Sunday 20 March 2011


Hi Everyone

What a brilliant day today has been .. .. far, far better than my Sis and I ever imagined.

Picture a gorgeous hotel with a beautiful conservatory in the middle of the most well kept grounds .. .. and we are in the conservatory.

The weather is glorious and we had a steady stream of the most lovely people visit our stand.  Not just prospective customers but the people from the other displays too.

Once we were all set up (which took exactly an hour from pulling up in the car park to being happy with our display) we wandered around to see what everyone else was offering.

We had agreed from the start that we were just going to be ourselves and people liked us or they didn't (but I just cannot imagine anyone not loving my Sis .. .. she is just wonderful).  We stood and chatted with most of the stands before visitors arrived and admitted to about three that it was our first Wedding Fayre and we were given lots of useful advise and told not to worry if people didn't place orders on the day .. .. they often come later.  Everyone was just so helpful and caring and then partway through the day people came to visit our stand to see how we were doing and if things were going OK.  We admitted to the organisers that it was "our first time" and it caused great amusement and we were Christened  "Wedding Fayre Virgins" for the day LOL!!

Here is one of our photographs .. .. not brilliant but it lets you see some of our wares "before play commenced".  I am hoping my lovely Sis has some good photographs too as her camera is "much posher than what mine is! LOL!!!

This is just one small corner of our display.

The sample table plan I did was a great success and seemed to draw people to our display and there was lots of interest in that.

We have met the most lovely couples and they stayed and chatted with us for ages. 

Quite a few samples now need to be made and posted out and we received some lovely comments.  A thoroughly enjoyable day and one we can't wait to repeat again in November. 

It was great to talk with the young couples and hear all of their lovely ideas.  All so very different and colour schemes and ideas that have never even crossed our minds.  Very inspirational and we are buzzing!!

We came home so tired but didn't realise how tired until we sat down. 

My aching legs have been soaked in a lovely hot bath and I am now going to sit and do absolutely nothing until tomorrow .. .. and then I will be tidying up, ordering card and goodies for samples that don't fit in with colour schemes I have already worked to, playing with snippets and ironing shirts .. .. poor hubby is down to his last one!!  What a bad wife!!

Thank you to everyone for all of the lovely messages, comments on the revealing of our websites and the good luck messages I received over the course of today.  You are such a lovely gang of blog buddies and gave us both a lovely boost ahead of our exciting adventure.

See you all tomorrow.



  1. I had no doubt that things would go well for you and your Sis,I am so happy for you Jules.

    Put your feet up you deserve

  2. Hi Jules, What a perfect day you've both had. Your samples are amazing and I'm not surprised a bit that you were so popular. How lovely to spend it with you sis too. Well done to you both.

    Donna x

  3. Well done to both of you. We all knew you would pull it off.
    Lynne xxx

  4. Hi Jules, I wondered if you'd manage to get on here tonight. Have been thinking about you today and I'm so glad it went well! Your table looks fab! The colour scheme thing has got me intrigued; I think the most unusual one I've seen was lime green and black - it was lovely though. All this and you iron your hubbies shirts too!! Do you iron your Wonderwoman outfit too, lol!! xx

  5. Terrific!! I'm so glad you and your Sis had a good day - you certainly deserved to, your creations are beautiful!

    I hope you're having a nice, relaxing evening.

    luv, Mags x

  6. Jules I'm so sorry I wasn't around to wish you good luck yesterday. For some reason I was thinking the fayre was next weekend and haven't been online for a couple of days either.

    Your photo looks lovely and your products stunning. I love your Sis's bags too and I'm sure you will have people coming back to you after the weekend.

    I've been and had a look at your websites too .......... very classy indeed both of them. I wish you both all the luck in the world. You deserve it.

