Tuesday 14 December 2010


Hi Everyone

A quick share of a "quick card" ahead of me at last being able to show you the favourite labels my playmates made on Sunday!

Mr Blogger must have finished writing his Christmas cards as he was happy to oblige today and was super fast in uploading my pictures .. .. thank you Mr Blogger.

Here is my quick make:

This used:

Backing Papers:  GCD Studios "Ella Blue"
Image:  Pink Petticoat
Sentiment:  Elzybells

Nestabilities: Standard Circles Large and Classic Scalloped Circles Large
Martha Stewart Punch:  Frond
Woodware Punch:  Flowers medium and small

Diamond Stickles
Brads, ribbon and cord from the stash box

I am loving this paper stack from GCD Studios and have done so much with it.  I shall be really sad when it is all used up.  I bought it originally from Dunelm and nipped in on the off chance they had another one .. .. only to find that all of the paper stacks had disappeared off their shelves .. eekkk!!!  Wonder if they are going to stop doing craft stuff??????

Anyway, now (at long last) I am able to share the labels my lovely family made on Sunday when we had our "label day".

At the end of the day everyone chose their favourite creation for posting here.  They are all being posted in order of the age of the maker .. .. just to save them arguing over who is first and last LOL!!

This one was made by my Little Sis!
She makes a label every year that
uses this stamp .. .. it is one she bought from
the NEC years ago.
I could never see the attraction of it and
every year she tries to make it look more
attractive than the year before .. .. can't believe
she chose it as her favourite!!  LOL!!!

This label was made by my Sister's chappies Son

This is the favourite of my
Sister's eldest Daughter

Then this picture shows some of the
makes of my Sister's youngest Daughter.
These were "ALL" her favourites ...  she couldn't
choose between them and it was becoming
too much torture for her so she
went with three  LOL!!

Then after a laughing session about the
postbox stamp the young lady
who showed her three favourite labels
decided she would have a try with it.

I must admit she has made it look quite
attractive don't you think with all
her layering.  (I bet Sis will do that
next year now!!!  LOL!!!).

So there we go everyone .. .. the share is at last done.  Now the label day show-offs are interested to know which is your favourite?  Just so someone is able to brag I think.  LOL!!

I am not sure why the first label is in a box on its own and the others are all grouped together in another .. .. and I don't have time to play and find out why so we will just say that my Sis is special and deserves a box of her own LOL!!!

I am well chuffed.  Today I have written just about all of my Christmas cards.  Woo hoo!!!  I am determined to be ahead of the game this year!!

Catch you again tomorrow.



  1. Hi Jules,
    Gorgeous card and I agree those papers are beautiful! I just can't choose a favourite tag as I think they're all fab, so well done everyone!! xx

  2. wow!! you guys have been busy!! and i love your card too jules, those papers are super pretty. I was just wondering the same about dunelm the other day! ours used to have dcwv papers but they are all gone now!! hugs Lou xxx

  3. Hi jules,
    Great makes, lots of great crafting to see. Looks like everyone had fun. Well done for being organised with your xmas cards. I'm way behind with everything this year, I'm usually so organised too.
    Happy crafting
    Tracy x

  4. they look great!!! love those labels and that postbox!

    Love your card too jules! Looks like some great fun was had!

  5. Gorgeous card Jules & those tags are FAB
    Hugz Fleur xXx

  6. Your card is gorgeous Jules I can see why you love that backing paper to.

    As for all the labels wow super talented lot, but I must say my favorite has to be the three together I just love the snowmen and reindeer.

    I am glad to hear you are ahead of the game and yes so am I.xxx

  7. Hi Jules, BAD BLOGGER HERE! I can see why your sister like that postbox its gorgeous, love all the tags, but love your card too it fabulous. hugs chris xx

  8. Do you know what, Jules? You are SO lovely - I've just read your comment on my blog and I can't stop smiling! Thank you! Huge hugs, Tracey

  9. Great card (and the one from your last post too) and all of the Christmas tags are winners! What a fab selection and it appears that everyone had lots of fun too! Well done for organising the tag make and well done to al of the contenders! Hugs, Lesley

  10. I love those labels! My favorite is the reindeer chorus line!! SO cute!!!!

  11. Hi Jules,
    beautiful and delicate card!
    Fab labels too,

  12. A gorgeous card. I love the papers. The tags are all fab, but I love the three together and the snowmen one from them.

    Nikki x

  13. Beautiful work Jules, the little labels are cute and I so love your quick card, though wouldn't have been called quick if I had made it lol. Ahead of the game eh, good for you:)

  14. Oh I love the postbox image! Not too stylised just clean and fresh...but my favourite is the reindeers!! Please can you let me know what stamp that is, I need it now! :D

  15. Oh Jules these are gorgeous well done to your sister and family, your card is also beautiful to, love that image. With love and hugs Shirelyxxx

  16. Great cards and just love those tags. Have a great Christmas. Hugs Nicola xx

  17. Gorgeous creation sweetie, love the image and your colours are perfect biggest of hugs love Pops x x x

    gorgeous labels too :)

  18. glad you had fun doing your labels!!!..........I adore your card!!! I love that paper stack too...its one you just keep going too, time and time again! gorgeous creation! Hugs Juls


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So with that bit over and done with .. .. thank you for calling by my little part of blogland. I hope that you enjoyed your visit, and if I made you smile at any point then I am well pleased.

Love Jules xx