Thursday 2 December 2010


Hi Everyone

Well I am starting to wean myself off the Christmas cards (you will be pleased to hear) .. .. but not the sparkle!! LOL!!

Here is a little creation I have put together today that I thought would be nice to share.

This used:

Papers:  All DCWV "Latte Stack"
Nestabilities:  Labels Two
Sizzix:  "656640" Tattered Florals
Cuttlebug Embossing Folder:  Swiss Dots
Martha Stewart Punch:  Valentine Lace
X-Cut Punch:  Butterfly
Woodware Punch:  Circle
Glamour Dust
Wire and self adhesive pearls

So there we go on the creation front.

Lots of snow here in my neck of the woods today .. .. .. it has been snowing pretty much all day. 

It stopped for about an hour and is just starting again!!!  But now it is those big fluffy flakes that seem to take a lifetime to actually land.  They are floating and swirling about everywhere before settling.

Beautiful when you are inside but not when you are outside or driving about .. .. .. a little girl has not long passed my craft room window and she reminded me of myself as a child.  She was walking along with her head tipped back and her tongue sticking out catching the snowflakes.  Bless.   

Have a good evening and take it steady if you are out and about in the elements.



  1. Smashing card Jules, so nice to get back to 'normal' cards isn't it? Love the flower and the little pearls you have added to the butterfly, gorgeous.

    Lots of snow here too. I'm sure it's going colder this afternoon, I'm frozen to death, or could it be that I had a bowl of ice-cream after lunch today! LOL

  2. Hi Jules this is so very lovely, the colours and the central images look perfect, I love it. We haven't had much snow hear mainly frozen pavements and roads especially around my area. It seems to be getting colder by the day. Take care.
    Lorraine x

  3. It's nice to see something different, gorgeous creation Jules.
    Happy crafting
    Tracy x

  4. This is just beautiful Jules I love the way you have put this all together.

    I am weaning myself off Christmas cards now it is nice to do something else isn't it.

    Thank you for your continued support over at my place, have a nice

  5. Hi Jules. This is so gorgeous. LOve those papers, and the tattered florals look great xx Jenny xx

  6. Hi Jules that is so pretty I love it and it makes a change for a Xmas card as you say and much appreciated, its gorgeous. With love and hugs Shirleyxxx

  7. Beautiful card Jules!.Love this gorgeous paper stack and loving your flower too. Great use of the wire and I just love this border punch, Mmmmm I think another xmas pressie coming lol!
    Take care hun, hugs Vicky xx

  8. Beautiful card! I really like the colours you've used :)

  9. Hi Jules. We have plenty of the white stuff too although ours all came down yesterday and today has been cold and sunny.
    Isn't it so nice to make a flowery card again, this is beautiful. I love the wire layer, it really gives dimension and I love that labels nestie. Must add it to the collection.
    I shall have to give up on the C. cards now myself, my Craft Fayre has been cxd on Saturday due to the weather still I'll have loads for next year!!!
    Stay warm and safe
    hugs Lisax

  10. Terrific card Jules, I love the wire additions. Annette x

  11. Oh Jules this is gorgeous - I love it!
    We have no snow here in Gloucestershire - Jack's really not happy lol!!!
    Hope you are keeping snug 'n' warm!!!
    Take care
    Debs xx

  12. Gorgeous card Jules I love it.

  13. Beautiful card Jules, love the design. Nice to have abit of a change from crimbo cards, I've nearly finished mine too :)
    Take care.

  14. Beautiful card loving the colours you have choosen too. Hugs Nicola xx

  15. oooooh I love this! Love that you used the die cuts and punches, really unique!

    great papers!

    Stay Warm, hope its not too cold and snowwy for you!!!

  16. Its just gorgeous Jules, love all the layers. Your weaning off Christmas and I am still getting into second gear lol.

  17. stunning card jules.gorgeous butterfly and flower and i love the fab papers and colours and all the sparkle ;D

    xx coops xx

  18. This is absolutely lovely, Jules. So unusual and I love the soft colours. Thanks so much for the lovely comments on my blog - you're a star! Big hugs, Tracey T x

  19. What a lovely card! I love that it doesn't have a stamped image as its main focal point, and that you created a beautiful card with all those gorgeous accent pieces: the flower, the butterfly etc.

  20. Wow, Jules, this is beautiful!! Love the colours and the design. Juliexx

  21. A beautiful card - lovely shapes and colours.
    No trip for me this weekend. Not happy but better safe than sorry. Hope I'll get the chance to see the grandkids before Christmas.
    Beryl xx

  22. This is beautiful Jules. Love the flower!

    We had snow all day yesterday on top of the 18 inches we already had! My car is well and truly buried and only 4 x 4s can make it up and down our road. Horror of horrors............. I've run out of chocolate, Lol!

    Lesley Xx

  23. so gorgoeus!! Love the colours the layout, the way you have added dimension, and the way you have added sparkle! Hugs Juls


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So with that bit over and done with .. .. thank you for calling by my little part of blogland. I hope that you enjoyed your visit, and if I made you smile at any point then I am well pleased.

Love Jules xx