Friday 20 August 2010


Hi Everyone

My creation for today is a little different to normal and it all started because I had a little bit of scrap card left over after using my square nestie on a piece of cream card.

I was just about to put it into the bin when I trimmed it up and though it looked like a "possible" frame for something .. .. .. .. and what better than a window frame.

So here is the make

and the close up
This used

Large Flowers: Hero Arts "C3256" Three Gems
All other flowers and leaves: Rubber Stamp Tapestry "SFL34066" Moonlit Vase
Sentiment: Woodware "FRCL056" On The Move
Fiskars Punch: Threading Water
Nestablities: Classic Square
Sizzix: Mover and Shapers Die "Kit #1"
Marvy Le Plume Pens
Josy Rose: Nail Head
Lace from the stash box

The Rubber Stamp Tapestry stamps are a little set that you use to make up your own little floral scene. I used all the stamps in the set with the exception of the vase.

That is me for today. I hope everyone has had a good week . .. .. .. mine has flown by!!!

Happy weekend and I will catch you tomorrow with the winner of the envelope full of Tattered Florals.

Love Jules xx


  1. Brilliant card Jules and what a great idea! We crafters don't like to throw away anything!

    Janice x

  2. So pretty Jules, love it :D xx

  3. Its gorgeous Jules, love the tapestry stamps.

  4. Hi Jules.
    Your card is just beautiful. Love the window.
    Hugs :o)

  5. A fabulous card Jules,love what you have done with the stamps,just

  6. Hi Jules
    Oh I love this! What a fab idea! Love the lace in the window and you've stamped the flowers beautifully.
    Have a lovely weekend.

  7. Hi Jules,
    Great moving in card. My Mum had one made for me that looked like a front door with my house number on it!
    Love Kerry xxx

  8. Oh hun this is just gorgeous, what a fab idea, so much better than binnin it
    hugs shell xx

  9. do pretty and delicate
    Have a great weekend

  10. This is so beautiful, Jules! Love the idea of the window and the whole card is so elegant! Gorgeous lace too, wish I had some in my stash... Hugs Delphine xx

  11. A girl after my own heart ... I struggle to throw anything away - you never know when it will come in useful. Lovely card Jules, you've done a good job with the window box.

    Lynn x

  12. oh wow jules, what a fab make from a cut off bit and a super idea too, love the little flowers and greenery and the lace in the window is so cute xxxxx

  13. This turned out brilliantly and loving the tapestry stamping.
    Happy crafting
    Tracy x

  14. Beautiful! I will have to have a go at making a frame now!

  15. mmmmm, lovely New Home card Jules, I love the lace at the window! Such a great way of helping to use up some scraps too!

    Lovely colours also, soft and pretty!

    Keryn x

  16. Inspired, Jules! I have used windows on my cards before as part of the card but I LOVE how you have used the window as THE feature in this delightful New Home card! Hugs, Lesley

  17. this is beautiful, way to go!!!

  18. I love the card. Such a good idea.

    Nikki x

  19. You've been busy while I've been missing for a couple of days Jules. All your cards this week are gorgeous and I especially love this one. Clean and fresh are the words that come to mind and the window is a brilliant idea.

    Lesley Xx

  20. Brilliant idea Jules, i've got some of those stamps somewhere. I used to do my backing papers with them then i started buying papers and they haven't been inked since. your card is so lovely and different, i'll have to dig them out.Love the frame idea too. Di,xx

  21. so gorgeous!! Love the lace detail at the window! Hugs Juls


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So with that bit over and done with .. .. thank you for calling by my little part of blogland. I hope that you enjoyed your visit, and if I made you smile at any point then I am well pleased.

Love Jules xx