Monday 11 October 2010


Hi Everyone

Today is a special day as it is the birthday of my "first born".

I know that he has opened his card and that he loved it so that was good news.

He lives in London so unfortunately I don't get to see him as much as I would like to .. .. but last time we were together I was showing his wife the KennyK images on their website (she wears boots that are very like the ones on the images and I knew she would appreciate them) .. .. .. whilst looking my Son saw this image and commented that it looked a bit like him.  So straight away I knew what was going to be on his birthday card LOL!!!

Here is the creation

This used:

Image:  KennyK Download "Techno Guy"
Backing Papers:  Funky Hand and Cuddly Buddly
Sentiment:  Funky Hand "Alpha-bits"
Ticket Sentiment: Hero Arts "CL171" Sparkle Clear: Tickets
Josy Rose:  Nail Heads
Punch (sorry don't know who made it) for the musical notes

The Son I have made this card for is also musical .. .. the same as his younger brother .. .. but this one plays the keyboard - though he doesn't own one that looks like this!!

So that is me for today but before I go I must make a huge apology ahead of time.  I am preparing for a craft fair at the weekend and I still have lots to do .. .. .. so although I will try my best to post each day I'm afraid I am not going to be able to do any commenting.  Please don't think I am being rude or ignoring you .. .. I am just very short of time and need to grab what time I can where I can.  I am sure you all understand.

I have a stand at Drayton Manor near Tamworth on Sunday and am keeping my fingers crossed that it is going to be busy.

Have a good evening everyone.



  1. its brilliant, I am sure it will love it. Good luck at the fair and never worry about commenting!!

  2. Great card, Jules! No wonder your son loved it.

    Don't worry about the commenting. Good preparation is the key to success, so that has to be your priority. Hope it all goes well on Sunday and you have an excellent day. We'll all be here when you get back. xx

  3. What a fantastic image Jules!, it made me smile and great papers too. Good luck with the craft fair hun, your cards are fantstic!
    Hugs Vicky xx

  4. This is just fabulous Jules I bet your son loved it. Have a good craft

  5. This is fun and funky Jules. Great creation.
    Happy crafting
    Tracy x

  6. Cool card! Good luck with the craft fair.
    Hugs, Alison x

  7. Great image! love the card and the papers. Good Luck for Sunday, hope it goes really well x

  8. this is fantastic, love that image and your colouring!

    Hope your son had a swell day!

  9. Hi Jules, Great card! Such a funky image and the papers are fab.

    Hope the craft fair goes well.

    Lisa x

  10. Fantastic card. I love the image.
    Good luck with the craft fair.

    Nikki x

  11. Great card hunnie, super funky image & those DP are fab!
    hugs shell xx

  12. wow this is fantastic jules.the image is brilliant and i love your colours and fab papers.
    good luck getting ready for the craft fair hun :D

    xx coops xx

  13. Oh this is so much fun Jules, I'm sure he will love it, happy birthday to him!

  14. Hi Jules. What a brill card. Loving the funky image. A great make! Good luck at Drayton Manor. xx Jenny xx

  15. What a fantastic card, Jules. I have a great image of you son now. I hope he enjoyed is birthday.
    I've just been admiring the Wedding Invitation from your last post. I love the ribbon threaded though the butterfly. Really effective.
    Good Luck with your Craft Fayre. I hope it goes really well for you.
    Hugs Lisax

  16. Oh Jules this is fab. I love the Kenny K images cute in a bizzare way. Hugs Nicola xx

  17. Gorgeous card Jules. That image is fantastic and you've coloured him beautifully. Good luck with the craft fair!

  18. Great card, Jules! Fantastic image and I really like the papers! No wonder your son loved it! Good luck for the fair, I hope everything goes well for you! Hugs Delphine xx

  19. Fab card Jules. No wonder No 1 son loved it, the image is brilliant.

    I'll be thinking about you at the weekend. Good luck!

    Lesley Xx

  20. brilliant!!1 such a fun image, and I love the soft colours you have used! fabulous Hugs Juls

  21. Its fantastic Jules and im glad your son loved it too, Kenny K images are fab!!
    hugs and xxx


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So with that bit over and done with .. .. thank you for calling by my little part of blogland. I hope that you enjoyed your visit, and if I made you smile at any point then I am well pleased.

Love Jules xx