compliment the image so well big hugs love pops x x

  2. This is beautiful Jules,a gorgeous image.As for the stamp you got a bit more for your

  3. Aww, that's such a sweet image, and I like the pun in the title!

    Fingers crossed that your Tattered Florals Die arrives tomorrow!!

    luv, Mags x

  4. Hi Jules, what a great card ... I haven't seen this image before. Lovely touch using wool around the card and to make your flower.

    Lynn x

  5. Hi there Jules, I love House Mouse they are so much fun and I'm loving how you've used this stamp, great colours. I can see what you mean about the extras, I think you may be right, a sharp scalpel will sort that:D xxx

  6. how gorgeous is this!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! firstly Love your colouring, and the wool you have added to the card is the perfect finishing touch! utterly gorgeous- LOVE IT!! Hugs Juls

  7. Gorgeous card, Jules! I thought that was real wool on the picture for a minute! Excellent colouring. You make beautiful cards, are very eloquent and, I think a paragon of tact and diplomacy by the sound of it! I'm not sure I would've been so good! Hope your dies arrive tomorrow x

  8. First of all Jules I love your ramblings :-)your so funny sometimes lol. As for you card it's beautiful even with that bit on the tail, I would never have noticed unless you had mentioned it, love the colours.
    Hugs Linda

  9. Aaawww this sooo adorable Jules and wonderfully coloured too. Love the dotty paper and pretty fluffy flower too!
    Take care.

  10. jules that is cute cute cute!! love the real wool and as for the waffle, i love that too!!!! hugs lou xx

  11. Hi Jules, fab card, the colouring is beautiful, & I adore the image, wouldn't have noticed the fault if you hadn't pointed it out.
    Hugz fleur xXx

  12. Aw Jules, what a fab image inspite of the 'iffy' bit. I absolutely adore little mice so this pushes all the right buttons for me as these are sooooo cute! It is an excellent image though because those balls of wool look 3D and poor Mum, doesn't she look harassed? Thanks for choosing this one to post.

    Lesley Xx

  13. Lol oh Jules that image just made me smile so much I always love looking at the House Mouse images they are such fun. I so love the colouring you have done and that flower is gorgeous.
    Lorraine x

  14. A beautiful card Jules. I love the cute image.

    Nikki x

  15. Aww this is so sweet love all the nice and you have coloured it beautifully.
    Louise xx
    P.s love the flower

  16. thats an awesome ribbon!

    i didnt notice the tiny flaw til you mentioned it, perhaps it is a bit of yarn stuck to his tail.

    I love it anyway, great fun!

  17. aw this is fantastic jules.a super cute image and i love your colouring,the wool looks so real.would not of noticed the mouses tail until you pointed it out.
    have got everything crossed that your tattered florals arrive today :D

    xx coops xx

  18. Stick with the cards Jules! They're always lovely. And some of them are the featured cards on the Pink P blog today.
    And thank you.

  19. I adore house mouse and your creation is superb Jules, I love it!
    Happy crafting
    Tracy x

  20. I'll tell ya this first before I forget lol...I love reading your ramblings on hun, you always make me smile..even when I am having a bad day, as I am today keep crying can't take my morphine cus feeling sick arghhh!!! its bad day today ...but you always make me smile & I loves you for that hun
    thank you...
    Gorgeous card hun I love that image soooooo sweet fab LO
    hugs shell xx

  21. Beautiful, Jules! Lovely image and I love the wool you have used on your card and for your flower! Brilliant! Hugs Delphine xx

  22. Hi Jules Bl...dy cheek, and I thought I was the one to talk for England, you dont ramble my love we enjoy your chat.
    I love your card those mice always make me laugh and I think your right about that little bit of extra rubber around that tail it does look a bit strange. With love and hugs Shirleyxxx


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So with that bit over and done with .. .. thank you for calling by my little part of blogland. I hope that you enjoyed your visit, and if I made you smile at any point then I am well pleased.

Love Jules xx