Thursday 16 September 2010


Hi Everyone

I will warn you before I start that there is going to be a lot of rambling tonight along with a very rubbish photograph .. .. but I am mega excited about my achievements for the day.

As some of you will know I have a stand at the two day Melbourne Festival this weekend. Normally I take just cards with me .. .. but now I am into weddings as well I decided it would be good if I could show a few samples of my work off in this area too.

I won't have them on show as I don't have enough space to do a full blown wedding display .. .. .. .. so I decided the next best thing would be to take photographs and display them on a digital photo frame (I will have the samples in a box if anyone is interested). Worth a try.

So today was the day for doing this!!

First problem being, I don't have a digital photo frame. So I go on line to find that Jessops are selling a Sony 7" frame - should be £49 but reduced to £20. So I reserve it on line .. .. get to the part where I am agreeing to pay the £20 when it asks me if I have a voucher code to enter. .. .. .. .. .. mmm .. .. .. no voucher code but perhaps I could search for one ... ...yeah .. .. 10% off voucher code available. Great.

I enter this in my order box and now my digital frame has been reduced still further to £18.00 !!! Bargain or what.

So now to filling it with photographs.

I started by raiding the local florist to get just "odd" flowers in the shades I wanted so I could do some little displays.

No cream roses, and no cream anything available .. .. .. but she did have some special roses which had come in for a wedding order.

From out the back of the shop she produced the most gorgeous rose - a very "dirty brown/pink" colour .. .. which sounds disgusting but was really beautiful.

Guess how much for one rose .. .. .. £3.25!! I told her I would leave that but thank you for trying .. .. .. I dread to think how much the bride will be paying for a bouquet and buttonholes full of those roses!!

So a lovely little mixture of flowers and off I go home. Anyone seeing me leaving the shop would think I was colour blind judging by the strange array of colours I had purchased.

Now to set up my displays. Not easy - especially as today has been very dull. So I practically wrecked the dining room in an attempt to get some decent light in. All the curtains came down - chairs on the table for me to drape a backdrop over and props everywhere.

So a day of photograph taking - not brilliantly as I don't have the best equipment in the world - but I had great fun and was pleased with the results and even managed to get them onto my frame ready for the weekend. Yay!!

So no makes today .. .. .. except a huge mess in the dining room. But here is the awful photograph of my bargain frame with one of my photographs. It was pot luck which one you got to see!!

Sorry the picture is so rubbish.

Right, off to tidy up now then!! LOL!! Hubby couldn't believe his eyes when he came home!!!

Have a lovely evening everyone.

Love Jules xx


  1. Sounds like you've had loads of fun, Jules and the photo looks great on your bargain frame. What a clever idea to have them displayed like this. I'm sure you'll be very popular. Good Luck with it all.
    Hugs Lisax

  2. Oh wow! Sounds like you had a very productive day. good luck at Melbourne. Hope you sell lots and get lots of orders x

  3. Excellent idea, and I am sure it will be worth all that bother lol. Good luck.

  4. The picture is not rubbish it is lovely,and my what a day you have had,that digital frame is beautiful and what a bargain. I hope you have a really good

  5. Haven't you had a productive day Jules, and what a great idea. The photo looks great too, good luck with the festival. :)xx

  6. OOh Jules, clever you, great photo and such a bargain, I wish you lots of luck with your wedding venture.
    I'm sure it will be very popular and you'll get lots of interest, have fun :0) xx

  7. Wow jules

    They are sure to be a hit with presentation like that hun, I hope all your customers appreciate your wonderful efforts

    Emma xxx

  8. Thanks for the giggle over your antics today Jules. I have to say that is a brilliant idea though and it looks very professional. I'm sure it's going to generate some interest. The photo showing looks great and no one would guess how you set it up, Lol!

    I wish you lots of luck (I'm sure you don't need it though) this weekend. Only wish I could come to see you but Wedding plans in Harrogate will not wait any longer.

    Speak to you after the weekend.

    Lesley Xx

  9. Hi Jules
    What a fabulous idea! Well done you for getting a great bargain too! Have fun at the festival at the weekend :)

  10. Hi Jules. Wow! What a day! And what a bargain with your frame! Hope the weekend goes well for you. I'm looking forward to hearing all about it. xx

  11. What a fantastic idea of how to show people your beautiful work, love the pic on the frame, it looks so professional and i hope you get lots of orders!
    hugs and xxx

  12. £18 now that is a bargain and what a great way of displaying your wares! and this one in the frame looks very beautiful.
    hope you are ok love chrisxx
    have a great time in melbourne.

  13. Well done, you seemed to have got yourself a bargain. My dining room is often a mess 'cos I usually craft in there (should say here 'cos the computer is in here too) and hubby can believe his eyes. Good luck with the festival.

    Lynn x

  14. well looks great, I think you got everything accomplished well, so I hope you get lots of orders now!!!!

  15. What a great space saving idea, and far better than catalogues.
    I love what I can see in the frame too.
    Happy crafting
    Tracy x

  16. OMG Jules I have enjoyed your story of your day and what a day it has been for you. That photo frame thingy is a real bargain especially with a brand name like that. I am so happy for you and hope that all goes well at the festival.
    Lorraine x

  17. Good luck with the festival and have fun. The frame and picture look fab. x

  18. wow jules.i feel tired just reading what you have been up to :)
    your pic looks fantastic, really professional.i hope you`ve managed to get the curtains back up :)
    good luck with the craft show.

    xx coops xx

  19. Such a great idea, Jules! It's fab when an idea comes together!! Hope your stall goes great!! x

  20. Hi Jules, well youve certainly had an adventurous day, I do so hope tomorrow goes well for you. Love the frame by the way and the photo. With love and hugs Shirleyxxx

  21. Sounds like you had fun and a giggle along the way. Great bargin and image looks good. Hope all goes well for you. Hugs Nicola xx

  22. Hi Jules!Phew what a day!! Well I think your pic looks fab..the frame was a bargain! xx Jenny xx

  23. What a fantastic idea, Jules, so clever! And I love the frame and photo in it! I hope you have a great time at the festival! Hugs Delphine xx

  24. Hi Jules, It sounds as though your business is doing well and what a brilliant idea to take a dispay in the digi frame. Wish I could see your stall at the show - I do hope you do well with it. Hope to get back into blogging (and crafting) now the season's changing but don't hold your breath.
    Hope all things OK with you. Thanks for visiting.
    Beryl xx

  25. OMG Jules are you barking mad woman?!! There's no way i'd even think about taking the curtains down for a photo,lol. Great idea with the frame though, hope you do well. Di.xx


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So with that bit over and done with .. .. thank you for calling by my little part of blogland. I hope that you enjoyed your visit, and if I made you smile at any point then I am well pleased.

Love Jules xx