Sunday 21 November 2010


Hi Everyone

I hope that you are having a lovely weekend.  The weather is quite nice here .. .. I hope it is like this next Sunday when I do my craft fayre.

Lots of you loved the mystery paper I used on my creation last night .. .. but thanks to one of my lovely followers (Pinkcoke) I am able to let you know that it was made by Papermania and it is shown in one of their catalogues from 2006!!!  Gee I knew it was old  .. .. but hadn't realised it was that old!!!

It came in a huge 12 x 12 pack and as well as this they did one in lilac shades as well with one being classed as traditional and one modern.

I did do an internet search last night trying to find the paper as I thought it was Papermania .. .. but instead of finding it I ended up falling in love with other things they have brought out since.  Fatal!!!!  So I stopped looking.

I have also been asked if I can do a tutorial for making the tree .. .. .. so here goes .. .. ... my first tutorial.  But remember I am not claiming this as my own .. .. if I hadn't seen Jo Unwin's demonstration yesterday then I wouldn't have been any the wiser to its existence.

Right then here we go (hope it works):

Start off by cutting a square -
any size you like
but ideally using paper that isn't the same colour on both sides
 whilst you are learning
- and then split this square into two triangles corner to corner.
You work with just one of the triangles.

Just to make it easy to explain I have drawn a vertical line
from the top to the centre of the bottom
and labelled two corners as A and B

Fold up corners A and B to the top of your triangle
using the dotted line as your guide

Turn over your work
with the two corners A and B pointing downwards

Again I have added a dotted line and the letters
C and D for instruction purposes
Fold in the C and D corners
- lining the long edge to the dotted line

Turn over your work
and open out the two triangles at the back
- you will again be able to see the letters A and B
and the original dotted line

Here we are with both wings opened out

Fold up points A and B
so they run alongside the central diamond shaped panel
- I have put some dotted lines to show the edge of the panel.
I have then marked the letters E and F for ease of explanation.

Fold up just the central panel corners marked E and F
so they run alongside the central dotted line

Fold up the bottom point to make the base of the tree

Fold your side wings back in

Turn it over and there should be your tree all complete
- this one just needs the pencil line rubbing out"

So I hope you were able to follow my instructions and that you have ended up with a lovely little tree  (my lovely hubby acted as a guinea pig for me and managed to make one so good luck!).  Bet you found the heart no problem today LOL!!

If you make a creation using the tree please let me know .. .. I would love to come and visit you and see it in all its glory.  Plus I will know my tutorial worked too LOL!!!

Have a lovely rest of the weekend.



  1. Well I reakon thats one fabulous tutorial will have a go presently and leave a link for your tutorial on my blog. With love and hugs Shirleyxxx

  2. This is fabulous Jules. the things that can be made with paper wow. I am going to have a go now.
    Not so good today I am full of cold.
    Have a great

  3. What a fantastic tutorial Jules! will have a go at making this cute xmas tree, you made it soooo easy so thankyou hun!
    Hugs Vicky xx

  4. a fantastic tutorial your step by step piccys.thanks for sharing :D

    xx coops xx

  5. Loving your tutorial and lovin your card! Warmest wishes, Lesley

  6. Thank you for the tutorial Jules. You've gone into great detail and made it very easy to follow. I'll be trying it out a.s.a.p.
    Beryl xx

  7. oooh fabby tree my lovely, definetely going to have a wee go of that!


    Amanda xx

  8. Great little tutorial Jules, hope to give it a go, if I get some time lol.

  9. Thanks very much for the tutorial, Jules, it's brilliant! I made a tree it as I was following it and it turned out perfectly. Just off to make it into a card to post! xx

  10. I will definitely try and give this a go!!!

    Thanks for the tute!

  11. OH Jules I must not be good at this, cos mine just didnt turn out, got to the base and just couldt figure out what I did wrong!

  12. Wow! Origami always fascinated me. Thanks for the tutorial!

  13. Awww Thanks Jules for doing this fabbie tutorial, will show you the card as soon as ive made it :o)
    hugs and xxx

  14. Oh what a fab tutorial, Jules, it seems perfectly clear! Thank you for sharing! Hugs Delphine xx

  15. Made a card and posted my Mr. Linky link above! xx

  16. Jules this is a fantastic tutorial I am going to give it ago I have bookmarked the page so I don't lose it.
    Lorraine x

  17. Thanks for this tutorial Jules, I have added it to my favourites, and will have a go later today! Judith xx

  18. Thanks for the tutorial Jules. Lovely blog - have enjoyed nosing around it. Have made a card using 2 trees, hope you can have a look. Have left a link on my blog to your page. Thanks again, Bev xx


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So with that bit over and done with .. .. thank you for calling by my little part of blogland. I hope that you enjoyed your visit, and if I made you smile at any point then I am well pleased.

Love Jules xx