Sunday 9 January 2011


Hi Everyone

I hope you are all having a lovely Sunday.  It is quite cold here but the sun is shining .. .. which is lovely to see.

I have decided to set myself my own challenge .. .. which I am going to follow every Sunday in an attempt to reduce my craft pod of clutter.

Sunday is going to be my Sunday scrap day!!!  I am sure I can't be the only one who has loads and loads and loads of bits of paper that just cannot be thrown away .. .. .. and ribbon too for that matter .. .. .. and I need to use some of it up!!!

So my Sunday rules are .. ..

1.  No cutting into any new sheet of design paper .. .. only pages that have chunks already taken out of them can be used.

2.  No cutting into new sheets of coloured card for matting and layering .. again only those with chunks taken out can be used.

3.  No taking ribbon off a reel

4.  No stamping or printing off of images and colouring them .. .. only paper-piecing is allowed

5.  Embellishments are allowed .. .. but if I am able to make the embellishments from scrap so much the better.

So every Sunday I will be posting a card (perhaps sometime more than one if things go well) which have been made from craft pod scraps. 

When you see my scrap bits below you will realise why.. .. LOL!!!

So here is Sunday Scrap Day Project No. 1

I won't be going to go through what papers I have used because there will be lots of mixing and matching going on over the weeks .. .. but if there is a particular paper you like you can always ask and I will try and tell you where it originally came from.

So today I have used:

Papers:  From the Scrap Drawers
Ribbon:  From the Scrap Bag

Josy Rose:  Nail Heads
Martha Stewart Punch:  Traditional Scallop
X-Cut Punch:  Butterfly
Button and sticky pearls

So that is this Sunday's creation.. it didn't use much paper up did it LOL!!!

Here are the reasons for me going down this route

Two sets of overflowing plastic drawers from ASDA
Each draw is colour co-ordinated to hold
Black, Pink, Purple, Blue, Green, Brown, Yellow and Red paper

Elsewhere there are similar drawers that hold gold, silver and white
(Yes I even save stupid bits of white card too!!  LOL!!)

One large plastic drawer that is just full of offcuts.
But sadly this is not colour co-ordinated and ideally would
fit in the little drawers above.

One plastic bag full of the smallest bits of ribbon you could
possibly imagine.  Some are as small as 2" long!!!

As you can tell I have a long way to go if I am going to make a hole in this lot .. .. but if I don't start it can only get worse and I just cannot bear to throw any of it away because with a bit of thought it is all useable LOL!!!

If anyone else wants to play along then please let me know you have made something following these rules and I can come and see what you have made .. .. or if anyone has any great ideas of how to use up some of these offcuts then all suggestions are gratefully received. 

I could perhaps even do some links showing good ways to use up our scrap using your inspiration. 

Have a great rest of the day.



  1. What a great idea Jules and love your card! Beautiful mix of colours. Know what you mean about too many scraps! I haven't as many as you, but must say yours look very organised!

    Janice x

  2. Ooh I LOVE this idea Jules!! My scrap boxes are just as bad... although the other day I made a start, going through tiny pieces I'd kept, and punching hearts/ flowers/ butterflies etc out of them. Will try and join in with this later :o)

    PS. Fab card, love the colours and layout! Lisa x

  3. I LOVE this idea Jules, I would love to join in the challenge!

    Love your card, looks fab, BUT OMG you have lots of offcuts, then around so have I, but still not that many lol... My ribbons are all folded up in jars and baggies, but I do have small peices rolling around too, that I never use!

    So really got to try this!!!

    All I can think of to do with scraps is as you say paper peicing, diecuts, punches, So I look forward to seeing what you do in the coming weeks, and trying some things out myself!

  4. Love the card Jules, really pretty, your Sunday rules are a bit to tough for me though, I'd never stick to it!

  5. Hi Jules -

    HA! You and I think along the same lines. I have "inherited" 99% of my supplies so its always like this for me. Actually, I've taken a 12 x 12 scrapbook album and inserted paper in the seperate pages (turning each page into a pouch)- sorted by colors. So, a page with SOLID red, then the opposite side PATTERNED reds. and so on. Yes, the book is big and bulky but I keep it standing up and its so easy to find what I need.

