Friday 26 November 2010


Hi Everyone

Really sorry but I haven't taken any pictures to share today .. .. lots of creations but no pictures .. .. bad girl!!!

So tonight it is just a "mental picture" that you need to create in your own artistic mind. 

Your clues are:

1.  A huge pile of finished cards waiting to have their inserts added and be packaged up.

2.  A huge pile of paper waiting to be turned into inserts (I need to add some sentiments and cut them down)

3.  A dining room table where you can hardly see the cloth (yes, we are very posh in our house and always have a cloth on our table LOL!!.. .. .. .. that is to hide all the scratches and marks that are on it .. .. .. I don't feel too bad though because is was second hand some 20 years ago and it could tell many a tale of happy family gatherings shared around it)

4.  My small little craft pod (which is the smallest bedroom) .. ..  where there are bits strewn all over the floor.  Backing from double sided tape - snippings - guillotine trimmings.  Though in all fairness it isn't too bad considering everything that has been cracking off in there.

5.  Piles of stamps, all precariously balanced, where I have been looking for a particular stamp and come across another and have put it to one side to use later.

6.  A pile of images already coloured waiting to be turned into cards.

7.  Well I could go on for ever so basically it is a bit of a mess!!  LOL!!  But an organised one .. .. I know where everything is.

8.  A spare bed that has boxes of cards on it all split into various types .. .. ie .. .. Christmas, female birthday, male birthday, new baby, wedding anniversary .. .. .. it is always scary doing this because this makes be realise what cards I am missing.  Alongside these boxes are sprigs of artificial holly, little Christmas trees and table cloths for decorating the tables at the fayre.

Well I think that is enough imagining don't you.

I am slowly running out of time.  One more day and then that is it.  What is made is made and what isn't isn't.

There will be a picture for you to see tomorrow I promise  -  it isn't fair to make you imagine your own pictures LOL!!

I am really looking forward to Monday.  I am going to have a huge "clean up".  Fancy looking forward to housework!! 

Have a lovely evening and I'll see you again tomorrow.  Time for me to make a start on those inserts!!



  1. hiya jules, it all sounds like organized you have a good fayre :D

    xx coops xx

  2. I have imagined very hard, quite some pictures I conjured up.You are going to have to have a good clean up in readiness for all the Christmas mess to take over.I hope you have a really fabulous craft day and make lots of

  3. lol I'm sure it all sounds oddly familiar to many of us!!!

    You should totally post your craftroom oneday!

    Can't wait to see more of your stuff! You Know I need my daily Jules fix by this point, its been a year or more now!!!

  4. Jules, i don't have to imagine the scenario, my house looks like that all the time,lol. Good luck for tomorrow. xx


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So with that bit over and done with .. .. thank you for calling by my little part of blogland. I hope that you enjoyed your visit, and if I made you smile at any point then I am well pleased.

Love Jules xx