Sunday 27 March 2011


Hi Everyone

I hope you are all having a lovely weekend .. .. .. and aren't missing that hour we have had taken off us too much!!

Personally I think it is a bit much to take an hour away AND expect us to contemplate our Census Forms all on the same day!!!  LOL!!! 

So this week my personal snippet challenge has returned to its rightful day .. .. Sunday .. .. and here is what I have come up with today.

This first once was inspired by a cushion cover I saw in a department store.  The whole cushion was covered in circles of fabric stitched as I have done below.  I decided to use double sided card for mine to add some extra colour interest. 

This next one wasn't inspired by anything .. .. it was just an excuse to use up some very strange shiny pinky/peach paper that I am getting fed up of seeing in my craft pod!!!

This next one uses the lovely rosette die I got from the NEC last week .. .. and an interesting background technique where I have lots of strips of paper cut with pinking shears and stitched onto a piece of backing card.  I think it would have looked more interesting if I had used more contrasting colours .. .. but I like the finished look all the same.  You can see better how it works on the close up.

and then I made a few more rosettes .. .. .. just because I could LOL!!!

I am not going to list everything I used as it seems to go on for ever .. .. but if anyone particularly wants to know what anything is just ask and I will let you know.

Two new folk played along last week.  Lovely to see you ladies!!!

Amanda  -  who created the most gorgeous card using her snippets and a super cute image from LOTV (By the way Amanda .. ..  I am blaming you for one of my NEC purchases last week LOL!!!). 


Lisa - who didn't make one creation .. .. but two.   Both are just so lovely.

Great inspiration pieces so do make sure you pay a visit to both ladies and see their wonderful work.

I now have a pile of shirts that I need to magically transform into wearable items for the coming week .. .. phew!!  A woman's work is never done!!  (Notice my priorities though .. .. snippets before ironing LOL!!).

Have a lovely evening everyone and if you fancy playing along at any time over the next week then just link below so we can all come and have a little look at how your snippets have been utilised.



  1. Absolutely stunning snippets this week

  2. I love your rosettes! Where did the die come from?

  3. Just soooo gorgeous Jules! love all your fabulous creations hun...and those rosettes are brill..need one of those dies lol.

    have a great evening, hugs Vicky xx

  4. Hi Jules you amaze me... on how you use up your scraps and make such beautiful cards with them - maybe l should try sometime x Susan x

  5. Such lovely cards and a great way to use up all your bits!! I would never have thought that though as each one is just beautiful and I love your rosettes! Chanelle xxx

  6. Wow Jules, these are all so gorgeous!! Can't pick a favourite at all. Love the rosettes! xx

  7. Hi Jules, thanks for the comment hun, seems it's blogger at fault but my laptop is full of rubbish so it's having a clean up at the mo. Love your gorgeous snippets especially the first one. So effective. I am loving these rosettes too. They are very pretty.
    Good luck with the ironing, so glad you got your priorities straight otherwise we might have missed the snippets. :o)

    Donna x

  8. awesome snippets Jules, really love them all, inspired ideas!

    Loving the medallion die, I got it out for a tag I did last night too! ;-)

  9. Once again you have made lovely creations with your snippets, Jules and you have had your sewing machine out too which is great. Mine is such a heavy old one and its downstairs where as snippets are up stairs that I never think of using it. Love those rosettes.
    x Tricia

  10. Ooooo you've been busy! Love the rosettes... and you BOUGHT at the NEC? How surprising!!! LOL
    The spotty card with the strange pink paper is fab Jules.... they're all lovely but I have a 'thing' for dots!x

  11. Wow Jules loveing that creation with the pinky/peach flowers, really pretty.

    OK girly, I was reading this post about 30 minutes ago and saw the census bit and thought i'd better do this while i'm watching dancing on ice or i'll foget to do it. So thank you Jules for the reminder. Didn't think it was going to be as long though.

    Happy crafting
    Tracy x

  12. As always your snippit Sunday is amazing!!!! Loving the first card, the circles look fabulous.... so very creative!!! Hugs juls

  13. Very nice cards once again, Jules! I love all the different birthday fonts too. Number 3 is my favorite, though. Very unique, very powerful card! :-)

  14. How lovely Jules, love all three, you really are into these rosettes now, you've got quite a production line going, don't blame you though as they are lovely, so effective.
    Hugs Jacee

  15. Wonderful snippet creations Jules. I love the circles on the first and the sewn strips are fab on the third, but my favourite is the second as I love the colours.

    Nikki x

  16. Brilliant snippet cards and now you have a tonne of rosettes to play with too! Very insprirational. I TRIED to join in with Snippets Sunday, but if you've seen my Sunday post, you'll know I was having a tantrum over another card. Then my snippets one was rubbish, so I gave up for the day. But I AM planning to join in, honest!

    Hugs, Sandra

  17. Hi Jules what gorgeous flowers and the cards are simple but absolutely stunning. With hugs Shirleyxxxxxxxxxx

  18. Lovely Jules. I see you have a linky. I will definitely get something posted before the weekend .... maybe even two things.
    I worked on some piecing last night but haven't actually finished the card; now I'm inspired.
    Hugs to you.

  19. Hi Jules

    Your snippets are all lovely - must try and join you in this challenge...


  20. Gorgeous cards Jules loving the rosettes and those pink shiny flowers the strips of ric rac paper look great.
    Lorraine x

  21. Just posted that scrap technique I sent you, but as always I had to change it up and do it my own way and mad eit different again, LOL. But linkied above ;-)

    can't wait to see you try it


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So with that bit over and done with .. .. thank you for calling by my little part of blogland. I hope that you enjoyed your visit, and if I made you smile at any point then I am well pleased.

Love Jules xx