    Lesley Xx

  7. I'm so pleased you had such a good day. Judging by the photo you had lots of lovely goodies on display. Tracey x

  8. I'm so glad you both had a lovely day and it sounds very successful. Well done. Your display looks wonderful - no wonder people wanted to order from you as your samples are gorgeous.
    Nikki x

  9. I'm so glad it all went well for you, Jules. It sounds like a great day and I hope you get loads of orders. Your work is stunning and your diplay shows it all off beautifully.
    I hope you take a few days off, or a bit quieter at any rate.
    Hugs Lisax

  10. Oh Jules I'm so pleased for you and your Sis! your table looks gorgeous and so does your new website..Good luck hun and have a good rest tonight :o)

    hugs Vicky xx

  11. Hi Jules, so glad you had a good day, I'm sure the orders will come rolling in soon:0) xxx

  12. So glad your first fayre went well Jules. Now your first one is out of the way you will be promoted from wedding fayre virgin to wedding fayre tart :))

    I did one last month and have another next month.

  13. Glad you had an enjoyable 'first' day.
    Just catching up and the pictures of the Wedding stationery look fabulous! I'm sure you will be a big success.
    Avril x

  14. So glad it went well for you both, Jules, you certainly deserved it to. Would love to see more photos of your beautiful display. Your websites look superb. Hope you get chance for a bit of a rest after all your hard work, before the orders come rolling in! xx

  15. looks awesome, sounds like a terrific day was had!

    Hope you get many orders, and do well, those are beautiful invites and bags to match! The turquose blue really catches my eye with the bag that matches, if I ever get hitched I'll know who to call and what I want ;-) hehee

  16. wow jules it sounds as if you had an amazing day and the table looks absoulutely stunning full of lovelies made by you and your sis! hugs Lou xxx

  17. So glad everything went well and far better than expected what a great first time!!! the tables look fabulous and your displays looks so gorgeous!! Can't wait to see more pictures. Love Chanelle xxxx

  18. So glad you had a fab day - the orders will come rolling in I'm sure! Your table looks wonderful.

    Love Lynda xxx

  19. Hi Jules

    So pleased to hear that you had a good day - your stand looks stunning (can't wait to see more piccies! nudge, nudge your sis!) You will have to keep us all posted as to how you both get on...

    For now take care and have a well deserved rest!



  20. Sounds like a very successful day Jules, hope you get lots of orders rolling in :o) Your table display looks fab. Lisa x

  21. Hi Jules,

    I have been having a good nosey at everything you have been up to since I have been away...such fabulous creations...especially your snippit cards on Sunday!! So glad your wedding fayre went well...your display looks stunning!!

    Hugs Juls

  22. Hi Jules
    I'm really glad your day went well, sounds like you had fun and your display looked fabulous too. Hope your're well rested :)

  23. Oh wow, Jules. I've just had a look at your website- your wedding invites are absolutely beautiful!!!! Such a gorgeous range of invites and I LOVE how you've photographed them with all the little added extras. It looks wonderful. I'm so glad you did well at your stall, you thoroughly deserve it. Wishing you lots of orders!! xxxx

  24. Your display looks great Jules, beautiful work, and I'm not in the least bit surprised that you had a good day, I just knew you would do well.
    Hugs Jacee

  25. Hi Jules,

    I am glad you had a great day!

    I have just checked out your new website and it is fab, very eye catching and the designs are so classy!

    Good luck!

    Love Kerry xxx

  26. Hello Jules,

    Oh what a busy time you have had but I am sure you both enjoyed every single minute of it.

    I smiled at you two being the WFV's! How very lovely that so many were caring and looked after you!

    Your photo is fab but only when youve been to both of your sites do you get the real feel for your work.
    Two absolutely stunning sites, I wish you both all the very best of luck with your new ventures, I know how much heart and soul youve poured in to it.

    Enjoy a more sedate week, you deserve a bit of a rest (you'll need to look up that word in the dictionary Jules!!)

    Keryn x

  27. Hi Jules, I have so enjoyed reading your post it all sounds quite wonderful and a fabulous experience for both you and your sister. I am so glad that things went well and wishing lots of luck for the next one.
    Lorraine x


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So with that bit over and done with .. .. thank you for calling by my little part of blogland. I hope that you enjoyed your visit, and if I made you smile at any point then I am well pleased.

Love Jules xx