Wednesday 12 January 2011


Hi Everyone

I hope that you are all well and have had a good day.

I spent some of mine being creative in my craft pod and then some with my Mum putting all the inserts into my stock pile.  Surprising how they soon mount up.

So Mum has had great fun going through my cards checking for the hearts.  She made me smile because she would say "No heart on this one!!!" whilst waving it about in the air .. .. .. and I would just laugh and say .. look again!!! 

Tee hee!! She found them all eventually. 

My share for today is another valentine card .. .. but not quite as soppy as usual

This used:

Image:  Penny Black "1578K" Absolutely Silly About You
Backing Papers:  Aimee Asher
Sentiment:  Pink Petticoat
Josy Rose:  Nail Heads
Cuttlebug:  Nested Hearts
Glossy Accents (for the tie)
Diamond Stickles
Cord from the Stash Box

.. .. ..  and if you can't find the heart tonight then I think you should have gone to specsavers LOL!!!

I am pleased so many of you enjoyed my post of last night .. .. with the greatest amusement coming from the fact that I once put egg in my hair to act as a conditioner.

Now I will explain that I was only sweet 16 and my Mum never used to buy hair conditioner .. .. just the ever faithful Loxene shampoo .. .. yuk I can smell it now!!

So I used to do all kinds of things that I had read in magazines to condition my hair.

I would take rainwater from the collection barrel in our next door neighbours garden and rinse my hair with that!!  (Even that doesn't sound a good idea now). 

I would use my Dad's bottles of Double Diamond Beer!!  He used to work at the local brewery and they used to have a beer allowance.  Dad never drank the beer he was given but would give it away .. .. or I would use it as conditioner for my hair.  I dread to think what my hair must have smelt like. 

But of course the best of all had to be the beaten up egg that you massaged into your hair and scalp .. .. .. but I only ever did this once.. .. because when I rinsed my hair the egg all set and it was like having scrambled egg all through your hair.  It took for ever to get it all out using one of those very fine combs and a lot of patience.  I certainly never tried that one again.  LOL!!!

Oh the fun (and stupidity) of being 16.

Anyway, time for off now.  Lots to .. .. dinner to eat .. .. blogs to visit and now a button to sew on hubby's trouser pocket .. .. oh it's all go in the House of Hearts LOL!!!

Hey .. .. don't forget the Penny Black at Allsorts blog hop starts on Saturday .. .. and did you know that anyone who becomes a follower during the month of January will go into a draw for a prize.  So if you aren't a follower click here and get following!!!  Not sure what you will win .. .. but the prizes there are always worth having!!!!

Have a good evening.



  1. I love the card Jules, You just reminded me of what I used to use for a conditioner "Vinegar" gave the most gorgeous shine to the hair but my it

  2. Hiya Jules
    Love this card - and even more love toread your stories!
    Have a fab evening
    Debs xx

  3. Gorgeous card Jules, he looks like "the cat that got the cream" lol
    Just read yoor previous post, made me smile
    Hugz fleur xXx

  4. Love your card Jules the image is perfect and love the paper.
    You had me in stitches about the egg in your hair lol, I did do the beer thing though lol.

    Hugs Linda

  5. Flippin eck.... Loxene!!! Remember it! Mum of mine occasionally invested in Wrights Coal Tar Shampoo - it probably smelt worse than your beer!
    Great card - and I DID go to Specsavers, so I saw them.... I think............. LOL

  6. What a cute and fun image!! I love the expression on his face!
    Jodi =)

  7. Hiya Jules!

    Fab card hun!, now where is that heart lol!
    Still cannot get over the egg conditioner!, you soooo made me laugh but I did use vinegar, I can still smell it now YUCK!!

    Hugs Vicky xx

  8. to to adroable!!!! Love the sheen on his tie!!!! easy to spot the hearts today!!! LOL!!! stunning card! Hugs Juls

  9. Fab card, Jules! I love it. I used to try all sorts on my hair to make it lighter - lemon juice, egg white, strong camomile tea. They didn't work either! Never managed the scrambled egg look though!!!

  10. This is fabulous Jules, love your image and the papers and colours go perfectly.
    Happy crafting
    Tracy x

  11. Great card for when you don't want to be too soppy but still want to say 'I love you'.

    I did the vinegar thing like Doreen and oddly, I used to love the smell of Loxene and Vosene, in fact, I still do, Lol!

    Lesley Xx

  12. Beautiful card, I love cats, and I did find the heart. I love your story about the egg, I put olive oil on mine once and it was a disaster. Mum had to help washing it out, oh the shame...
    Claire xxxx

  13. Doreen didn't tell you she also put battered cod and chips in her hair, hence the oops sorry Doreen.
    Am so loving your card Jules, such a great cat. Annette x

  14. What a fun post Jules I have so enjoyed reading your memories of times gone by, lol, had a but of a giggle. As for your card I love it big time that image along with the design is excellent.
    Lorraine x

  15. I LOVE that cat, he is SO cute!!!!

    Love the papers and hearts!

    gonna have to get out my pb putty for the challenges!!!

    lol @ scrambling the egg in your hair, that sounds icky! my mum said she used to do that too, egg and beer, even mayonnaise!!! lol, all I can say is thank god for pantene lmao.

  16. How handsome, gorgeous card,
    sooo beautiful colouring!

  17. Fabulous card! So, you really did try the eggs-in-hair-thing? I heard about people doing that when I was a little girl, but I never dared to try it myself :-)
    Thanks for stopping by my blog and leaving a kind comment! /Paula

  18. A lovely card. Fab image.

    Nikki x

  19. Gorgeous card Jules - I spotted the hearts straight off on this one.
    You are not the only one to have put egg in your hair as a teenager!!
    Clare x

  20. Hi Jules,

    What a great image! Love the papers!

    Love Kerry xxx

  21. What a great Valentine for a bloke!
    Great story! I remember sitting in the garden in summer with lemon juice drying into my hair to lighten it at a similar age! Hate to think what that did to the condition of it and I don't remember it being a very dramatic lightening either!
    Hugs, Alison x

  22. Lovely card as usual.

    I've never done anything crazy like that with my hair, and know that i definitely won't now, knowing your warning lol

  23. fabulous card jules.the image is great and i love your papers and the entwined hearts are great :D

    xx coops xx

  24. Oh this is just gorgeous hun! Love the kitty with his tie fab image!!

    As for silly things mmmm we went to Florida on hols for my 16th....I decided I wanted sun bleached hair like everyone else I brought a bottle of that Sunin stuff....well I didn't read instructions you were sp'osed to cover the hair lightly with this stuff!!! I squirted the whole bottle on & ended up with straw coloured hair!!! never again lol xx

    My parcel arrived today thank you sooooooooo much hun, it put a great big smile on my face!
    huge hugs Shell xx off to play with my new goodies xx

  25. Loxene was my mum's favourite too - I ccouldn't wait till I started work and could choose my own fragrant shampoos. Did you ever try vinegar. It works but also pongs a fair bit.
    Love this cute image. Can't go wrong with PB's.
    Beryl xx

  26. Fantastic card Jules & love that gorgeous image :o)
    hugs and xxx


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So with that bit over and done with .. .. thank you for calling by my little part of blogland. I hope that you enjoyed your visit, and if I made you smile at any point then I am well pleased.

Love Jules xx