Monday 20 September 2010


Hi Everyone

Well the card which wasn't collected from the Festival yesterday photographed quite well so I thought I would share this with you today.

I don't mind that it wasn't collected .. .. .. .. at least the lady didn't come and look at it and say she didn't want it .. .. that would hurt far more LOL!!!

Here is the make:

and the close up

This used:

Image and Sentiment: Butterfly Kisses "A2C1015" Hello Baby!
Backing Papers: Pink Petticoat
Josy Rose: Nail Heads
Charm, ribbon and cord from the stash box

Not a bad photograph for saying it had to be taken very early morning.

Lots of clearing up happening in the house of hearts today. The old housework has taken somewhat of a "back seat" whilst preparing for the Festival so I have been making things clean and sparkly again alongside printing off backing papers and working on little favour boxes for a wedding in a couple of weeks.

I can't believe what a mess I had made of the place LOL!!!

Have a good evening everyone and hopefully I will be calling by your blog soon!!!

Love Jules xx


  1. The card is so classy Jules, unfortunately its her loss. Annette x

  2. Hi Jules, its such a shame we have to make a mess I would enjoy my crafting a whole lot more if I had a little fairy to come round after me and clean things up as I am a very messy crafter.
    your card is gorgeous, love the spotty paper, right up my street.

  3. Beautiful card Jules, luv the colour...just perfect for the occasion xx Lizzy xx :)

  4. It is just gorgeous Jules,silly woman it is her

  5. Jules its a gorgeous card, so clean and simple yet very effective. Shame the lady didn't collect it but these things happen.

  6. Ahh, this is so lovely Jules, she's missed a beauty there! love the little heart.

  7. Stunning hun, how can she not come back for that....its gorgeous ..
    glad your festival went ok hunnie
    Did think of you & this pants weather
    hugs shell xx
    ps you'll have to let me know where the next one is & if its not to far maybe come & see ya!!

  8. What a shame she didn't pick it up. It's beautiful. Just perfect
    Hugz fleur xXx

  9. It's a lovely card - her loss - sure someone else will appreciate receiving it.

    Lynn x

  10. Hi Jules
    This is a lovely card, she missed out on that one!
    Hope the festival went well for you and your knees are ok! :)

  11. Lovely card - can't believe she didn't come and collect it. Still, whoever ends up receiving it will love it.

  12. Beautiful card, Jules, very elegant! Too bad it wasn't collected, it was perfect:-)! Hugs Delphine xx

  13. OH!!, Please , not favour boxes,lol!! I'm so glad i've finished mine. As for the card it's lovely, that woman really missed out there. And i bet your house is a lot tidier than mine. Wednesday is blitz day as brides mother is coming to collect favour boxes.

  14. Beautiful card - shame she lost out. When you've tidied yours you are welcome to come and start mine, or send round Chris's fairy!!!

  15. This is just beautiful! Hope she had a good reason for not returning xx Jenny xx

  16. Glad you had a good weekend, Jules. Pity about the card. The lady missed out on a beauty, that's for sure. xx

  17. gorgeous christening card!

  18. beautiful card jules.a perfect image for a christening and gorgeous soft blue colours.i love the heart with the ribbon.
    what a shame it wasn`t collected though.
    have a fab day :)

    xx coops xx

  19. Great card. Well it was the ladys loss can't understand why she didn't collect it. Hugs Nicola xx

  20. What a shame she didn't come back for such a beautiful card, Jules. She doesn't know what she missed.
    Don't work too hard, a blogging friend gave me housework advice recently which I shall treasure.

    A home should be clean enough to be healthy and dirty enough to be happy!!

    I shall pass it on to you with my love

    Hugs Lisax

  21. What a loss for the lady, she's missed out on a fantastic creation. It's gorgeous Jules.
    Happy crafting
    Tracy x

  22. The lady has lost out on a stunning card, love everything about it hun!
    hugs and xxx


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So with that bit over and done with .. .. thank you for calling by my little part of blogland. I hope that you enjoyed your visit, and if I made you smile at any point then I am well pleased.

Love Jules xx