Monday 6 September 2010


Hi Everyone

I hope you are all well and had a great weekend.

Our party for Mum's birthday went really well. We ended up with a room in the restaurant all to ourselves and had a lovely meal. Mum really enjoyed it - as did everyone else. It was lovely for us all to be together as a family. I can't remember the last time that "everyone" was there.

Today is Mum's "actual 80th birthday" and I nipped to see her first thing .. .. .. and treat of treats for her .. .. took her to the doctors for her check up. Bless!!! Even the doctor wished her a happy birthday.

The London kids went home at 6.00am this morning and I seem to have been playing catch up all day .. .. .. and my catch up continues to such an extent that my share for today wasn't dry enough to stand up and photograph properly before it went dark!!

So you can only have a part share today .. .. .. you will be able to see the other half tomorrow along with the ingredients.

What a miserable evening. It got dark really quickly and has been lashing it down with rain.

I'll catch you again tomorrow with one and a half shares LOL!!!

Thanks for calling by.

Love Jules xx


  1. Looks lovely. Weather has been horrid here this evening too.

  2. cant wait to see the whole thing, it looks so funky! Hugs Juls

  3. Glad you had a fab time Jules, isn't that the way with families these days?? we all live so far apart we have to relish what time we can when we do get together.

    The weather here is pretty much the same as yours.

    I look forward to tomorrows other

  4. oooh getting tricky on us girl?

    well I'll be back ;)

  5. So glad you had such a good weekend and that you Mum enjoyed her Birthday festivities.
    I look forward to seeing the rest of your card.
    Clare x

  6. Thanks for your part share, Jules, beautiful! I can't wait to see the rest of it and all the details:-)! Hugs Delphine xx

  7. intriguing part share jules, lol
    will look forward to seeing the full share :)

    xx coops xx


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So with that bit over and done with .. .. thank you for calling by my little part of blogland. I hope that you enjoyed your visit, and if I made you smile at any point then I am well pleased.

Love Jules xx