Saturday 11 December 2010


Hi Everyone

Well where has today gone?  It seems to have flown by.

I have been getting ready for the family label day tomorrow .. .. which involves carrying downstairs around half of my craft pod and setting it all out on the dining room table (and a fold up table that comes out of the garage).

It all looks lovely and organised .. for now!! 

That organisation will last all of 20 minutes and then the day will go as it usually does with someone asking "who has got this" or "who has got that" .. .. we will all look around our little area and deny having whatever is wanted .. .. ..  and then the person who asked in the first place will be the person that had it all along!!!

Always a happy day!!!  Can't wait!!!

In preparation I have been making a few labels to give folk a few ideas.  Bearing in mind the participants only craft one day a year they do really well.

I have only made eight labels so far but I have lots of time to do more LOL!!!  I don't think Tim Holtz has anything to worry about somehow!!

Here are my eight labels:

They are a mixture of techniques as not everyone wants to do everything.  Everyone sticks to what they like doing best .. .. be this stamping and colouring, die cutting, punching or simply cutting shapes from paper with scissors.

We are also going to be super posh this year.  Normally everyone goes home with their "makes" in a little plastic sandwich bag .. .. but this year we are going to start off by making a little origami storage box and then people can take their labels home in that.

Here is the little box:

I found out about this little origami box from a very good blog buddy called Annmaree.  She has such a varied and interesting blog and if you get chance then please pop over to her and say hello and look at the lovely box that Annmaree made which inspired me.  (Thanks Annmaree xx).

But to actually make the box there is a video to follow on the Kwerner Design Blog.

I can see quite a few of these boxes being made in the House of Hearts!!!

By the way .. .. don't go looking for hearts on all of the labels.  There is only one with a heart at the moment as quite often other people will pinch my labels and don't necessarily want hearts on them (but of course if I use them myself they will get a heart added LOL!!!).

OK then .. .. time for a blog hop whilst watching X-Factor behind the times!!!

Who do I want to win?  Well I actually like them all .. .. but I couldn't listen to a whole album from Rebecca .. .. I do not find her voice exciting enough to listen for a long while.  One song is enough and even then I can get a bit bored with her.

I have a sneeky suspicion that One Direction will win because all the little girlies will be calling in to vote for them in their droves.  Bless!!

Have a good evening and a happy Sunday!!



  1. Your label day sounds like brilliant fun and what a great little box to take them all home in. The ones you have made so far are gorgeous. There will be some beautiffuly wrapped pressies under your tree I can see. Enjoy your day.
    hugs Lisax

  2. Gorgeous labels and box, hope you have a fabbie day tomorrow and also sorry for not commenting on your recent cards, they are all stunning :o)
    hugs and xxxx

  3. AWWW Thanks so much Jules... lmao at varied interests... c'mon lets just say it - crazy and all over the place... I'll even have some cookies up later heheh.

    LOVE the tags! Love that your family gets together to do them, how fun! Can't wait to see!

    and your box is great, they are super easy to make aren't they!? Like I always say if *I* of all people can do it, ANYONE can!

    Have a great weekend!

  4. Your tags are priceless Jules. I hope you have a great time tomorrow. I am just off to see how you made that gorgeous box now. Have a great

  5. Hiya Jules!
    What a gorgeous collection of tags hun and I just love the cute origami box too. Wow wasn't X-Factor brill tonight!, loved Matt and One Direction was fab too. Not surprised Cher went tonight, she didn't look to upset though, maybe she has already been signed up!!! And Corrie?, hopefully we will find out next week lol.
    Hope you have lots of fun tomorrow and cannot wait to see all your fabby creations (and your families!)
    Take care and roll on the final woohoo!
    Hugs Vicky xx

  6. Hi Jules what a fabulous selection of tags all so lovely all so different and love that festive box great job hun

    Lorraine x

  7. Amazing box, and love all your tags. It sounds like fab day tomorrow. Have lots of fun jules.
    Happy crafting
    Tracy x

  8. Hun, that sounds like such a fun thing to do! Your labels are great, sure to inspire! I hope you'll post pictures of what sounds like it'll be a really good crafty day!

    luv, Mags x

  9. Slow down, girlfriend! I can't keep up. I swear I come by here almost every day and yet there are always three new posts and one of these has a box and 8 tags! Which I love by the way. Sounds like a really fun time will be had by all! Enjoy! Hugs, Lesley

  10. I love your tags. Such a great idea to make them together. Daisy and I had a tag making day. They were all quite simple but she loved it.

    Nikki x

  11. Oh Jules I soooooooooooo wish I was a member of your family - fancy adopting me???? I want to come and play at the House of Hearts - it alll sounds like such fun.
    Have a fabulous day.
    Debs xx

    p.s my money would be on One Direction but I really want Matt to win xx

  12. OOOh Jules theyare all absoulutely awesome hun! boy have you been busy!! i would love to make some tags but need to buy the pressies first!!!!! lol!! huge hugs lou xxxxx

  13. Hi Jules,
    I hope you have a fun label day. You have reminded me that I need to make some!
    I agree about Rebecca, she has a fabulous voice, but not one I could listen to for more than one song! The finalists are all so good I can see all of them in with a chance, but I too think the boys mights just pip the post!
    Clare x

  14. Seems like you are in for a lovely day with your family, sounds such fun, I like all the labels but my fave would have to be the 'Rockin around'.
    Enjoy your day Jules.

  15. Hi Jules! What a fantastic idea! How wonderful that all your family gets together like that, I love how crafting can bring people together!! I hope you have a happy day. I just wanted to take the chance to say to you what a wonderful supportive blogging buddy you've been, it has meant so much to me and I can always seek solace in your kind comments. You are one in a million! Have a wondeful Christmas and I hope to see you often in the new year! xxx

  16. Hi Jules wow fabulous tags love them and I want to wish you good luck with the moving your craft stuff, hope you dont have any mishaps.
    By the way my computer is fine, it was one of the plugs wasnt sitting properly. With love and hugs Shirleyxxxxxxxx

  17. Hi Jules,

    Hope you've had a great day making your labels. They're fabulous. What a lovely family tradition. And I love the box too. xx

  18. Hi Jules, oh I just love that idea!! I know we'd be laughing so hard if we tried it as I have the least crafty family ever!! Your tags are beautiful and I love the little box. xx

  19. Oh they are all so cute, Jules! I love the box too, and really, what a wonderful idea your label day is! Hugs Delphine xx PS: Thanks for telling us about the hearts:-)

  20. gorgeous box with such fabulous goodies filling it!!! Hugs Juls


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Love Jules xx