Friday 19 November 2010


Hi Everyone

Yay, I am back !!!!!

Did you miss my Tipsy Tree?  If so then don't worry it is here again today .. .. this must be the most well used stamp in my collection this Christmas. 

This make is quite a special one because it features my very first attempt at using my Glimmer Mist sprays for my background. 

I  thoroughly enjoyed myself.  I sprayed just plain white card and dried this with my heat gun.  My card ended up a bit wavy so I gave it a quick iron on a low setting to flatten it out again.

This means that I now have a huge cardboard box cluttering up my craft room as I used this as a spray booth  .. .. ..  and thank goodness I did otherwise the beautiful mists would have gone over everything.

Here is my finished creation:

This used:

Image:  Woodware Clear Stamps "JGCL529" Tipsy Tree
Tattered Angels:  Glimmer Mist in Juniper, Pink Ink, Iridescent Gold, Antique Brass
Hobbycraft Punches:  Large and small
Martha Stewart Punch:  Traditional Scallop
Sticky back pearls
Crafty Notions:  Dewdrops
Ribbon from the stash box
Glamour Dust

So there you go  . .. . I don't think I am supposed to have all of those huge splodges of colour but hey .. .. .. I am just grateful to have made something using my mists and to be able to actually get it posted on my blog. LOL!!!  It is just a shame you can't see the brass and gold coloured sparkle very well on the photographs.

I will have to have a You-Tube session to look for some demonstrations on how to avoid huge splodges.

I hope you have all had a good week in my absence.  It feels like a lifetime since I last posted.

Have a lovely weekend and I am looking forward to a huge blog catch up this evening.



  1. Hi Jules,

    Glad you're back! What a relief for you. And what a lovely card to come back with. Love that tipsy tree. The background is gorgeous, the big splodges are fine! Such elegant colours. Have a great weekend! xx

  2. Wow I like this a lot. Loving the effect you have created and that tree is so fun. HUgs Nicola xx

  3. Sorry to hear you've been having such awful 'puter problems, Jules. They're a nightmare when they go wrong aren't they. What would we do without our computer expert Hubbies!!!! Cry I think!!!! It's lovely to see you back though.
    Your Glimmer misting is beautiful, I love the colours and the splodges are great, they add to the texture. If you don't want them hold your spray bottle further away and then you get a finer mist.
    I don't use a spray booth, you loose all that lovely colour, instead I spray on a very large non stick mat that catches all the excess. If you have lots of small pieces of card cut ready you can sloosh (very technical word) it round in the overspray and use it all up. You end up with a box of bits with sparkle on but it's amazing how handy they are for adding sentiments to and the like!!!
    Sorry, this has turned into a bit of a novel!!
    Have a great weekend.
    Hugs Lisax

  4. The glimmer mist background shows off that fab stamp perfectly - the colours are gorgeous - as is the design of the card.
    Beryl xx

  5. Hi Jules, love your tipsy tree and the glimmer mists look great! It's nice to experiment! Hope you have a lovely weekend. Trish x

  6. Hiya Jules and welcome back hun! So glad you are able to show your cards again, we have all missed you :o). Gorgeous card tonight as always and just love your fab papers ( I also have these mists, must dig mine out too now lol!)
    Lovely colours and fab image too,
    have a great weekend!
    hugs Vicky xx

  7. Hi Jules

    Your comments have gone large, they are right across my screen, so what's going on ? Do we blame the tinternet probems or Mr B ? But at least you are back in cyberspace which is a relief.

    Thrilled to see the GM's making their first appearance and with great effect, the big splodges are all aprt of the fun and the best thing is there's no right adn wrong way to use them. But be warned, they are addictive, you'll find the worker colours become an extension of your right arm.

    B x

  8. This is stunning Jules fabulous colours and details! perfectly gorgeous. I like the splodged look :-)
    Hugs Linda

  9. Great background you have created Jules, splodges are really effective lol. Have a nice weekend.

  10. The background is stunning Jules,I love the tree stamp, and the whole design is fabulous.x

  11. Hi!Jules one very pretty card,clever you with the inks :)just gorgeous.
    hugs Lou.xx

  12. So glad you're back! And what a cracking card this is! I think the blots look really good! Fab work!

    luv, Mags x

  13. It is a Gorgeous card! Good to see you using glimmer mist. I bought Tipsy Tree on my last visit to Sir S, so as much inspiration as you can give is gratefully received!

  14. OH WOW, I absolutely love your misting! Is there nothing you can't do! totally jealous.

    Love the colours and the tipsy tree is so fun!!!

    Have Fun!

  15. Hi Jules it's great to have you back with us and yes I missed your tipsy tree and all your wonderful creations, I hope you have them all stacked up ready to show, lol. This is beautiful the colours, snowflakes and tree look wonderful.
    Lorraine x

  16. Hi Jules, nice to see you again. Love your card and what a great background. Ages since I've played with my glimmer mists! and Antique Brass is one of my favourites!

  17. wayhay!!! great to have you back jules and with such a stunning card too :D
    i love the effect of the glimmer mists.the colours are gorgeous and yes i have missed your tipsy tree and searching for your heart :D:D

    xx coops xx

  18. A wonderful card. I love the background colours and the tree is fab.

    Nikki x

  19. Oh this is fabulous Jules! I love the beautiful effects you've got with the glimmer mists, and the tipsy tree is such a great image!

    Thank you so much for the tip on straightening warped card - I actually never thought of giving it a quick iron over! x

  20. So glad to see you upnrunning again! I love your Tipsy Tree and your papers are glorious. I bought some Glimmer Mist about a year ago. Used it once and haven't used it since. The creamy carpet in my craft space doesn't go very well with the mist so I'm scared to use it and the one time I tried - the result was pants! You, on the other hand, have a fabulous result! Hugs, Lesley

  21. HI Jules, Yes I have missed yur tipsy tree, its one of my favourite ever stamps, it looks so sparkly and bright and those backgrounds are amazing. hope you are well sorry I have not been around so much lately , just cant get on top of everything.

  22. Jules, good to see you back, well done for playing & trying out the mists. The card looks amazing.

  23. Hello Jules! Glad to see you back... and yes I have missed your tipsy tree! Your cards with that tree are so beautiful, this one is too! Your backgrounds are amazing, I just love them! Perfect layout too, as usual! Hugs Delphine xx

  24. Hiya Jules,

    Glad to see you back hunni....ive been having problems too but been able to get online but blogger kept playing up....1 minute it would let me comment and then next it kept coming up as error so im abit behind with commenting!!

    Your card is absolutely stunning hun, love effect of your homemade backing and fabbie tree :o)
    hugs and xxx

  25. Love this Tipsy Tree Jules...haven't been blog hopping for ages so haven't been commenting just doing a catch-up now...the cards you've been posting are spot on...gorgeous.

  26. This card is gorgeous Jules and there is absolutely nothing wrong with splodges on a Glimmer Mist background. You've had some good advice on how to avoid it if you want to though.
    That tipsy tree image is great too. I wouldn't change anything on there were I you!

    Lesley Xx


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So with that bit over and done with .. .. thank you for calling by my little part of blogland. I hope that you enjoyed your visit, and if I made you smile at any point then I am well pleased.

Love Jules xx