Thursday 12 August 2010


Hi Everyone

Well I don't know about your neck of the woods but here we are having a real mixed bag.

Sunshine, rain, warm then cold .. .. .. Mr Weather clearly can't make his mind up what mood he is in today!! I can't stand moody folk can you ?!?!?!? LOL!!!

So a quick(ish) share today (after yesterday's epic).

This creation is for my lovely hubby to give to one of his workmates who retires tomorrow. He has worked alongside this chap at various different companies for at least 30 years!! Gosh .. .. doesn't that sound a long time. Eeek!!

Anyways, here is my creation

with the close up

This used:

Image: Penny Black "1645K" Floating Dreams
Sentiment: Computer Generated
Backing Papers: Cuddly Buddly Download "Portfolio Papers - Denim"
Martha Stewart Punch: Embossed Zig Zag
Josy Rose: Nail Heads
Diamond Stickles

Not sure how long that paper boat is going to last in the water but at least Mr Mouse looks like he is enjoying himself whilst it stays afloat!! LOL!!

A quick up-date on my Tattered Florals Dies .. .. .. .. .. I called the craft shop this morning (Crafty Urchins in Cheadle - here is their blog).

When I called my lovely blog buddy was actually in the store enquiring about the die for me .. .. .. but sadly the box in the window was an empty display box!!! I can tell she was gutted. Bless!!!

Such a shame .. .. .. although it was a disappointment for me I feel my blog friend feels far worse than I do. (Please don't worry .. .. it doesn't matter). Friendships and kindness are far more important than any piece of craft equipment there is in the world.

The very friendly lady at Crafty Urchins is expecting some more stock in .. .. .. in about 6 weeks time .. .. .. and said she will save one for me. I am sure I will cope .. .. I waited very excitedly for 9 months for my beautiful boys to arrive so I am sure I can wait 6 weeks for a die!! LOL!!!

I hadn't heard about this craft shop - which must be about 45 minutes away from me - but I just know I am going to have to visit sometime.

And just to finish off ... .. ... ...

Anice from Funky Hand is going to be a TV Star again tomorrow. I think the show is being broadcast a few times over the course of the day but the first showing is 9.00am on Create and Craft .. .. I wonder if I will see any of my creations? I always love watching "just in case".

Sorry it wasn't that quick a post in the end was it!!!

Thanks for calling by.

Catch you again soon.

Love Jules xx


  1. A gorgeous card Jules, I love the image and the blues. Yes our weather is a mixed bag, at the moment we have a thunderstorm. My you can talk the hind legs off a donkey with your posts,but I do enjoy reading your

  2. Just gorgeous!! Love all those blues together! Hugs Juls

  3. totally awesome retirement card, perfect image!!!

    I know what you mean about the weather, even down here in oz its like that!! Must be getting ready for a season change!

  4. Amazing card, Jules! The image you have used is sooooooooo cute and beautifully coloured! And I love the papers too! Hugs Delphine xx

  5. I know that feeling, my friend Sarah also uses some of my cards on Create and Craft. Love your card its such a lovely retirement one. Take care with love and hugs Shirleyxxxxxx

  6. Fab card Jules. This is such a cute image and perfect for a retirement card.
    I'm glad I got my tattered florals when I did!
    We've just had thunder and lightening here, perhaps that will clear the way for some better weather now.
    Hugs, Clare x

  7. Hi Jules
    Fabulous card, adore the sweet image and great layout too.
    We've had thunderstorms here today, I have an inkling that summer will reappear in September! :)

  8. Hi Jules I have so enjoyed reading your post, for the first in a long time I have tuned in today with the sole purpose of visiting all my favourites blogs. I love your card those papers are gorgeous and so is that image which is also super cute I love it so will the recipient
    Lorraine x

  9. Brilliant card Jules. I am also waiting to get my hands on that die....... Annette x

  10. Lovely card, Jules! Ideal for a male retirement. Sorry you didn't get your dies, hun. I'll try and spot your cards tomorrow on Create and craft - I'll be off to town on a girly shopping trip with Meg after the programme. I'm enjoying my hols!

  11. I've just been having a long catch up and there's so much to see and read Jules. Goodness you've been a busy bee. What stunning cards though. I love the Spanish Wedding card and you're so right, the box makes it look extra special, no wonder they are thrilled.
    This retirement card is lovely too. 30 years is such a long time to work together, it must be some kind of record in this day and age. Hope the weather brightens up for you.
    Hugs Lisax

  12. We've had just about everything here today too Jules. Hope it's a bit more settled tomorrow, I have washing I need to do now my visitors have gone home, Lol!

    Love your card. That little mouse has such a fat tum I think he'd sink the boat even if it wasn't made of paper, Lol.

    Lesley Xx

  13. Hi Jules! Wonderful card! Lovely colours and image. See ya later! xx Jenny xx

  14. LOLOL I can't believe you live that close to Crafty Urchins I was in there last night getting some bits that I just NEEDED lololol....well if you do ever venture there just let me know cus I don't need much of an excuse to go there, its one of the best little crafty shops I know, & she will always do her best to help you out, I get most of my stamps off Sue, shes the nice lady that I got my Slice off for christmas lolol
    Gorgeous card btw, I love ya little mousey
    hugs shell xx

  15. hiya jules.have just sent you an email hun.think i`ve found the tattered florals in stock.have emailed you the link.its a british craft website.good luck :)

    xx coops xx

  16. Jules I really love this, the papers and image are so fabulous.
    Happy crafting
    Tracy x
    p.s. the spacing problem has now gone love, thanks.

  17. Oh I love this stamp SO much! He looks soooo cute! What a perfect stamp for a retirement card, love it! Thanks for the tip about Anice, now my telly in my craft room is up and working I'm going to watch a repeat of the show now whilst I'm blogging- heaven!! Thanks for being so sweet about my Mum x

  18. hiya jules, gorgeous the image and the soft blue colours are fab.great layout, oh and YIPPEEEEEEE you have got the tattered florals at last :)

    xx coops xx


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So with that bit over and done with .. .. thank you for calling by my little part of blogland. I hope that you enjoyed your visit, and if I made you smile at any point then I am well pleased.

Love Jules xx