Thursday 7 April 2011


Oh dear - I have no internet connection at all!!

Hubby promises me he has paid the bill LOL!!

Have managed to do this very basic post from my phone (hopefully).

If I am not around you know why!!

Love and sulks
Jules xx


  1. Aww! Hun, hope you get it sorted soon.:o(

    Donna x

  2. oh no jules!!!! i hope you get your internet sorted soon.i`ll miss your fab posts :D

    xx coops xx

  3. I was thinking if you got no net connection how are you doing this? LOL

    But I see, sorry to hear, not good to be off the Net, makes us addictive types go a little balmy! (is that the right use of that word? lol)

    Get creating and will see your stuff soon! xoxo.

  4. Aaarrrgh . . . I sympathise. Hope you're up and running again soon.

    Hugs, Sandra

  5. Oh no, hope you get it sorted soon! Lisa x

  6. Oh no!! Hope you get it sorted soon - I love your cards and my daughter always looks for the heart. Fingers crossed its sorted soon xx


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Love Jules xx