    I'd love to join your challenge but Sundays are Church and then the afternoon I digitally design but I'll be looking to see what wonderful creations you've come up with!

    Happy Sunday to you.

    :) Barb

  6. Hiya Jules!

    Fabulous idea hun!, might have to join you on this one lol! Wow you do have alot of scraps!, it's gonna take you all year to get thro' that lot hehehe!. Look forward to seeing more, and you never know I might do the same :o)

    Hugs Vicky xx

  7. Hi Jules! You made a absolutely amazing card with your scraps! Love the sketch, gorgeous colors and those butterflies are just so beautiful!
    Some time ago I also made this challenge on my blog, I gave it the name of the scrapbox challenge but it only lasted a few weeks. I am still trying to use scraps as much as possible because I too have way too many!

  8. Beautiful card Jules, your post did make me smile. Proably because I can relate to it, all those bits and pieces. I hope you can stick to your own challenge! Sue x

  9. Great idea and your cards turned out gorgeous
    Louise xx

  10. Fab idea hun, might try it along with ya...but no promises cus Nige got me some of the most gorgeous papers from Christmas lol xx
    hope your ok
    hugs shell xx

  11. A fab idea, but I very rarely get to do much crafting the rest of the week, so I may not join in! Your card is gorgeous! Less is definitely more!

  12. Hi Jules, what a beautiful card you made with scraps! I did something similar with bits of christmas scraps left over from previous years. Then I was left with scraps of scraps that I still can't throw away! xx

  13. Well what a great Idea I have so much scrap. Your card has turned out

  14. Lovely card and great idea. I will try to join in for next week, as I have loads of offcuts of paper and card, though not quite as much as you ;)


  15. Im afraid to say weve all got bits and bobs like that, Ive got two boxes in the cupboard plus another one full of pieces of paper.
    Oh well perhaps they will get used one day or thrown away, I love your card its gorgeous, its a brilliant and fabulous design. With love and hugs Shirleyxxxxx

  16. Well I did it hun, thanks for keeping me busy on a restless early morning!

  17. he he!!!! Love your challenge...I frequently challenge myself to just use never seems to make a dent though!!!!!......I have just dragged my hubby through to look at your scraps...he always moans at mine!!! so I wanted to let him know I am not the only one! however yours seem far more organized than mine...I have all of mine shoved the a tesco bag for life!!!!

    Also your card wow wow wow!!!!!! I LOVE IT....its so so stylish everything about it is perfect!!

    Looking forward to seeing more of your scrap creations!!!

    Hugs Juls

  18. A fab card Jules, the colour combination is wonderful. Guess, I did the same thing today, with a very similar card, different clours. Will tak a picture tomorrow when the light is good.

  19. Oh Jules, this is a fabulous challenge. Such a great way to use all the scraps that just sit in a box/drawer/bin/bag ......
    The no stamping might be a hurdle, but I'll work around that.

    I will make something today and get it posted. :)
    Happy New Year Jules!!

  20. Hi Jules thanks so much for the wonderful inspiration! Your card looks wonderful, I will have to give this a go at making some cards like this. I really must use up my scraps, I'm like you and can't bear to throw them away!
    Hugs Lynsey x

  21. Hi Jules
    What a fabulous idea and a wonderful card too!
    Glad to see someone else's scrap paper collection is worse than mine! :D
    Have a fab week :)

  22. Hi Jules,

    Wow! Love the card made with scraps. Very stylish and elegant.

    Great idea about using scraps. I've just put to one side scraps of gold and silver mirri card left over from Christmas card making. There are pieces just big enough to punch out small shapes.

    Thankfully my scraps stash pales into insignificance compared to your magnificent!

    Hugs, Pauline x

  23. Hi Jules,

    Happy New Year and I am so happy that your Hubby's job is safe.

