Sunday 26 December 2010


Hi Everyone

I hope that you all had a brilliant Christmas Day  .. .. thank you for all the good wishes that were sent my way.

My big baby boy and his wife managed to make it for Christmas .. .. yay!!!

So I had a very special day with my lovely hubby, big baby boy and his wife and my little baby boy!!

Christmas Day was the calm before the storm that is about to hit today.  There are thirteen of us spending the day together today .. .. so I have been up since "daft o'clock" preparing food for us all.  (My favourite bit being the sherry trifle that is setting in the garage).  Can you believe the garage is colder than my fridge!!.

Originally some of the men were going to football but it looks like that might be called off due to lack of electricity!!  But the best laid plans of a buffet lunch and evening meal still have to stand as I cannot cook the roasts quick enough for us to eat dinner at dinner time.

Right back to preparation duties .. .. just wanted to check in to thank everyone for thinking of me .. .. especially those of you that took the trouble to send Christmas wishes on Christmas Day .. .. those were very special .. .. thank you!

So how many of you have been stashing away little bits off the Christmas parcels and crackers to re-use at a later stage LOL!!!  (I did .. tee hee .. .. much to the slight annoyance of fellow gift unwrappers LOL!!).

Santa did bring me one piece of crafty goodiness .. .. .. a brayer!!!  So a big learning curve for me in learning how to use it .. .. I had a disastrous attempt at using one earlier this year but I am determined to not let it beat me.  Watch this space for a brayered creation .. .. probably around July of next year LOL!!

Have a wonderful Boxing Day everyone.

I hope everyone has a happy, happy day.



  1. My hubby bought me my first big and Juicy, you get sorted with your brayer then you can guide and teach me and i'll use my big and juicy (never had one before anf not sure what use it for other than painting with), I don't have a brayer yet always been too scared, but maybe we can give each other encouragment Haha! You never know Jules we might knock something out nearly to Brenda's standards.
    So glad everything went well.
    Happy crafting
    Tracy x

  2. Hello Jules I am so glad yor son and his wife made it home. Enjoy your big buffet later, I am having a lovely restful afternoon.xx

  3. Oh I'm so happy you were able to spend Christmas with your son!
    Sounds like a great party happening today. Woohoo.
    Good luck with the brayer, I look forward to seeing how you beat that thing. I threw mine away before I cause serious damage by throwing it through a window. LOL
    Happy New Year Jules.

  4. I'm glad you had a wonderful day and I hope the meal preparations went well. We had a lovely time and the girls were well and truly spoiled. Daisy is still trying to get around all her toys to play with them! I look forward to a brayered card. I would love to have a go but confess it looks too much like hard work!
    Nikki x

  5. So glad to hear that Santa brought you a brayer. Nottingham isn't that far away if you wanted to come over for a brayer session xxx

  6. Well I didn't manage to visit yesterday, I was too pooped out by the time we got back down the A1! Lovely to read that you had a special Christmas day and I'm sure today has been just as special. Can't say I envy you all that cooking today though as that's definitely not my favourite occupation these days, Lol! Shame the match was cancelled, I thought you were going to say because the pitch was frozen.

    Catch up with you again soon.

    Lesley Xx

  7. So pleased that your 'baby' made the journey, I'm sure it made your Xmas extra special, hope all went well with your buffet, how brave to have so many people!
    Love and hugs, Jacee

  8. Hi Jules, sounds as though you are having fabulous fun with all your household, I do hope the meal goes well without any hiccups.
    When youve managed to master the brayer let me know as I will have to come and pick your brains as Ive not quite got the hang of them yet.
    Hope you have a brilliant day. With love and hugs Shirleyxxxx

  9. Hope you had a wonderful Christmas with lots of love! Many thanks for the wonderful card, the paper quality was really lush and the sparkle was lovely.

    Warm hugs

  10. Glad your son & his wife made it Jules, hope you've all had a fab time!

    Good luck with the brayer - I've never used one so I'll be interested to see what you come up with :o) Lisa x


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So with that bit over and done with .. .. thank you for calling by my little part of blogland. I hope that you enjoyed your visit, and if I made you smile at any point then I am well pleased.

Love Jules xx