Friday 18 March 2011


Hi Everyone

A huge thank you for all your lovely comments on my table plan yesterday.  You made me feel extra good about it.  Thank you!!!

I have had a bostin' day today and have got lots done .. .. .. I think I am nearly there!!

I still have loads of ideas in my head of things I want to do but hey .. .. this is only the first fayre .. .. I can just keep building on what I have done ready for the next.  Rome wasn't built in a day!!!

Just listing all of my wedding samples now and giving them all a reference number on a spreadsheet and printing little labels off to put on the back of my samples.  These will give the reference number and price band.  This seems to be taking longer than actually making them in the first place LOL!! 

So no time for extra makes today .. .. it has to be another wedding share.  I hope you aren't getting fed up with them?  Don't forget there are not always hearts on my wedding work :-(

Tomorrow will be the printing off of inserts to put into everything and sticking all the little labels on (once everything has been cross referenced of course LOL!!) and who knows .. .. I might even get chance to slip a few more wedding samples in alongside a haircut (should a lady call it a haircut or does it have a posh name?) and then a Chinese meal with my lovely Sis.  I wonder what we will talk about? Tee hee!!!

OK - back to my listing.

Sorry I have been such a bad blogger.  I promise I will catch up with everyone next week when this super busy and hyperactive spell is over.

I did receive one comment yesterday that really made me laugh.  One of my lovely blog buddies Di said

"Jules !! There's summat going on here! How many hours are there in your days? I'm sure there's at least 36 the amount of stuff you get done. Either that or you have a team of domestic staff we don't know about,lol."

Well I must admit I have been working very long hours .. .. getting up at daft o'clock to get any necessary housework done and then working through into the evenings .. .. but I can assure you there is no team of domestic staff .. .. as the state of my windows and messy carpets can confirm.  Lots of mess everywhere and "quick meals" all week.  

Who knows .. .. next week I might get some housework done and tonight hubby is cooking.

Woo hoo!!!!! 



  1. Another stunning sample hun! love how you have done the ribbon....might have to "borrow" that idea hehehe and again such a gorgeous font :o)

    Have a lovely evening and a fabby weekend..

    hugs Vicky xx

  2. Another gorgeous, wedding card, love love love it, so stylish, well done Jules:0) xxx

  3. What a bevvy of beautiful wedding stationery youve had on show this week Jules. They all look so elegant.

    Wishing you a fab time at the Wedding Fayre, hope you get lots of custom!

    Keryn x

  4. Pure class once again Jules! I love that method of twisting ribbon and used it on one of my DT samples last year. That soft grey is really lovely and not a colour I would have thought of using. You're going great guns my friend.

    Lesley Xx

  5. this is a beautiful invitation - love it

  6. Hi Jules, love this gorgeous invitation. Just checked out your amazing table plan. Love it, it's so elegant and the butterflies are beautiful. You really have put your heart into your new venture hun and it shows. Hope you have a lovely meal with hubby, aww bless him he's a good 'un. And as for the housework, don't worry it's not going anywhere it will wait for you, lol.

    Donna x

  7. This is very elegant and profesional Jules.I love it.

    Enjoy your fish and

  8. looks great Jules, love the way you did the ribbon!!!

  9. A very elegant design!

    Love Lynda xxx

  10. I love that comment. I feel the same way about you everytime I come by - you really are THE most prolific of my crafting buddies.
    I just LOVE the intertwined ribbons on this invitation and the coordinating mount. Just lovely! I do hope you do well at the fair! I have no doubt that there will be lots of admiration for your beautiful work! Good luck! Hugs, Lesley

  11. Hi Jules
    Oh this is so gorgeous and elegant, love how you've done the ribbon!
    Good luck for this weekend, hope you do well :)

  12. Gorgeous. This one is my favorite Jules!! I think because of the way you have twined the ribbon. It speaks like two hands appropriate for a couple to be married and in love.

    Fabulous ...


  13. It`s so beautiful:))))Love it:)))

    Hugs Jeni:)))

  14. Jules - all of your samples are gorgeous and I wish you and your sister every success at the fayre - you seem to be so organised and I'm sure your stand will look very inviting. (here's to lots of orders!!)

  15. So very stylish and elegant. Pure class. Good luck for the fayre, but I'm sure you won't need it. With such wonderful creations as these, you cannot fail to do well. xx

  16. Hi Jules thats one gorgeous Wedding Invite, simple but stunning. with hugs Shirleyx

  17. Sooooo elegant Jules! I'm really excited for you for this wedding fayre!xx

  18. Stunning, elegant and Fab sweetie, hugs pops x x x

  19. Sweetie, this is another chic, elegant creation. I am in awe of all your hard work! Thank you for sharing your creations, they are fabulous!

    luv, Mags x

  20. Another stunner, Jules, I love the two colours of ribbon and as Lynne said, it's pure class!!!
    All the luck in the world tomorrow, you deserve it and if the punters know whats good for them they'll be biting your hand of for these beauties.
    Will be thinking of you.
    Hugs Lisax

  21. another outstanding card jules.i love the classy design and the entwined ribbons are stunning :D

    xx coops xx


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So with that bit over and done with .. .. thank you for calling by my little part of blogland. I hope that you enjoyed your visit, and if I made you smile at any point then I am well pleased.

Love Jules xx