Sunday 7 November 2010


Hi Everyone

I wondered if I was ever going to get here today.

Hubby and I started our day with a bit of a "clear out" in the garage .. .. never a good thing.

I then worked on some orders I wanted to complete so hubby could take them to work with him tomorrow.  Some aren't needed until the end of the month but it is nice to get them done and delivered.  I told myself I wasn't allowed to make anything else until they were done.

So orders done I decided to try and combine two challenges .. .. The Friday Sketchers (where there was a lovely sketch this week) and Bee Crafty's Card Challenge where the theme this week is to work with pastels.

I was tempted not to do a Christmas Card .. .. but as I need a few hundred of them it seemed silly not to make another LOL!!!

Here is my creation:

(I re-took my photographs as the ones I took late Sunday were a bit dull .. .. ..
this morning the weather isn't that much better but at least the pictures are a bit brighter) 
This used:

Image:  Great Impressions "G289"
Sentiment:  Great Impressions "B154"
Backing Papers:  All Funky Hand CD "Dreams Come True"
Hobbycraft Punch:  Small Snowflake
Glamour Dust
Josy Rose:  Nail Heads

Here is the sketch for following if you fancy playing along with Friday Sketchers.  It does look a bit complicated to begin with but once you start it is quite simple really.

So the results of X-Factor tonight and a very late dinner.  Need to go and get my veg on!!

Sorting that garage of rubbish made us very behind today .. .. with breakfast happening at a time most people would have been clearing up their dinner pots!!  Shame on us!!

Hopefully then I will get chance for a blog hop and see what you have all been up to.



  1. Super card Jules, love the colour.
    Sounds as if you've been busy today, ou garage could do with a clear out ya fixed!! LOL

  2. Absolutely fab, I love the pastels for Christmas idea, I'm definately going to have a go at a few myself.

    Thanks for taking part in the Bee crafty Tuesday Challenge

    Bev x

  3. Its gorgeous Jules and that image is adorable.....fantastic layout too!!
    hugs and xxx

  4. Hi Jules,
    Another gorgeous card, Sue x

  5. Fantastic creation. There is an award for you to claim on my blog but there is also a gift attached to it so please do pop over.
    Tracy x

  6. Fantastic card Jules, great image and love the colours too!. Just watching the results, fingers crossed for wagner to go lol!
    Enjoy your din din,
    hugs Vicky xx

  7. OH I love this Pink Christmas card, love the snowwys!!!

  8. Oh I blinking hate X Factor not watched it since it was Pop Idol & Will Young won lol xxoops

    Gorgeous card, love those papers, colour is lovely super cute snowmen!
    hugs shell xx
    roll on next week when I'm a Celeb is back on hehe!! I love all the bush tucker trials they are sooooooooo funny!

  9. utterly gorgeous!!!! Love the image, soooooooooo cute!!!! love all the pinks and the touch of sparkle. I looked at this sketch and ran away screaming, but I just love how you have interprited the inspiring! Hugs Juls

  10. Hi Jules, wow you have been busy and such a beautiful card. hugs chris xx

  11. Great card so pink and cute, have a lovely evening:0) xxx

  12. This is absolutely fabulous Jules,what a great sketch and it certainly works with your image.

    I had a really great day today and I heeded all your

  13. fantastic card jules.fab fun image and i love the colours and a brilliant layout and sparkle :D

    xx coops xx

  14. The X Factor results were rubbish, Strictly the same, I am convinced it's all fixed.

    I reallly like the idea of pastels for a crimbo card, really pretty.

    B x

  15. Fantastic card, Jules! I love the image and soft colours of your card! Great layout and fab papers and I really like the soft black edges! Hugs Delphine xx

  16. Oh I love this card. Just love it. eileen x


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So with that bit over and done with .. .. thank you for calling by my little part of blogland. I hope that you enjoyed your visit, and if I made you smile at any point then I am well pleased.

Love Jules xx