    Great card and what a fab wat to use scraps and stash that has been left behind along the way. Very elegant card.

    Love Kerry xxx

  24. Hi Jules, gorgeous card and I love how you've done the butterfly. Fab idea about using the scraps. Yours are very tidy, mine are in a box which is overflowing as I save them all. We are a frugal lot. lol.

    Donna x

  25. A wonderful card Jules. Such a wonderful idea. I will see if I can play along at some point, but my scraps aren't as organised as yours so it might take me the whole day just to find the bits I want!
    Nikki x

  26. Do love your 'scrap' card. Your storage is awesome - makes my scraps look quite puny but you have given me the incentive to take a leaf out of your book and re-use lots of them. Have heard of people who use the small pieces of ribbon to do a sort of iris folding type card with out the folding. Might be a way of using up the little bits , either that or tabs on the edge of the card. Thanks for your inspiration. x Tricia

  27. fantastic card the butterfly and gorgeous colours and papers.
    oh you are so good using up all your scraps.i always say i`ll used mine but instead i end up giving them to my little lad to play with :D

    xx coops xx

  28. Hi Jules. I've already joined in your challenge without realising!!!! I have to be honest though, your scraps are so much better than mine. I only have a plastic A4 box but it's all such a jumble it's hard to find anything. I think I may have to extend that tidying madness to my crafting!!!!
    Your card is beautiful. I love the colour combo and of course the little heart button.
    Have a good week.
    Hugs Lisax

  29. Hi Jules
    what a great idea and your card is wonderful!
    Hugs from germany Gisela

  30. Hiya Jules
    Firstly - love the card as always and secondly - what a fab idea - just might have to try and join in lol!!!
    Have a wonderful day.
    Debs xx

  31. Jules what a great idea I have stacks of paper and ribbon that have been cut into then disgarded in a box. I do try really hard to use my bits and pieces up but it isn't always that easy. Great card. Hugs Nicola xx

  32. What a great idea. That is a lot of scrap paper you have there!

  33. Your scrap pile is hysterical! It sure brought a smile to my face today! Cute card! Love those butterflies. What a great New Year's resolution: use our scraps! LOL!

  34. Hi Jules, lovely card, and a great idea - one I really need to follow too, though I have to say my scrap pile is not quite so big as yours! Not far off though. I had been thinking that this should be the year I get more old stash used up, not just paper but other bits and pieces too. Whether I will manage to do so is another matter, but I'll be sure to post it if I do! xx

  35. Oh you are so funny, Jules! I love your idea (though too difficult for me...), the rules are really nice! And your card is fantastic, I love everything about it, the colours, papers, butterfly and the layout, so clean and elegant as always:-)! Thanks for sharing your photos too:-)! Hugs Delphine xx PS: Be careful, we are all going to check next Sunday if you haven't forgotten about your rules...

  36. Brilliant idea Jules - trouble is - I try to do this and spend more time going through the bit boxes than making anything sometimes.I've got masses of pre--stamped images too as each time I start stamping always have mke a few 'spares' - just coz I like stamping.
    You've made a very elegant card with your 'bits and pieces' though.Lovely design and colour scheme.
    Beryl xx

  37. Okay - yours is worse than mine! But the funny thing is, I have almost set myself exactly the same type of challenge. No kidding! Mum and I spent about 5 hours sorting through my scraps and putting them in colour families. Prior to the sort I just had 3 thin draws full and an overflowing chair in not particular order (like a Dermot announcement). Now I have a new 10 drawer filing cabinet neatly labeled and whereas my challenge to myself is not as strict as yours nor is it day-related, I am determined to use up some of these papers. The funny thing is how now they are sorted I can see all sorts of paper combinations I had not thought of before. Good luck with your challenge Jules! Great first card - I love the design! Hugs, Lesley


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So with that bit over and done with .. .. thank you for calling by my little part of blogland. I hope that you enjoyed your visit, and if I made you smile at any point then I am well pleased.

Love Jules xx