Tuesday 21 December 2010


Hi Everyone

One day nearer .. .. .. and what a difference a day has made.  Big leaps forward the in the House of Hearts Christmas preparation stakes .. .. and a few crafty makes too.

Still freezing cold  but no snow .. .. though we have been threatened to be on the receiving end tonight/tomorrow!!! 10 - 15cms !!!  Eekkk!!! 

I don't really want any snow otherwise my big baby boy and his wife won't be able to travel to us for Christmas :-(    - but I won't worry yet.  There are a few more days to go until decisions need to be made (though I hope they have thought to get themselves some food in anyway .. .. just in case!!).

Here is my favourite make of the day .. ..

This used:

Image:  Penny Black "1037K" Lovin' Flowers
Sentiment:  Pink Petticoat
Backing Papers:  My Mind's Eye
Diamond Stickles
Home made card candy
Cord from the stash box

I have been banished to my craft room so that hubby can wrap my Christmas presents.  We were supposed to be being good this year so he had better have kept to his word .. .. ..  or else there will be trouble!!!!

Being banished to my craft room is certainly not as bad as when I was a little girl and I used to get banished to my bedroom for being naughty!!!!  Bet you can't believe I was ever naughty can you?  But I was .. apparently .. .. though of course I still say it was the others!!  LOL!!!

Can you believe that after the day we had making Christmas labels the other weekend I now need to make some more .. .. everyone has been pinching them and I have none left.  I can feel a batch of labels with origami trees and peel offs coming on.

Have a lovely evening everyone.  I hope your preparations are going well.



  1. Hi Jules. Aww this is gorgeous. Love the doodled little borders. I am looking forward to making a start on non Christmas creations myself. Happy Christmas to you and yours! xx Jenny xx

  2. Hi there Jules, love your beautiful card, super cute!
    Have a very Happy Christmas:0) xx

  3. Just gorgeous Jules love the image and that paper looks scrummy.I am glad everything is coming together in the House of Hearts.xxx

  4. Oh, how gorgeous is this Jules?! I just love the image, the colours and the layout. Have you drawn the stitching? Hope you have a lovely Christmas and a very happy new year. xxx

  5. Hi Jules, gorgeous card, nice to get away from Christmas ones now, lol. Hope you and your family have a lovelt Christmas. Sue x

  6. Hiya Jules!
    Fantastic card hun and what a stunning image, such a nice change to see something spring like lol! Hope your baby boy and his wife will be able to make to yours, fingers crossed (and toes!)
    Have fun locked in your craft room, sounds fab to me and hubby has been good lol!
    Warm hugs Vicky xx

  7. That is so sweet, Jules! I love it!

  8. Very cute little image Jules. Hope you don't get the weather we are experiencing, even the post can't get here:( Hope there is something really nice and crafty in those pressies!

  9. Hi Jules such a sweetie, its gorgeous. hugs chris xx

  10. What a great image, I love your card jules. Glad your ready for christmas.
    Have a wonderful christmas and a happy new year.
    Tracy x

  11. gorgeous image!!!...love the soft colours you have used...and the way you have created the squiggily stitching....I saw that on C&C the other week, but have not tried...you have done it perfectly. love the look it gives! Hugs Juls

  12. Beautiful card Jules. Lets hope you don't get anymore snow. Sending you Happy Christmas wishes and a Joyous New Year. Annette x

  13. As always these days I'm catching up with you Jules. Love your gorgeous Christmas tree, it's huge!!!! and so sparkly.
    Hasn't it been cold!! Painfully so here today, apparantely it hasn't got above -9oC all day. It made your face hurt being outside. We only have a sprinkling of snow from the weekend, enough to look beautiful but not to be disruptive and no more forecast so I hope yours stays away too.
    I love your cards and admire you for still crafting. I think I'm all crafted out at the minute. I've cheated and bought tags this year, yes I know...... but just couldn't face doing them. Hopefully the mojo will return in the New Year.
    Anyway, if I don't get by again this week here's wishing you and yours a Very Happy Christmas and a Peaceful and Healthy New Year.
    Hugs Lisax

  14. LOL, YOU Naughty? NEVER!

    Love your card, awesome stamped image, how I would love to get loose in your stash!!! hehe


  15. Fantastic card, Jules, the image is so sweet! I love the papers too, and the borders look fabulous! Hugs Delphine xx

  16. Hi jules this card is loverly and a nice stamp as well that you have used. I like your colours Helen xxx

  17. Hi Jules, wow what a fabulous card, love that image its so cute.
    Yes I can remember being sent to my bedroom, to be honest I thought it was a safe haven until my dad got home. My girls used to run of to their room as soon as I raised my voice, to keep out of my way.
    With love and hugs Shirleyxxxxxx

  18. Fab card Jules, realy like that image, coloured beautifully, as always, I'm blowed if I can find the heart though, not the old glasses on that might have something to do with it, duh!

  19. Love your card Jules its so cute and the image is lovely. Hope your family make it for Christmas.

    A Very Merry Christmas to you.

    Hugs Linda

  20. Hope your boy manages to get there for Christmas and you didn't get too much snow dumped on you today. Lovely card and super image. Won't be long now before we're tending to the plants again.
    Havee a lovely Christmaas.
    Beryl xx

  21. Lovely card Jules, love those papers and a sweet image!
    Have a lovely Christmas and a fabulous New Year :)

  22. Fab image and very pretty colours! I liked your cupcakes too BTW! Hugs, Lesley


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So with that bit over and done with .. .. thank you for calling by my little part of blogland. I hope that you enjoyed your visit, and if I made you smile at any point then I am well pleased.

Love Jules xx